WWE Hall Of Famer The Godfather Discusses Wrestling School Truancy, First Match

Fans of WWE's Attitude Era remember The Godfather for his signature "Ho Train," which regularly featured models, aspiring wrestlers, and women from local strip clubs. On a recent episode of "Poddin' Ain't Easy," The Godfather (real name Charles Wright) noted that his connection to strip clubs extended back way further, as he previously worked in them during his pre-wrestling days and later visited them when he was meant to be training at the Monster Factory.


"I'm gonna be completely honest, I've always been really good at picking up women because I've always worked in strip clubs. I've always had the gift of gab. So when I went [to training school], all I'm doing is hanging out all night in strip clubs," Godfather said. "I'm hooking up with chicks and stuff. I get back to my apartment that I had like at 1:00 in the afternoon. I sleep all day. Wrestling school, if I was there three [to] four months, I might have went to wrestling school three [to] four times, maybe. The rest of the time, I swear to you I'm hanging in strip clubs."

Despite his minimal wrestling training, The Godfather managed to impress Jerry "The King" Lawler during a practice session, so much so that Lawler hired him to wrestle for the United States Wrestling Association. Godfather's first match, as The Soultaker, then took shape against Lawler at a USWA show in October 1989.


"My very first match ever not knowing anything about wrestling, not one thing about wrestling, I thought it was a half-ass shoot," Godfather recalled. "I wrestled Jerry in Memphis, Tennessee on a Monday night, which is big back then. I beat him in the middle, one, two, three." Two weeks later, Godfather defeated Lawler again, this time with the USWA Unified World Heavyweight Championship on the line.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Poddin' Aint Easy" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

