AEW Dynamite Results 8/28 - Ricochet Faces Kyle Fletcher, Jamie Hayter Takes On Harley Cameron & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dynamite" on August 28, 2024, coming to you live from the State Farm Center in Champaign, Illinois!

The events from AEW All In will surely be felt tonight, as Jamie Hayter will be competing in her first match since May 28, 2023 when Double or Nothing as she goes head-to-head with The Outcasts' Harley Cameron. Cameron will surely be looking for retribution tonight after Hayter made her long awaited return to AEW at Wembley Stadium interrupted Cameron's stablemate Saraya on the Zero Hour Pre-Show and attacked several of her family members and friends.


Ricochet will be colliding with The Don Callis Family's Kyle Fletcher in what will be the former's inaugural singles match in AEW. Although he ultimately came up short to Christian Cage, Ricochet made his debut this past Sunday as a surprise entrant in the Casino Gauntlet Match vying for a shot at the AEW World Championship.

Speaking of the AEW World Championship, Bryan Danielson put an end to Swerve Strickland's 126 reign as titleholder in London, England when he dethroned him in a Title vs. Career Match as his wife Brie Bella and children cheered him on from ringside. Following weeks of speculation as to what comes next for him in his career, Danielson looks to provide some answers as he appears on tonight's show with something on his mind to share.


Danielson wasn't the only person to win a title on Sunday, as four other stars became champions including Mariah May. "The Glamour" dethroned former ally Toni Storm as AEW Women's World Champion, and while she commemorated her victory with her home country crowd on Sunday, she looks to keep the party going as she appears on tonight's show.

Additionally, after losing the FTW Championship to HOOK at All In, Chris Jericho will be joining forces with Roderick Strong of the Undisputed Kingdom, Big Bill and Bryan Keith to square off with him and The Conglomeration's Kyle O'Reilly, Mark Briscoe, and Orange Cassidy in an All-Star Eight Man Tag Team Match. "Hangman" Adam Page also looks to redeem himself after he came up short in the aforementioned Casino Gauntlet Match as he goes one-on-one with Tomohiro Ishii.

We are live! Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as Jon Moxley makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From Jon Moxley

Schiavone stands in the ring and says it's great to see Moxley for the first time since AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door. He asks how Moxley has been, and Moxley says he has some things that need to be done. He says he came to "Dynamite" looking to have a conversation with a man who is everything like him, then tells Darby Allin that he won't be hard to find. He then makes it clear to Allin that this isn't his company anymore.


We then head backstage to The Conglomeration, HOOK, and Willow Nightingale. Nightingale reveals that she has chosen to face Kris Statlander in a Chicago Street Fight at AEW All Out for the CMLL World Women's Championship.

Back at ringside, "Hangman" Adam Page makes his way down to the ring. Tomohiro Ishii follows.

Adam Page vs. Tomohiro Ishii

The bell rings and the pair fire off forearms on one another. Page looks to level Ishii with a shoulder tackle, but Ishii stays standing on his feet and levels Page with one of his own. Page and Ishii then go back and forth landing chops on one another.


Back from the break, Page takes down Ishii with a clothesline on the apron. He follows it up with a DDT and dumps Ishii back inside the ring, then ascends to the top rope and delivers a clothesline. He goes for a pin, but Ishii kicks out. Page then wears Ishii's ankle down with a submission, but Ishii makes it over to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Page fires off right hands on Ishii, but Ishii levels Page with one of his own and follows it up with a back suplex. He goes for a pin, but Page kicks out. Ishii connects with a splash on Page in the corner, and the pair teeter on the ropes before Ishii lands a superplex and goes for a pin. Page kicks out, then lands a Death Valley Driver on Ishii. Ishii returns the favor with a suplex.


Back from another break, Ishii connects with an enzuigiri on Page. Page sets up for a Deadeye on him, but Ishii escapes. Page sets up for a Buckshot Lariat, but Ishii sees him coming and delivers a Deadeye. He follows it up with a clothesline and goes for a pin, but Page kicks out.

Ishii sets up for a vertical suplex on Page, but Page escapes and Ishii flips him inside out with a clothesline. Page returns the favor and the two look to level each other with clotheslines. Page lands one on Ishii, then follows it up with the Deadeye and the Buckshot Lariat for the win.

Winner: "Hangman" Adam Page

After the match, Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana make their way down to the ring. He and Page stare one another down before Strickalnd says he came down to the ring to look Page in the eye and tell him that he feels sorry from him. He says Page keeps inching further and further away from success, then says while he may no longer be the AEW World Champion, he will always be a World Champion. Page tells Strickland that he's not a World Champion, but rather a piece of s***. He tells Strickland that he's not as good as him, seeing as he could never beat him without any help. Page then says he wants to see Strickland on his knees.


