Dave Meltzer Discusses Reports About WWE Performance Center, Las Vegas

Earlier this week, conflicting information emerged regarding the future of the WWE Performance Center, and its potential relocating to Las Vegas, Nevada. While reports initially indicated the move was set to happen, and had been revealed in a meeting led by TKO President and COO Mark Shapiro, those within WWE later denied a move was happening, stating that Shapiro only indicated that a PC move to Vegas was possible, but currently not in the cards.


On Thursday morning's "Wrestling Observer Radio," Dave Meltzer provided more information to the conflicting accounts. Saying that the move was or wasn't happening depending on who in WWE one spoke to, Meltzer stated that "someone important in WWE" had told him the move to Vegas was a go. However, Meltzer was also told that a move to Vegas didn't mean the Performance Center in Orlando would shut down, suggesting WWE would continue with two PC's.

Whatever is going on, Meltzer noted that only a few people in WWE are aware of the promotion's plans. Meltzer himself believes that the move will eventually happen, citing talk of a move over the last few months, as well as Vegas' growing reputation as a strong sports market. Vegas is also the home base for WWE's sister promotion, UFC; the UFC Apex arena had previously hosted NXT Battleground this past June.


In other potential Performance Center news, Meltzer had an update on the long-rumored "NXT Europe." And it wasn't a positive update, as Meltzer stated he was hearing less about the potential brand then he had a year ago, and believed that the idea for it had been scrapped. "NXT Europe" was expected to be the successor to "NXT UK," which ran from October 2018 until shutting down in September 2022.

