AEW Dynamite Results 8/7 - American Championship Eliminator Match, Anything Goes Bout & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Dynamite" on August 7, 2024, coming to you live from the LJVM Coliseum in Winston-Salem, North Carolina!

Bryan Danielson of Blackpool Combat will be competing in action for the first time since July 10 as he squares off with Jeff Jarrett. However, it won't be just any ordinary battle as the pair will be competing in an Anything Goes Match with legendary professional wrestler Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat present for the bout. Danielson and Jarrett have encountered one another over the course of the last few weeks, including the finals of the 2024 Men's Owen Hart Cup Tournament in Danielson's most recent match when Jarrett served as the special guest enforcer.


As he continues to prepare to defend the AEW American Championship against Will Ospreay at AEW All In on August 25, MJF will be going one-on-one with Ospreay's best friend Kyle Fletcher in an AEW American Championship Eliminator Match. If The Don Callis Family member emerges victorious over "The Salt Of The Earth", then he will earn the right to challenge him for the American Championship in the future. After Ospreay defeated Lance Archer during last week's edition of "Dynamite", MJF looked to gain the upper hand over him when he blindsided him with an attack until Fletcher came to Ospreay's aid and subsequently found himself involved in a verbal altercation with MJF.

Katsuyori Shibata will be returning to an AEW ring tonight as he collides with Bryan Keith. Keith and his allies FTW Champion Chris Jericho and Big Bill blindsided Shibata, HOOK, and Samoa Joe a few weeks ago at the "Dynamite" Beach Break special after they won a Trios Match against Cage Of Agony, during which Keith used a chair to attack Shibata's arm. Shibata, Keith, Jericho, and Bill came face-to-face once again three weeks later when Shibata helped Minoru Suzuki fight off the trio after Suzuki was unable to successfully dethrone Jericho.


We are live! Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as MJF makes his way down to the ring. Kyle Fletcher follows, Don Callis has joined the commentary desk, and Will Ospreay is seen watching the action from backstage.

MJF (c) vs. Kyle Fletcher in an AEW American Championship Eliminator Match

The bell rings and MJF slides out of the ring. He grabs a mic and takes a shot at Fletcher, then gets back inside the ring and delivers a kick to Fletcher. Fletcher rolls up MJF twice, but MJF kicks out both times and Fletcher levels him with a bodyslam. MJF responds with a back elbow and whips him into the corner, then gloats.


MJF executes a hair whip on Fletcher, but Fletcher responds with a jawbreaker. MJF fires back with a shoulderbreaker and a gut wrench sit-out powerbomb, then sets up for the Kangaroo Kick. Fletcher intercepts him with a superkick and sends MJF crashing into the corner, then rains down right hands on him and delivers a Sidewalk Slam. The action then spills out of the ring, and Fletcher hits a tope suicida on MJF before he gets him back in the ring and ascends up the ropes. MJF rolls out of the ring, but Fletcher levels him with a kick off the apron and delivers a moonsault off the ropes.

MJF and Fletcher get back in the ring, but MJf rolls back out of the ring and sits on a chair. Fletcher follows him and fires off right hands on him, then delivers a chop to his chest and looks to land a Hip Attack. MJf rolls out of the way, then bites Fletcher and looks to land a running knee. Fletcher moes out of the way, and MJF is sent crashing over the barricade into the crowd. Fletcher then flies over the barricade to level MJF and dumps him back into the ringside area.


Fletcher and MJF get back inside the ring, and Fletcher delivers an elbow drop to MJF off the top rope. MJF looks to land a Brainbuster on Fletcher, but Fletcher escapes. MJF rolls up Fletcher, but Fletcher kicks out and MJf delivers an Alabama Slam to Fletcher. He connects with a Cradle DDT on Fletcher and goes for a pin, but Fletcher kicks out.

MJf fires off a couple kicks on Fletcher's head, then slaps him and gets in his face. Fletcher gets fired up as MJF spits in his face, but Fletcher fires off strikes on MJF. MJF connects with a Canadian Destroyer on Fletcher, but Fletcher runs him over with a clothesline. MJF locks in the Salt Of The Armbar on Fletcher, but Fletcher escapes and sends MJF crashing into the middle turnbuckle. He sits him on the top rope, but MJF bites Fletcher and looks to land a Tombstone. Fletcher escapes and pins MJF, but MJF kicks out. Fletcher then lands a Tombstone on MJF and pins him, but MJF kicks out.

Callus leaves his position at the commentary desk and hops up on the apron. He tosses Fletcher a screwdriver, and while Fletcher debates using it, he ultimately opts not to. MJF then delivers a Kangaroo Kick and the Brainbuster for the win.

Winner: MJF

After the match, Will Ospreay looks to open the door of his dressing room. He finds that roadcases are blocking it, but Ospreay pushes through them. Meanwhile in the ring, MJF hits the referee with the American Championship and clocks Fletcher with the "Dynamite" Diamond Ring. MJF then rains down right hands on Fletcher using the ring and looks to continue to beat him down. Ospreay runs down to the ring to make the save, and MJF retreats as Ospreay cradles Fletcher and calls for him to receive medical attention.


Mariah May then makes her way down to the ring. Viva Van is already waiting inside.

Mariah May vs. Viva Van

The bell rings and May goes straight after Van. She rains down right hands on her in the corner, then ascends to the top rope and delivers a missile dropkick. She sends her head repeatedly bouncing off the top turnbuckle, then hits another missile dropkick on her.


Back from the break, Van lands a kick on May's face. May responds with a Hip Attack and fires off right hands on her, then follows it up with a running knee and a Storm Zero for the win.

