WWE NXT Results 8/13 - Heritage Cup On The Line, Two Titles Matches, Eddy Thorpe Takes On Lexis King

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on August 13, 2024, coming to you live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

Coming off his successful defense against Tavion Heights at Week One of The Great American Bash, Tony D'Angelo will be putting the NXT Heritage Cup on the line against another member of No Quarter Catch Crew, Charlie Dempsey. Wren Sinclair defeated Kendal Grey during Week Two of The Great American Bash to both secure Dempsey's spot in his match tonight and earn herself a spot in No Quarter Catch Crew.


Although his opponent remains a mystery after he teased it last week, Oba Femi will be putting the North American Championship on the line for the first time since the July 16 episode of "NXT". Not only has Femi been titleholder for 218 days and counting, but he retained his title against Duke Hudson of Chase U in his most recent defense.

Speaking of Chase U, Andre Chase and Ridge Holland will be challenging Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the NXT Tag Team Championship. Despite the aforementioned Hudson's assumption that he would be teaming with Chase tonight, Holland still revealed that he had secured a title shot during Week Two of The Great American Bash. Later that same night in the main event, Frazer and Axiom successfully retained their title against now-former allies Wes Lee and Zach Wentz.


Eddy Thorpe and Lexis King have had no shortage of issues with one another over the course of the last several weeks, encountering one another a handful of times in a series of confrontations. Tonight, the duo look to settle their differences once and for all as they go one-on-one.

We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping some of the events of Week Two of The Great American Bash.

We then head over to Sarah Schreiber trying to catch up with Wes Lee. Ethan Page then grabs the mic from Schreiber and makes his way down to the ring as Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home.

We Hear From Ethan Page

Page says fans desperately wanted to see Oro Mensah dethrone him as NXT Champion, but he has the skills to back up his nickname of "All Ego". He says the era of "All Ego" will continue, then says no one will be able to dethrone him including Wes Lee, Trick Williams, and Pete Dunne.


Joe Hendry's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He tells Page that he understands why he thinks he's on top of the "NXT" roster, and says he became the talk of WWE when he won the NXT Championship. Hendry says that all changed when he arrived on the scene, then says Page's ego says one thing while the reality is completely different.

Page tells Hendry to take his victory from last week and go back to TNA Wrestling, then questions why Hendry is still in "NXT". Hendry says like everyone else, his goal is to win the NXT Championship. Page says everyone believes in Hendry except for himself, and says he rather believes that Hendry's song makes him sick to his stomach every time he hears it and he's in his 14th minute of his 15 minutes of his fame. He warns Hendry that if he comes after his NXT Championship, he will prove that Hendry is simply a flash in the pan.


Hendry tells Page that he's been grinding for ten years and made believers of everyone he's encountered, then says when he dethroned Page as titleholder, he will take the NXT Championship around the world as his song says. Page then hops out of the ring and looks to head to the back before Wes Lee appears out of nowhere and superkicks Hendry.

The Family then makes their way down to the ring.

Back from the break, we see Ava, Mr. Stone, and Stevie Turner gathered with several women on the "NXT" roster. Ava explains that a Gauntlet Match will be held next week to determine who challenges Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship at "NXT" No Mercy featuring competitors who have yet to recieve a title shot. The first three women randomly selected are Wren Sinclair, Adriana Rizzo, and Sol Ruca as Stone and Turner continue arguing with one another about Turner stealing Stone's idea and taking credit for it.

Back at ringside, No Quarter Catch Crew makes their way out.

Tony D'Angelo (w/ The Family) (c) vs. Charlie Dempsey (w/ No Quarter Catch Crew) for the NXT Heritage Cup

Round one kicks off, and the two take turns locking one another in submission holds. They wear one another down, and Dempsey locks D'Angelo into a Triangle hold. D'Angelo powers up to his feet, but Dempsey counters into an armbar. D'Angelo pins Dempsey to escape as the round comes to a close.


Round One: D'Angelo 0-0 Dempsey

Round two begins, and Dempsey connects with a shoulder tackle on D'Angelo. Dempsey pins D'Angelo, but D'Angelo kicks out and gets Dempsey up. He sends him crashing into the mat and pins him to score a fall.

Round Two: D'Angelo 1-0 Dempsey

Back from the break, D'Angelo and Dempsey go back and forth as round three comes to a close.

Round Three: D'Angelo 1-0 Dempsey

Wren Sinclair gets Dempsey hyped up by taking a few strikes at him as round four starts. D'Angelo rolls up Dempsey, but Dempsey kicks out and fires off stomps on D'Angelo in the corner. D'Angelo levels Dempsey with a clothesline and fires off right hands on him, then follows it up with a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes and a powerslam. He goes for a pin, but Dempsey kicks out and rolls up D'Angelo. D'Angelo kicks out and delivers a German suplex, but Dempsey sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first and executes a jackknife pin to score a fall.


