Eric Bischoff Unfavorably Compares AEW Boss Tony Khan To Dixie Carter

Former WCW Senior Vice President Eric Bischoff has never been shy with his critical feelings about AEW and its CEO, Tony Khan, and Khan's recent statements on the lucrative financial future of AEW has drawn the ire of "Easy E" once again. 


"It's all bulls***," Bischoff said on "83 Weeks," "I don't think that Tony Khan is intentionally misleading people, and there's a fine line between 'great promotion' and misleading, you gotta be careful. But again, it's the boy that has cried wolf so many times and failed to show up ... You can only cry wolf so many times and then show up with stray dogs and expect people to get excited about your s***." 

Bischoff then brought up a conversation with Bill Goldberg and recalled an observation the former WCW Heavyweight Champion made about Khan and TNA Wrestling's former president, Dixie Carter.

"You don't have to spend a lot of time with either one to know what motivates them, and that's attention," Bischoff said. "That's the one thing that Dixie Carter and Tony Khan really have in common, and it's a dominant part of their personality at least when they're in their wrestling environment, is the need for attention supersedes the need for logic."


Despite his criticisms, Bischoff showed optimism towards AEW's new rumored TV deal.

"I think they'll probably get one," he said. "I've never been on the mindset that they're done, they're never gonna get another TV deal with Warner Brothers. I've never, ever said that and I challenge anybody to find even a clip of me saying something like that within the context of the conversation." 

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "83 Weeks" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