Strickland challenges Page to a Steel Cage match at All Out. Strickland recalls driving to Page's house and seeing him escort his pregnant wife to the hospital, and says that's when he realized that was who Page was supposed to be. He says while he's been otherwise occupied with the AEW World Championship, Page has been focused on him. Strickland explains that he challenged Page to remind the world what he's about, then says Page's career is going up in flames. He asks him what kind of man he'll be in the Steel Cage and what kind of man he'll show his kids who he is. Page then slides out of the ring and heads to the back, not responding to Strickland's challenge.

Back from the break, Jamie Hayter makes her way down to the ring. Harley Cameron and Saraya follow.

Jamie Hayter vs. Harley Cameron (w/ Saraya)

The bell rings and Cameron clocks Hayter from behind. Hayter fires off stomps on her in the corner, She whips Cameron into the corner, then rains down right hands on her and looks to send her crashing into the corner. Cameron escapes and sends Hayter crashing into the corner, then looks to land a springboard Bulldog. Hayter avoids it and sends Cameron crashing into the mat. Cameron rolls out of the ring, and Saraya checks on her. Hayter stares her down, then gets Cameron back in the ring. Cameron looks for Sole Food, but Hayter responds with three backbreakers and the Hayter Line for the win.


Winner: Jamie Hayter

After the match, Saraya throws Cameron in Hayter's direction as a means of a distraction to escape through the crowd.

Back from the break, MJF makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From MJF

MJF says he's in a tremendous amount of pain right now after All In, then warns the audience about being loud unless they want to receive a beating. He grabs onto his neck wrapped up in KT Tape, then says he lost the International Championship, "Dynamite" Diamond Ring, and herniated two disks in his spine on Sunday. He then formally denounces his American citizenship and says he's sick of the lies. He says AEW would be a circus without him, then addresses Will Ospreay. He says everyone knows that he had Ospreay beat and he had to cheat to regain the International Championship. He says their issues are far from over.


MJF then addresses Daniel Garcia and tells him not to show his face in AEW ever again. Garcia then appears behind MJF and clocks him, then rains down right hands on MJF and sets up for a Tombstone. He decides to take it one step further, then sits MJF on the top rope and looks to land a Tombstone off the ropes, but security runs down to the ring before he can. MJF then blindsides Garcia from behind and rains down right hands on him. He fires off stomps on Garcia in the corner, but Garcia returns the favor and sits MJF on the top rope. He joins him up there and sets up for a Tombstone, but Christopher Daniels and other officials run down to the ring to break the pair up.

Garcia grabs a mic and tells MJF he pawned his "Dynamite" Diamond ring at a pawn shop in Buffalo, New York. He says ruining MJF's life "is a fetish", then reveals that he talked to Tony Khan to make a match between them at All Out Official. He tosses his microphone at MJF and clocks him in the neck.


HOOK and The Conglomeration then make their way down to the ring. Roderick Strong, Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith follow.

The Conglomeration and HOOK vs. Roderick Strong, Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith

HOOK and Keith begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. HOOK catches Keith with a suplex, then tags in Cassidy. Cassidy and HOOK deliver a double suplex to Keith, then tags in O'Reilly. O'Reilly tags in and wears down Keith, then tags in Mark. Mark lands a few strikes on Keith, then tags in Bill. Mark fires off chops and strikes on Bill in the corner, but Bill returns the favor. All eight men then find themselves in the ring and fire off right hands on him.


Back from the break, Jericho tags in and lands a strike on Cassidy. He locks in a Full Nelson on Cassidy, but Cassidy breaks the hold by getting his hands in his pocket. Cassidy hits a springboard missile dropkick on Jericho. Keith and Mark tag in, and Mark fires off chops on Jericho and Ketih. He sends the two men crashing into one another, then rocks Keith with an enzuigiri. Keith rains down right hands on Mark, then tags in Strong.

Strong beats down Mark, then tags in Keith. Keith jams his boot into Mark in the corner, then fires off kicks on his chest and goes for a pin. Mark kicks out and tags in O'Reilly. O

Reilly fires off strikes on Keith and trips him, but Bill makes the blind tag in. He then breaks up the Figure Four Leg Lock Cassidy has cinched in on Keith.


Back from another break, Keith takes a cheap shot on O'Reilly from the apron. Bill whips O'Reilly into the corner and charges at him, but O'Reilly moves out of the way. Strong and HOOK tag in, and HOOK runs over Strong. He levels Jericho and Strong, then connects with a T-Bone suplex on Bill and lands another one on HOOK. He goes for a pin, but Keith breaks the fall.

