First Entrant In AEW Casino Gauntlet Match At Wembley Stadium Determined On Dynamite

Orange Cassidy is guaranteed to be part of the Casino Gauntlet match for a future shot at the AEW World Championship after defeating Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong for the No. 1 spot on "AEW Dynamite." As commentary explained, Cassidy having the No. 1 position in the match is important, as the gauntlet can end in pinfall or submission before a given participant has the chance to enter the match.


Cassidy hit a dive onto Strong on the outside, but O'Reilly allowed him back into the ring, and they were the primary combatants during the picture-in-picture break. Strong was able to lock in a double Boston Crab on both his opponents, but lost his grip, though he remained on his feet. Strong got Cassidy onto the second rope, but O'Reilly broke things up and knocked Cassidy's foot out from underneath him. O'Reilly locked in a guillotine on Strong, but Cassidy regained his composure and hit an elbow drop onto O'Reilly, getting him to break the hold. 

The Undisputed Kingdom, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, came out and slid a chair to Strong. Mark Briscoe and Tomohiro Ishii ran down the ramp to take them out. Briscoe set up the chair and used it as a jumping off point to fly over the top rope and take the Undisputed Kingdom out. Cassidy countered a move from Strong by taking a seat in the chair before hitting a dive to Strong on the outside.


When all men were back in the ring, Cassidy hit his lazy kicks, before putting real power behind them, to both O'Reilly and Strong. He hit them both with a double hurricanrana, then a DDT to O'Reilly. O'Reilly and Strong traded forearms and O'Reilly accidentally hit Cassidy. O'Reilly locked in a cross arm breaker on Strong, but Cassidy snuck in a rollup on O'Reilly for the victory.

