WWE Bash In Berlin Results 8/31 - Drew McIntyre Vs. CM Punk In A Strap Match, Three Titles To Be Defended

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for WWE Bash In Berlin on August 31, 2024, coming to you live from the Uber Arena in Berlin, Germany at a special main show start time of 1 PM ET!

Drew McIntyre will be colliding with CM Punk in a rematch from WWE SummerSlam earlier this month, but unlike the last time they competed against one another in the squared circle, tonight it will be in a Four Corners Strap Match. McIntyre was ultimately the one who emerged victorious in their last in-ring encounter, but his only furthered the exasperation of Punk and contributed to the ever-mounting tensions between the two men resulting in a number of verbal and physical altercations between the pair in the weeks since the Cleveland Premium Live Event.


Cody Rhodes will be putting the Undisputed WWE Championship on the line as he defends against his friend Kevin Owens. Rhodes granted Owens a shot at his title on the August 9 edition of "WWE SmackDown" as a means of showing his appreciation for his aid in recent memory, and while Owens initially was hesitant to accept feeling as though he didn't deserve it, "SmackDown" General Manager Nick Aldis made the match official later that same night.

Two other championships will be on the line, as GUNTHER defends the World Heavyweight Championship for the first time on television against Randy Orton. "The Ring General" and "The Viper" have come face-to-face with one another in a series of verbal exchanges and messages they've sent to one another over the last few weeks, culminating this past Monday when the latter reflected on his previous reigns as World Heavyweight Champion and shared his confidence over beating the former.


Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair look to regain the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship tonight as they challenge The Unholy Union's Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn. The four women have previously met one another for the titles on a couple of occasions, with Fyre and Dawn dethroning Cargill and Belair at WWE Clash At The Castle back in June, and Cargill and Belair later being unable to win them back on the August 2 episode of "SmackDown" when Blair Davenport interfered on behalf of Fyre and Dawn.

Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio will also be going head-to-head with Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest in a Mixed Tag Team Match. Ripley and Priest have been looking to seek their retribution on Morgan, Mysterio, and the rest of Judgment Day ever since SummerSlam when Dominik aligned with Morgan by betraying Ripley to cost her the Women's World Championship and Finn Balor cost Priest his World Heavyweight Championship later that night. Since then, Ripley, Priest, and Judgment Day have found themselves involved in a number of physical confrontations with one another in the ring including this past Monday on "WWE Raw" when Priest and Ripley took out Carlito and JD McDonagh with a South Of Heaven and a Rip Tide respectively on them following Judgment Day's win over LWO in an Eight Man Tag Team Match.


Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Kevin Owens for the Undisputed WWE Championship

The bell rings and the two men shake hands with one another. They then lock up, and Owens cinches in a front face lock on Rhodes. Rhodes escapes and cinches in a side headlock on Owens, but Owens returns the favor. He then lands a shoulder tackle on Rhodes, and the pair stare one another down.


Owens delivers a second shoulder tackle to Rhodes, then sets up for the Cody Cutter. Owens sees him coming, and the two stare each other down once again. Rhodes looks to land a springboard crossbody, but Owens avoids it and connects with a senton. Rhodes sets up for a Cross-Rhodes, but Owens escapes and looks to hit a Stunner. Rhodes avoids it, but Owens shoves him.

Rhodes dumps Owens out of the ring and looks to landa tope suicida, but Owens sees him coming and sends him crashing into the ring apron spine first. He then delivers a senton to Rhodes off the apron and dumps him back in the ring, but Rhodes intercepts him with a Disaster Kick before he can join him and follows it up with a tope suicida.


Rhodes dumps Owens back in the ring and goes for a pin, but Owens quickly kicks out. He locks in a submission to wear down Owens' shoulder, but Owens rolls over to the bottom rope to break the hold. Rhodes then delivers a knee to Owens' midsection, but Owens lands a chop on him.

