WWE NXT Results - 8/20/2024: #1 Contender Triple Threat, Gauntlet Eliminator, More

The road to WWE NXT No Mercy, as well as the show's debut on The CW, has begun and tonight's edition of "NXT" is set to make the path much more clear for a few NXT superstars.

Wes Lee, Pete Dunne, and TNA star Joe Hendry are set to collide in a triple threat match to determine the number one contender for the WWE NXT Championship. Lee recently shirked his friends in favor of glory, only to be met by not one but two obstacles on his path. Who will head to No Mercy to face Ethan Page?


Also set for tonight's show is a Gauntlet Eliminator Match to determine the number one contender to the WWE NXT Women's Championship. Jaida Parker, Karmen Petrovic, Wren Sinclair, Kendal Grey, Sol Ruca, and Adriana Rizzo will compete for the opportunity to face Roxanne Perez at No Mercy in Denver, CO's Bell Arena. Plus Hank and Tank take on The OC, while Lola Vice gets her hands on Wendy Choo.

WWE NXT is set to air at 8 pm ET on The USA Network.

NXT Kicks Off

The show starts with the various women of the Gauntlet Eliminator but one woman attacks one of the other ones (I missed which ones. I'm pulling double-duty editing and live results.)

A video recap of last week's episode plays. In the arena, Chase U make their entrance and celebrate with their new tag titles. The celebration is cut short by Axiom and Nathan Frazer, who congratulate the new champions but say they are the best tag team in NXT. Frazer says that the team was a bit rundown on last week's show. Before Nathan can ask for a rematch, Ridge Holland interrupts him and chastises him for interrupting. Holland details his journey to finally holding a title in WWE. Holland says Chase U is bigger than him and they've achieved their mission. 


Axiom says that's great but they want a title rematch. Duke Hudson and Riley Osbourne say Axiom and Frazer will have to go through them. Hudson and Osbourne tearaway their pants, revealing wrestling trunks and it is revealed that match is next.

Fraxiom vs. Chase U

Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Duke Hudson & Riley Osbourne

Frazer and Axiom do their best to get the advantage with their athleticism but Hudson continually puts the brakes on their offense. Everyone goes diving to the outside, but Chase U maintains control and pose as we head to commercial.


Back from commercial and the two teams are back in the ring. Axiom and Osbourne trade blows. Axiom gets a nearfall and transitions into an ankle lock. Osbourne makes a tag and Hudson comes in with a slingshot German Suplex. Frazer tags in and gets hit with a huge Boss Man Slam for a nearfall. Frazer counters a Razor's Edge with a Hurracanrana for a nearfall. They trade counters. Osbourne tags in and hits a Wheelbarrow Slam/Blockbuster combo. Osbourne climbs to the top rope. Frazer dodges a Shooting Star Press. Reverse Springboard Spanish Fly from Frazer gets a nearfall. Osbourne dodges a Phoenix Splash. Osbourne counters a Superplex. Frazer recovers and hits a Superplex. Axiom tags in and a tandem move gets the pinfall.


WINNERS: Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Backstage, Ava announces that Karmen Petrovic is out of the Eliminator Match due to the attack at the beginning of the show. Ava denies Izzy Dame the chance to be in the match and chooses Brinley Reese to be the replacement.

Wendy Choo makes her entrance.

Backstage, the women in the Eliminator talk about how much they want to face Roxanne. Lola Vice makes her entrance.

Wendy Choo vs. Lola Vice

Choo stampedes Lola, taking her out with a Thesz Press. They brawl. Back on their feet, Lola fights out of a Cobra Clutch attempt. Choo dominates Vice, taking her corner-to-corner. Vice comes back with a kick to the midsection. Choo rolls her up and locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Vice fights out. Choo chops Vice in the throat. Vice comes back with MMA knee strikes. Vice hits a bicycle kick to the back. Vice hits a powerslam. Choo rolls out of the ring as we head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Choo is choking Vice on the ropes. Choo maintains dominance. Vice tries to fight back to no avail. Choo hits a suplex for a nearfall. Vice rolls up Choo with an Inside Cradle for a nearfall. Choo chokes Vice in the corner. Choo keeps up the assault and hangs Vice in the Tree of Woe. Choo hits a vicious Tree of Woe Dropkick for a nearfall. Choo stretches Vice. Vice comes back with a rollup for a nearfall. Vice hits a series of kicks. Lola hits a big running strike in the corner. Choo rolls up Vice and then tries for a Cobra Clutch but Vice breaks it with a Jawbreaker. Kelani Jordan comes to the ring and eats a backfist from Vice by accident. Choo hits Vice with a weighted pillow behind the referee's back.