Round Four: D'Angelo 1-1 Dempsey

Round five kicks off, and D'Angelo connects with a spinebuster on Dempsey. He goes for a pin, but Dempsey kicks out and delivers a Northern Lights suplex to D'Angelo. He goes for a pin, but D'Angelo kicks out and looks to land a spinebuster. Dempsey counters into a cross armbreaker, but D'Angelo counters into a powerbomb to escape. D'Angelo sits Dempsey on the top rope, then clocks Myle Borne when he hops up on the apron and assists Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo in flying to level him on the outside. While the referee is distracted, Sinclair trips D'Angelo and Dempsey connects with a Northern Lights suplex to win the match.

Round Five: D'Angelo 1-2 Dempsey

Winner (and new): Charlie Dempsey

Back from the break, Eddy Thorpe makes his way down to the ring.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King

King blindsides Thorpe on the ramp, and the bell sounds. Thorpe fires off kicks on King's chest, but King sends Thorpe crashing into the ring post shoulder first and sends his injured hand bouncing off the ring mat. King lands a chop on Thorpe's spine, but Thorpe responds with a back body drop and a series of chops. King sends Thorpe crashing into the middle rope, then rains down right hands on him. Thorpe delivers a few chops to King, then connects with a German suplex and hits a split legged elbow drop. King sends Thorpe's arm crashing into the ring mat, then follows it up with the Coronation for the win.


Winner: Lexis King

We then head over to a video from Trick Williams, who sends a message to Pete Dunne.

We then head backstage to Kelly Kincaid and Pete Dunne, where Dunne tells Williams that he won't get the rematch he desires as he has his sights set on the NXT Women's Championship. The camera then pans over to a verbal confrontation between Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson, and Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, and Jazmyn Nyx in the makeup area.

Back at ringside, Lola Vice makes her way down to the ring. Tatum Paxley follows, and Kelani Jordan joins the announce desk.

Lola Vice vs. Tatum Paxley

The bell rings and the two lock up. They take turns locking one another in submission holds, but Paxley sends Vice crashing into the corner and delivers a crossbody to her spine. Vice connects with a bodyslam on Paxley, then follows it up with a Hip Attack and a scissor kick. She goes for a pin, but Paxley kicks out.


Paxley rolls up Vice, but Vice kicks out and Paxley responds with an enzuigiri. She locks in a Half Boston Crab on Vice as Wendy Choo locks Jordan in a reverse Sleeper on the outside. Paxley becomes momentarily distracted, but sees Vice coming when she tries to take advantage of the distraction and sends her crashing into the mat with a variation of a Death Valley Driver. She looks to fly off the top rope, but Vice moves out of the way and lands the 305 on Paxley for the win.

Winner: Lola Vice

After the match, Vice checks on Paxley and helps her up. Choo stands over Jordan and holds up the Women's North American Championship.

We then head backstage to Ava, Mr. Stone, Stevie Turner, and several members of the "NXT" women's division. Jaida Parker, Kendal Grey, and Karmen Petrovic are the final three women selected for the NXT Women's Championship Number One Contenders Gauntlet Match next week before Petrovic and Brinley Reece find themselves involved in a verbal confrontation with a frustrated Izzi Dame over not being selected.


Back from the break, Wes Lee makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From Wes Lee

Lee says his betrayal of The Rascalz shocked the world and himself. He says he was sure that he and Zach Wentz would win the NXT Tag Team Championship last week, but Wentz let him down again. He says his anger with Wentz dates back to two years ago when he broke up MSK, then says everyone questioned if he'd be able to become a singles competitor. Lee says he proved everyone wrong and became the greatest North American Champion of all time, but Wentz and Trey Miguel weren't there through it all. He says they went on to reunite in TNA Wrestling, and says the three of them wanted to create a legacy for years to come.


Lee says he created a legacy of his own, then tells Wentz that he's tired of being a caretaker. He says he kept everything together as The Rascalz whether that was driving him around, squashing his beefs, or waking him up for flights. He says he's done doing all that, then says he can't have his best friends riding his coattails where he wants to go. He says they only reunited with him for the WWE rub, then says he knows that he and Wentz will end up having a match. He challenges him to a match at No Mercy, and says he'll show him just that. Lee says once he beats Wentz, Wentz can go back to TNA while he focuses on becoming NXT Champion. He wishes Wentz all the best in his future endeavors.

Pete Dunne's music hits, and he makes his way out. He says he's impressed with Lee because someone in "NXT" has figured it out, but warns him about getting carried away and says with Trick Williams in his rear view, he's focused on the NXT Championship.


Joe Hendry's music hits, and he attacks Lee from behind. He sends Dunne crashing into Dunne, but Dunne clocks him and all three men brawl. Officials run down to the ring to break them all apart.

Back from the break, Oba Femi makes his way down to the ring. His mystery opponent, Otis,follows alongside Maxxine Dupri and Akira Tozawa.