Rhodes responds with a dropkick and cinches in a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Owens escapes and sends Rhodes crashing into the barricade on the outside shoulder first. He follows it up with a splash off the apron, then dumps Rhodes back inside the ring and goes for a pin. Rhodes kicks out. Owens then lands a Side Russian Leg Sweep on Rhodes, but Rhodes responds with a pair of Mongolian Chops. Owens levels Rhodes with a clothesline, but Rhodes responds with a Disaster Kick and goes for a pin. Owens kicks out.

Rhodes sets up for the Cody Cutter, but Owens sees him coming and delivers a German suplex. He follows it up with a superkick, but Rhodes catches him with the Cody Cutter and goes for a pin. Owens kicks out and exchanges forearms with Rhodes, and the pair teeter on the ropes before Owens connects with a rolling driver to Rhodes. He goes for a pin, but Rhodes kicks out and looks to land a Disaster Kick. Owens avoids it, but Rhodes manages to hit Cross-Rhodes and goes for a pin. Owens kicks out.


Rhodes and Owens teeter on the ropes once again, and Owens delivers an avalanche Brainbuster to Rhodes. He goes for a pin, but Rhodes kicks out. Owens and Rhodes then fire off right hands on one another and Rhodes ascends to the top, but his injured knee from the Live Events on the weekend gives out. Owens considers delivering a chop block to it, but decides against it and tells the referee to check on Rhodes.

The pair brawl on the outside, and Rhodes rolls up Owens. Owens kicks out and lands a Stunner, then goes for a pin but Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes responds with a pair of Cross-Rhodes and looks to lands a third, but Owens escapes and delivers a second Stunner. He goes for another pin, but Rhodes kicks out. Owens ascends to the top rope and looks to land a Swanton Bomb, but Rhodes gets his knees up and delivers a third Cross-Rhodes for the win.

Winner (and still): Cody Rhodes

After the match, Rhodes offers his hand to Owens to help him up. Owens avoids taking it, resting his head on the top rope as he reflects on what just happened. He then hugs Rhodes and holds up his hand as a show of respect.

Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair then make their way down to the ring. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn follow.


Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn (c) vs. Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship

The bell rings and Dawn and Fyre surround Belair in the ring. Cargill joins Belair, and the pair go after Dawn and Fyre. Cargill lands a backbreaker on Dawn, and Belair connects with a gutbuster on Fyre. She fires off stomps on her in the corner, then tags in Cargill. Cargill follows suit and tags Belair back in before Belair delivers a delayed vertical suplex to Fyre and rains down right hands on her in the corner. Dawn gets in Belair's face from the apron, opening the door for Fyre to trip her and deliver a knee to her midsection. She sends Belair crashing into the ring post, but Cargill gets in Dawn's face on the apron. Fyre blindsides her with a tope suicida.


Dawn gets Belair back in the ring and goes for a pin, but Belair kicks out. Fyre tags in and double teams on Belair with Dawn, then trips her into the ropes and tags in Dawn. Dawn delivers a running knee to Belair from the apron, then wears her down with a submission hold.

Fyre tags back in and lands a stomp on Belair's spine, then connects with a right hand to it. She whips Belair into the corner and fires off a few stomps on her. Dawn tags in and follows suit, then double teams on Belair with Dawn in the corner as the referee is distracted by Cargill (who is upset with the fact that Fyre used her as a launching pad to deliver a Tornado DDT to Belair).

Belair hits a back suplex on Dawn, then tags in Cargill. Cargill levels Fyre and Dawn with a series of clotheslines, then lands a spinebuster on Dawn and a Fallaway Slam on Fyre. Cargill delivers a superkick to Dawn, then tags in Belair. Fyre and Dawn connect with the Gory Bomb-flatliner combination before Belair is pinned. Cargill breaks the fall, and Fyre looks to level her with a Tornado DDT using Belair as a launching pad. Cargill and Belair avoid it and send Fyre crashing into the mat, and Cargill then sends Belair crashing into Fyre.


