WWE Star Big E Addresses The Idea Of Never Wrestling Again

It has now been nearly two years since Big E's wrestling career came to a screeching halt, after he suffered a broken neck on a Belly to Belly suplex gone wrong. The injury, which saw Big E fracture his C1 and C6 vertebrae, has kept him out of the ring since, limiting him to hosting or panelist duties, with doctors advising the former WWE Champion to never wrestle again.


That hasn't stopped plenty of fans from asking Big E about whether the door is fully closed on an in-ring return, especially in an era where several talents thought to be retired have resumed their careers due to medical advancements. During an interview with "Adrian Hernandez," Big E was open about being unsure regarding when he'd know for sure if he could make a comeback or not, and admitted that it wasn't something that was stressing him out.

"I don't know if there is necessarily a cut-off," Big E said. "I don't know if they have a date in mind or a time or any of those things. But I'm content in life right now, and I have been content in life since day one, honestly. 

"Instead of focusing on all the things that are lost or the things I can't do, or not being in the ring anymore, I focus on the things that I do have. I'm so blessed, I'm so fortunate. One, I'm not in pain. I move around well, I'm in the gym, I live a great life. You don't have to pity me; you don't have to feel bad for me at all. I've got so many incredible things."


Big E Says He Doesn't Live In Regret Over Potential Career Ending Injury

Big E's injury came at the worst possible time of his career, as the former New Day member was only months removed from the end of his first WWE Championship reign, and despite his disappointment in the title reign, appeared poised to have a long-term run as a main eventer. But while many would be left cynical by that turn of events, the ever positive Big E hammered home that there's many things in his life to embrace, and that the injury two years ago doesn't define him.


"I can't believe how quickly it's flown by, but I'm still here, and I'm still doing things that I love and enjoy," Big E said. "I get to see so many of my friends. So I'm blessed, I'm immensely blessed, I'm really thankful for all those things. I appreciate everyone who has checked in on me. 

"I can't believe...I thought after a year, people would have moved on and given up, but it's like two and a half years, and people are still asking. I appreciate that, it means a lot, but life has been really, really good. I am blessed. I don't live in any regret or any of those things, I'm very, very thankful."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Adrian Hernandez" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