Oba Femi (c) vs. Otis (w/ Maxxine Dupri and Akira Tozawa) for the North American Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Femi shoves Otis, but Otis returns the favor. Femi lands a boot on Otis' midsection and cinches in a side headlock on him, but Otis escapes and sends Femi crashing out of the ring.


Back from the break, Otis hits a Sidewalk Slam on Femi and goes for a pin. Femi kicks out and delivers a chop to Otis from the floor as he stands on the apron. He follows it up with an uppercut that sends Otis crashing into the ring steps, then gets him back in the ring and goes for a pin. Otis kicks out, and Femi connects with a series of elbow drops on him. Femi follows it up with a series of running uppercuts on Otis in the corner and pins him, but Otis kicks out once again.

Otis connects with a back body drop on Femi, then fires off a shoulder on his midsection and charges at him in the corner. Femi moves out of the way and sends Otis crashing to the outside, then follows him out there and clocks Tozawa on the apron. Otis responds with a splash and dumps Femi back inside the ring, then delivers a second splash and a back elbow. He fires off strikes on Tozawa in the corner, then levels him and connects with a slam.


Otis delivers The Caterpillar to Femi and goes for a pin, but Femi kicks out. Otis then ascends to the top and delivers a Vader Bomb before going for a second pin. Femi kicks out once again, and Otis fires off right hands on him in the corner. Femi pulls him down and delivers a sit-out powerbomb for the win.

Winner (and still): Oba Femi

We then head over to a video and see Brooks Jensen seemingly talking about Josh Briggs looking out for him over the years. The camera pans over, and we see that Jensen is actually talking about Shawn Spears.

Back at ringside, Izzi Dame makes her way out. Brinley Reece follows.

Brinley Reece vs. Izzi Dame

The bell rings and the two lock up. Dame looks to land an elbow drop on Reece, but Reece avoids it and looks to roll up Dame. Dame blocks her and charges at her in the corner, but Reece avoids her and delivers a cartwheel clothesline. Dame responds with a shoulder tackle and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then jams her shoulder into Reece's midsection and follows it up with a sit-out spinebuster. She goes for a pin, but Reece kicks out.


Dame locks in an over the shoulder submission on Reece, but Reece escapes and lands a knee on Dame's face. She follows it up with a flying shoulder tackle off the middle rope, then delivers a second shoulder tackle and a splash on her. She fires off right hands on Dame before she hits a modified suplex and goes for a pin. Dame kicks out, and Reece gets her up on her shoulders. Dame escapes and lands a right hand on Reece's spine. She catches Reece with a big boot and follows it up with a spinning sidewalk slam for the win.

Winner: Izzi Dame

We then head backstage to Ava and Kelly Kincaid, where Ava announces that Joe Hendry, Wes Lee, and Pete Dunne will face off in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders match next week to determine Ethan Page's challenger for the NXT Championship at No Mercy.


Chase U then makes their way down to the ring. Nathan Frazer and Axiom follow. 

Nathan Frazer and Axiom (c) vs. Chase U (w/ Thea Hail, Riley Osborne, and Duke Hudson) for the NXT Tag Team Championship

Andre Chase and Axiom begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Axiom connects with a dropkick on Chase, then tags in Frazer. Frazer rolls up Chase, but Chase kicks out. Holland tags in and delivers a shoulder tackle on Frazer, then tags in Axiom. Holland is sent crashing to the outside, then hits a suplex with Chase. Frazer and Axiom then fly out of the ring to level Holland and Chase.


Back from the break, Frazer and Chase level one another with clotheslines. Holland and Axiom tag in, and Holland takes down Axiom with a clothesline. He sends Axiom crashing into the mat, but Axiom responds with an enzuigiri and tags in Frazer. Axiom flies off the middle rope, and Frazer follows it up with a 450 Splash. He goes for a pin, but Holland kicks out.

Axiom tags back in and fires off kicks on Holland. Chase tags in and Holland gets Axiom on his shoulder. Chase lands a double stomp off the top rope and goes for a pin, but Frazer kicks out and flies over the top rope to level Holland. Chase catches Axiom with a boot, but Axiom responds with an enzuigiri.

Frazer tags in and locks in a Sleeper on Frazer. Axiom looks to land a kick on Holland, but Holland moves out of the way. Frazer catches the kick and hits a tope suicida on Holland on the outside. Frazer lands a superplex on Chase back in the ring, then follows it up with a Brainbuster and a kick on him.


Chase and the now legal Holland then double team on Frazer and pin him, but Frazer kicks out. Frazer then rocks Holland with an enzuigiri and tags in Axiom. Axiom and Frazer sit Holland on the top rope, and Axiom delivers a Spanish Fly to Holland. Frazer looks to fly, but Chase pushes him off and sends him crashing into the announce desk. Holland turns Axiom inside out with a clothesline, then follows it up with a cradle DDT for the win.

Winners (and new): Chase U

After the match, several Chase U join Chase, Holland, Hudson, Osborne, and Hail in the ring to celebrate Chase and Hollands win as the show goes off the air. 