Belair gets Dawn up for the KOD, but Fyre saves Dawn. Dawn then tags in and holds Belair in place for Fyre to deliver a Swanton Bomb off the top. Cargill pulls Belair out of the way, and Belair hands Fyre over to her. Cargill sends Fyre crashing into the apron as Dawn rolls up Belair in the ring. Cargill tags in, and Belair delivers a spinebuster to Dawn. Cargill and Belair then deliver an assisted German suplex to Dawn, and Cargill pins her for the win.

Winners (and new): Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair

Drew McIntyre then makes his way down to the ring. CM Punk follows.

Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk in a Four Corners Strap Match

As Punk poses on the apron, McIntyre clocks him from behind and fires off right hands on him. He sends him crashing into the ring steps, then sends him crashing into the German announce desk midsection first and takes off his shirt. He connects with a chop on Punk and dumps him in the ring, then rains down right hands on him. The referee pulls McIntyre off Punk, and Punk grabs the strap he was holding as he checks on Punk. McIntyre then lashes Punk across the spine with the strap and places it on his wrist, then continues lashing Punk with it and places the strap on his wrist.


The bell rings and McIntyre fires off a stomp on Punk's head, he connects with a chop, then lashes Punk across the chest with the strap and lands a Russian Leg Sweep. He continues lashing Punk with the strap across his spine, then delivers a chop to his chest. Punk connects with a GTS on McIntyre, then considers touching one of the corners. He opts against it to continue beating down McIntyre, then lashes him with the strap and hits a neckbreaker.

McIntyre rolls out of the ring, but Punk sends him crashing into the ring apron midsection first and looks to grab something from under the ring. McIntyre clocks him from behind to prevent him from doing so, then sends Punk crashing onto the English announce desk and joins him up there. Punk counters with a back body drop to McIntyre and lashes him with the strap across his midsection, but McIntyre grabs a chair and dumps it in the ring. He then fires off chops on Punk's chest and bodyslams him into the chair before firing off right hands and headbutts on him.


McIntyre sets the chair up between the middle and top turnbuckles, but Punk blindsides him with a jumping knee and follows it up with a Bulldog. Punk sends McIntyre crashing into the ring post face first, then grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up on the outside. McIntyre intercepts Punk with a Claymore Kick, then touches three of the corners. Punk keeps him from touching the fourth one by sending him crashing into the chair in the corner, then touches three of the corners. McIntyre keeps him from touching the fourth one, then sends him crashing through the table set up on the outside.

McIntyre drags Punk back into the ring and gets him up on one shoulder. He touches three of the corners, but Punk escapes and prevents him from touching the fourth. Punk then locks in a Sharpshooter on McIntyre and McIntyre taps out, but it doesn't count and Punk releases the hold. He then touches two of the corners, but McIntyre hits a neckbreaker and takes out Punk's bracelet with his wife and dog's name on it. He places it on his wrist and delivers a Claymore Kick, then touches three of the corners. Punk lands a pair of Go To Sleeps on McIntyre, then touches two of the corners. He lands a third GTS and touches the third corner, then lands a fourth GTS and takes back his bracelet before touching the fourth corner.


Winner: CM Punk

Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio then make their way down to the ring. Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest follow.

Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio vs. Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest in a Mixed Tag Team Match

Priest and Dominik begin the action. The bell rings and Dominik fires off strikes on him. Priest fires off clotheslines on Dominik in the corner, then connects with a back elbow and follows it up with a big boot. Ripley and Morgan tag in, and Ripley blindsides Morgan with a dropkick after she gets in Priest's face. She connects with a shoulder on her midsection, then rains down right hands on her and follows it up with a delayed vertical suplex. Dominik checks on Morgan, but Priest drags him inside the ring as he is now the legal man.


Priest clotheslines Dominik out of the ring, then sends him crashing into the ring apron face first and dumps him back in the ring. Morgan distracts Priest, and Dominik pushes him into the announce desk face first. He then sends him colliding into the ring steps and dumps him back into the ring. Morgan takes a cheap shot at Priest from the apron.