HOOK delivers a suplex to Jericho, then lands a gutbuster on HOOK. Cassidy delivers a tope suicida to Keith on the outside, and Mark uses a chair as a launchpad to take down Bill. Back in the ring, Strong delivers a back suplex and sets up for the End Of Heartache. HOOK then cinches in the Redrum on Strong, and Strong taps out.

Winners: HOOK and The Conglomeration

After the match, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett beat down HOOK in the ring as Jericho, Keith, and Bill continue brawling with The Conglomeration. Officials run down to break the six men apart.

We then head backstage and see Mercedes Mone celebrate her successful TBS Championship defense against Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. at All In with Private Party as Kamille stands by. Isiah Kassidy tries flirting with Mone, but Kazuchika Okada comes to her aid.

Back from the break, Tony Schiavone introduces Mariah May and she makes her way down to the ring.


Mariah May Commemorates Becoming The New AEW Women's World Champion

Schiavone congratulates May on winning the AEW Women's World Championship, and May says while she is the new titleholder, she says she will be postponing her title commemoration as she will not be holding it in Champaign. She take several more shots at Champaign, then shows off her AEW Women's World Championship.


We then head over to a video of a heated verbal exchange between The Young Bucks and Grizzled Young Veterans.

Ricochet then makes his way down to the ring. Kyle Fletcher follows, and Don Callis joins the announce desk.

Ricochet vs. Kyle Fletcher (w/ Don Callis)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Fletcher connects with a shoulder tackle, but Ricochet kips up and delivers a hurricanrana. He follows it up with a dropkick that sends Fletcher crashing out of the ring, then clocks him from the apron. Fletcher delivers a kick to Ricochet that sends him crashing to the floor, then lands a tope suicida on him and gloats before delivering a boot that sends Ricochet crashing in the boot. Fletcher charges at Ricochet, but Ricochet catches him with a meteora off the barricade.


Back from the break, Fletcher pins Ricochet but Ricochet kicks out. The pair brawl with one another on the ropes before Ricochet lands a step-up enzuigiri on Fletcher and follows it up with a clothesline off the top rope. He fires off right and left hands on Fletcher, then lands a springboard back elbow and fires off a shoulder on his midsection. Ricochet then lands an enzuigiri and a standing shooting star press. Fletcher runs over Ricochet with a clothesline, but Ricochet flies out of the ring to delivers a shoulder to Fletcher. He gets him back in the ring and ascends to the top, then looks to fly.

Fletcher gets his boot up, then connects with a kick on Ricochet and follows it up with a Brainbuster. He lands a jumping knee and fires off a few kicks on Ricochet, but Ricochet responds with a pump kick and a Death Valley Driver. He goes for a pin, but Ricochet kicks out and delivers Vertigo for the win. 


Winner: Ricochet

After the match, Will Ospreay's music hits and he appears on the ramp to stare down Ospreay. PAC lands a reverse hurricanrana on PAC, then questions if Ospreay really forgot about him. He then welcomes Ricochet to AEW and tells him to get to the back of the line for an International Championship shot. 

We then head backstage and see Jon Moxley walking around. He runs into a couple individuals and gets into a verbal confrontation with a couple men. Marina Shafir appears out of nowwhere and attacks them. 

Back at ringside, Bryan Danielson makes his way down to the ring. 

We Hear From Bryan Danielson

Danielson says after plenty of trying and failing, he's the AEW World Champion. He reflects on winning the title in front of 50,000 people and his family at All In, then recalls his daughter telling him backstage that it was the best day of her life. He says even before his daughter said that, he knew it based on the reaction he received from his peers. He says when he got to the post-show All In Press conference, he was asked what's next. He says his contract with AEW expired August 1, he needs neck surgery sooner rather than later, and his family needs him sooner rather than later.


Danielson says he's loved professional wrestling his entire life and says that AEW's existence has made his life better. He says when he thinks of all the things the people who started AEW have done, looked at all his peers in the back after All In, and thought of all the people who'd wrestle in the company in the future. He says he thought it was time to go home, but not yet as he will not retire from the AEW World Championship. He says as soon as he loses the title, he will be retiring but not anytime soon. He addresses All Out and issues an open challenge to anyone who wants a shot at his title on September 7.

Jack Perry appears on the Titan Tron to respond to Danielson's open challenge and sends a message to him. He says his future is to retire Danielson and become AEW World Champion. Perry then appears behind Danielson in the ring and attacks him from behind. He delivers a running knee to Perry, then grabs the AEW World Championship and holds it up alongside the TNT Championship as the show goes off the air.