WINNER: Wendy Choo

A furious Kelani Jordan challenges Choo to a match at NXT No Mercy for the NXT Women's North American Championship. Kelani wallops Choo with the pillow, and pulls the Women's North American Title Belt out of the pillow and holds it high.

Backstage, Wes Lee trash talks his opponents. Then Joe Hendry, in a different room, talks about his journey to TNA and NXT. He says he's going to make a believer of himself by becoming #1 Contender.

Gauntlet Eliminator Match

Back from commercial and The Fatal Influence, Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, and Jazmyn Nyx talk about their bond.

WWE NXT Women's Championship #1 Contender Gauntlet Eliminator Match

Sol Ruca and Wren Sinclair start the match trading holds. Sinclair holds up the No Quarter Catch Crew handsign. Ruca tries to outwrestle Sinclair, but she continuously  finds her way out. Ruca trips up Sinclair and locks in a stretch but Sinclair quickly counters into a Single Leg Crab. Sinclair transitions into a modified Bow & Arrow/Surfboard combination. Ruca fights out for a nearfall.


Ruca dodges a lariat and both women hit a hair pull, sending each other to the canvas as the countdown begins.

Adriana Rizzo rushes the ring and takes out both women. Rizzo hits a series of Northern Lights Suplexes. Rizzo clears house with corner forearm smashes. Ruca counters and takes out Rizzo with a superkick. Ruca fights out of a double rear naked choke. Rizzo hits a huge Fireman's Carry on Ruca. Ruca rolls up Rizzo with an Inside Cradle for a nearfall. Ruca hits Rizzo with a Codebreaker. Ruca hits a Fireman's Carry Powerbomb on Rizzo for a pinfall.

Adriana Rizzo Eliminated

We head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Ruca kicks out of a roll up. Brinley Reece joined the match during the commercial and takes out both Sinclair and Ruca. Countdown begins and Kendall Grey joins the match. All three women comes after Grey but she deals with each of them handily. Kendall Grey hits a modified Back Suplex on Brinley Reece for a pinfall.


Brinley Reece Eliminated.

Grey rolls up Sinclair for a nearfall. Grey hits Ruca and Sinclair with a headlock/headscissors takedown. Grey hits a big crossbody.  Ruca drops Grey and locks in a surfboard stretch. Grey powers out of the move and gets hit with a bulldog by Sinclair who gets a nearfall. Ruca press slams Grey out of the ring onto Sinclair. Ruca climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault to the floor. Jaida Parker enters and throws everyone into various barricades and then takes Grey into the ring. Grey rolls up Parker for a nearfall. Parker counters a crossbody and puts Grey in the corner for a senton in the corner. Gourdbuster on Grey gets a pinfall.

Kendall Grey Eliminated

Ruca hits Sinclair with a Solar Eclipse for a pinfall.

Wren Sinclair Eliminated

Ruca and Parker trade counters. Parker counters a springboard with a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. Sol Ruca counters a Powerbomb with a rollup for a nearfall. Ruca climbs to the top rope. Sol does a cartwheel on the top rope. Sol hits a Straight Jacket German Suplex. Jaida counters a move and hits a Drive By Hip Attack for the pinfall.


After the match, Parker is joined by Out The Mud and says she's "got next." Backstage Roxanne Perez looks non-plussed. Elsewhere, NXT Champion Ethan Page thinks it's offensive that Joe Hendry is in the mix for NXT Title consideration. Pete Dunne says Page is too cocky for someone who hasn't been here that long. Dunne promises to break Page's fingers and ego.