Priest rocks Dominik with a forearm, then connects with a Tornado DDT and goes for a pin. Priest kicks out, and Morgan takes another cheap shot at him on the outside. Ripley and Morgan then tag in, and Ripley runs over Morgan with a series of clotheslines. She follows it up with a dropkick and a German suplex, then rocks her with a running knee. Dominik looks to hug Ripley, but Ripley runs him over with a pair of clotheslines and locks him in a submission.


Ripley connects with a dropkick on Morgan, then looks to land Rip Tide on Dominik. Morgan saves Dominik, then delivers a backstabber to Ripley and follows it up with a jumping knee in the corner. She sends Ripley crashing into the mat and goes for a pin, but Ripley kicks out. Priest and Dominik tag in, and Priest fires off a series of strikes on Dominik. He lands a back elbow and a flatliner on Dominik, then delivers a Mongolian Chop to him as Ripley goes the same to Morgan. Ripley and Priest then deliver a double Razor's Edge to Morgan and Dominik before Ripley dumps Morgan out of the ring and Priest sets up for South of Heaven.

JD McDonagh and Carlito appear at ringside, but Priest and Ripley take them down. Balor surprises Priest with a Sling Blade, opening the door for Dominik to dial it up for a 619 and a splash on Priest. He goes for a pin, but Dominik kicks out. Morgan and Ripley tag in, and Morgan delivers a tope suicida to Ripley in the ring. She gets her back in the ring and looks to land Oblivion, but Ripley counters into a backbreaker. McDonagh distracts Ripley, but Priest levels him on the outside and Dominik gets him up on the announce desk. Dominik charges at Priest, but Priest flips him inside out with a clothesline on top of the announce desk. An enraged Morgan stares down Priest, but Priest tells her to turn around. When she does, Ripley is waiting with a headbutt and Rip Tide for the win.


Winners: Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest

Randy Orton then makes his way down to the ring. GUNTHER follows.

GUNTHER (c) vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. They take turns wearing one another down with submission holds, but GUNTHER fires off chops and delivers a neck crank to Orton. GUNTHER hits another chop on Orton, then levels him with a second one and sends him crashing into the ring steps. Orton then sends GUNTHER crashing into the ring steps and sends him repeatedly colliding into the announce desk.


Orton wears down GUNTHER's arm, and the pair get back inside the ring. Orton connects with a Fallaway Slam and goes for a pin, but GUNTHER kicks out and the two look to level one another with clotheslines. He catches GUNTHER with a powerslam, then sets up for a hanging DDT. GUNTHER escapes and Orton fires off right hands on him on the top rope, then lands a superplex on him.

GUNTHER and Orton then fire off right hands on one another, but Orton lands a hanging DDT on GUNTHER. He looks to follow it up with an RKO, but GUNTHER counters into another move and delivers a missile dropkick. He ascends to the top and hits a splash, then goes for a pin but Orton kicks out. GUNTHER runs over Orton with a clothesline, then looks to send him crashing into the mat. Orton prevents him from doing so, but GUNTHER connects with a powerbomb. Orton lands an RKO and goes for a pin, but GUNTHER kicks out.


Orton clears the German announce desk, then pulls one of the ring steps out of the corner and drags it over to the German announce desk. GUNTHER fires off a right hand on him, but Orton sends him crashing on top of the ring steps before he sends him crashing repeatedly into the English announce desk face first. He sends GUNTHER's head bouncing off the ring steps several times and drags him up them, then sends GUNTHER crashing through the German announce desk.

Orton dumps GUNTHER back inside the ring and sets up for an RKO. Unlike the vast majority of times Orton lands the move, it doesn't come out of nowhere as GUNTHER sees him coming and sends him crashing into the mat. GUNTHER then locks in a Sleeper on Orton and rains down Hammer and Anvil elbows on him. Orton escapes the hold by sending GUNTHER crashing into the mat spine first. GUNTHER locks in the submission hold once again and fires off more Hammer and Anvil elbows on him. Orton fades, and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner (and still): GUNTHER

After the match, GUNTHER and Orton shake hands with one another and GUNTHER stands tall with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist as the show goes off the air.

