WWE Hall Of Famer Bret Hart Names Favorite Matches Of His Career

During his initial 14-year stint with WWE from 1984 to 1997, Bret Hart arguably had some of the best wrestling matches in company history, producing classics with the likes of Shawn Michaels, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The British Bulldog, and his brother Owen Hart. "The Hitman" has now revealed which matches from his career he considers to be his two personal favorites. Speaking on the "Attitude Era Podcast," Hart cited his No Holds Barred Submission match with Austin at WrestleMania 13, as well as his Iron Man match with Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 12, as two of the greatest matches he's ever had. 


"WrestleMania 13 was my favorite match just because it was just so special, but the Iron Man match is right close to it. Those are the two greatest matches I ever had, and despite the outcome of WrestleMania 12 and not keeping the title, that's irrelevant, it's the match itself, it's just beautiful. It's the hardest match I ever had, it was the one where I had to work the hardest, think the most, of all the matches in my career, those two matches stand above. I want to see somebody else have a better Iron Man match someday."

Hart also went into detail about the Montreal Screwjob, listing which WWE stars he wishes he "knocked out" in addition to Vince McMahon after his infamous WWE Championship match with Michaels finished that night. 


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Attitude Era Podcast" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