Hank, Tank, and The Club

Hank & Tank vs. The OC

Karl Anderson and Hank start out. Hank dominates Karl and tags in Tank. Tank hits a big corner splash for a nearfall. Anderson fights back, cornering Tank. Anderson berates the crowd. Tank counters Anderson and hits a big corner splash. Hank tags in and hits an assisted Senton. Stereo body blocks get a nearfall.


Anderson fights out and knocks Hank out of the ring. Gallows tags in and assaults Hank at ringside. Gallows gets Hank back in the ring and keeps up the attack. Gallows pummels Hank in the corner and tags in Anderson. Anderson gets a nearfall and immediately gets back on Hank, stretching him. Hank fights back and tags in Tank. Tank gets the better of Anderson and rips off his shirt. Powerslam combo on Anderson. Hank covers for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Hank & Tank

Back from commercial and Charlie Dempsey is in the ring with his newly won Heritage Cup. He calls the Cup "the oxygen the NQCC needs to live." Wren Sinclair takes the mic and steps on his speech. Dempsey continues and says he plans on making the Cup the most prestigious title in NXT. Sinclair steps on his line again and says Dempsey will face anyone at any time. Oba Femi's music hits and Sinclair immediately apologizes to Dempsey. 


Femi congratulates Dempsey but says the most prestigious title is his North American Championship. Femi says he will not hesitate to add Dempsey to his list of victims. Tony D'Angelo and his family interrupt. D'Angelo says he no longer wants the Cup, he wants the North American Championship. The family fights with NQCC while Femi and D'Angelo stare each other down. D'Angelo counters a powerbomb and hits a spinebuster on Oba Femi. D'Angelo takes the North American Championship and places it on the fallen champion.

Backstage, Wren places the Heritage Cup by Je'Von Evans. Gallus confronts Evans, who gets backup from Cedric Alexander.

Adonis vs. Lennox

Dion Lennox vs. Ashante Thee Adonis

Adonis dominates Lennox in the corner. Lennox fights back. Lennox hits a body slam and a series of throws. Adonis retreats to ringside where Lennox gives chase. Adonis recovers and hits a baseball slide on Lennox. Adonis hits a corkscrew crossbody to the outside.


Back in the ring and Adonis gets a nearfall. The two men trade blows. Lennox fires up and levels Adonis repeatedly. Lennox smacks the taste out of Adonis's mouth and hits a Spinebuster for a nearfall. Adonis counters a stalling suplex. Adonis assaults the arm. Adonis tunes up the band. Adonis hits a Superkick for the pinfall.

WINNER: Ashante Thee Adonis

Backstage, Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson plan on how best to deal with The Fatal Influence, while Lexis King does an impression of Mrs. Garrett from "The Facts Of Life."

Main Event

WWE NXT Championship #1 Contender Match: Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne vs. Joe Hendry

Lee and Dunne charge Hendry during his entrance. Hendry fights back and tosses both men around. Lee gets in some offense but is sent out of the ring. Hendry and Dunne trade blows. Lee rejoins the fight and is neutralized by Dunne. Hendry hits a catapult, sending Lee's head into Dunne's crotch. Wes Lee hits a Koppo Kick on Hendry. Outside the ring and Dunne fights with Lee. Hendry hits a big slingshot senton to the outside. We head to commercial.


Back from commercial and Hendry continues to dominate, hitting a double Fallaway Slam on Lee and Dunne. Dunne comes back and stretches Hendry and Dunne's fingers. Dunne hits an X-Plex on Hendry for a nearfall. Dunne and Lee duke it out in the ring. They battle on the top rope. Hendry knocks Lee to the floor. Hendry hits an Avalanche Fallaway Slam. Lee hits a Frog Splash on Hendry for a nearfall. Dunne stops Lee from hitting a handspring and breaks Lee's fingers. Hendry hits Dunne with a Chokeslam. Ethan Page pulls the referee out of the ring to break up the pinfall. Hendry chokeslams Lee through the announce desk.

Back in the ring, Hendry hits Dunne with a chokeslam but Page stops the official from getting to the ring. Dunne hits Bitter End on Hendry. Trick Williams runs in and takes out Dunne. Hendry covers. A third referee counts the fall to Page's chagrin.



After the match, Zachary Wentz jumps the barricade and attacks Wes Lee.