Winner: Mariah May

After the match, May unwraps a gift to reveal a picture of Toni Storm cradling her and on the back, "Die Mariah Die" is written on it. Storm then blindsides May in the ring, and May momentarily gains the upperhand over her. Storm grabs the shoe from May, but a referee prevents her from using it and officials run down to the ring to separate the two men.

Back from the break, Bryan Keith, Chris Jericho, and Big Bill make their way down to the ring. Katsuyori Shibata follows.

Katsuyori Shibata vs. Bryan Keith

The bell rings and Keith wastes no time going after Shibata. Shibata delivers a running forearm to Keith in the corner, then delivers a stomp on his arm. The action then spills to the outside, and Keith whips Shibata into the corner. He delivers a jumping knee to Shibata's bicep, then drapes him on the apron and delivers another kick to his bicep.


Back from the break, Shibata fires off strikes on Keith in the corner and goes for a pin. Shibata kicks out and Keith delivers a suplex to him. Shibata levels Keith and locks in a cross armbreaker. Keith taps out.

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata

After the match, Bill and Jericho blindside Shibata in the ring and beat him down with Keith. Jericho looks to hit Shibata with the FTW Championship as Bill and Ketih hold him in place, but a returning HOOK makes his way down to the ring to make the save. He sends Keith and Bill crashing out of the ring, then beats down Jericho and sends him out of the ring to join them.

Back from the break, we head over to a video of a conversation between Jim Ross and AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland.


Back at ringside, Orange Cassidy and FTR make their way out. Rush, The Beast Mortos, and The Undisputed Kingdom follow.

Orange Cassidy and FTR vs. Roderick Strong, Rush, and The Beast Mortos (w/ The Undisputed Kingdom)

Dax Harwood and Rush begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Rush fires off chops on Harwood, then tags in Mortos. Mortos wears down Harwood, then tags in Strong. Harwood fires off chops on Strong, then tags in Cash Wheeler. He immediately tags out to Cassidy, and Cassidy fires off shoulders on Strong's midsection. Harwood tags in back in and delivers an elbow drop to Strong, then tags in Wheeler. Cassidy then tags in and delivers an elbow drop of Strong off Wheeler's back.


Back from the break, Mortos becomes legal and delivers a splash in the corner. Rush tags in and Strong follows it up with a running knee before Mortos delivers a Fallaway Slam to him. Strong tags in and wears Wheeler down with a crossface, but Harwood tags in and fires off right hands on Strong.

Harwood rolls up Strong twice, but Strong kicks out both times. He delivers a clothesline to him out of the corner, then fires off chops on Strong as he sits on his top rope. Morts becomes legal before Taven and Bennett fire off stomps on Harwood on the outside as Mortos and Rush fire off stomps on Cassidy back in the ring.

Back from another break, Strong sends Wheeler crashing into the apron spine first. Cassidy tags in and delivers a crossbody to Rush. He follows it up with a Tornado DDT to Mortos, but Mortos lands a spear on him after Strong captures Cassidy's attention.


Cassidy delivers Beach Break to Rush, then goes for a pin but Rush kicks out. Rush catches the now legal Harwood with a suplex and goes for a pin, but Harwood breaks the fall. Mortos levels Wheeler with a headbutt and flies to level him on the outside. Rush then fires off chops on FTR, but FTR lands the Shatter Machine on Rush for the win.

Winners: Orange Cassidy and FTR

After the match, The Acclaimed's music hits and both Anthony Bowens and Max Caster make their way out. Harwood says FTR's issues go far beyond AEW before the two teams begin to brawl and security pulls them apart.

Kamille (w/ Mercedes Mone) vs. Jazmyne Hao and Clara Carter in a 2-On-1 Handicap Match

The bell rings and Kamille clocks both Carter and Hao. Hao and Carter fire off stomps on Kamille in the corner, then locks in the Torture Rack on Hao and sends her crashing into the mat. She then sends Carter crashing into the mat and pins both her and Hao for the win.


Winner: Kamille

After the match, Mone grabs a mic and taunts Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.. She takes several shots at Baker, but Tony Schiavone cuts him off and says Baker has officially lifted her suspension from AEW. Baker then appears on the jumbotron and sends a message of her own to Mone.

Back from the break, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat makes his way down to the ring. Bryan Danielson follows.

Bryan Danielson vs. Jeff Jarrett In An Anything Goes Match w/ Special Guest Ricky The Dragon Steamboat

Jarrett hits Danielson with his guitar as a shocked Jay Lethal and Karen Jarret watch on in horror. Jarrett and Danielson get in the ring, and the bell sounds. Jarrett hits Danielson with a chair on his spine outside of the ring, and beats him down through the crowd.


Jarrett sends Danielson's face bouncing off the railing and into the concession area. Jarrett throws a garbage can full of popcorn at Danielson, but Danielson hits Jarrett with a water bottle across his head. Jarrett sends Danielson into a metal garbage can face first, then suplexes him through it. Danielson responds with a suplex of his own on Jarrett on top of the garbage can.

Back from the break, Jarrett rains down right hands on Danielson in the corner of the ring, but Danielson levels him and connects with a kick. He fires off right hands of his own on Jarrett in the corner, then bites him and fires off kicks on his chest on the outside as Jarrett sits on a chair. Danielson charges at Jarrett, but Jarrett moves out of the way. Danielson then fires off more kicks on Jarrett's chest and looks to fly off the apron, but Jarrett hits him with a chair and dumps him back in the ring.


Jarrett slides Danielson's ankle in a chair and ascends to the top, but Danielson hits him with the chair and delivers a hanging superplex. Danielson connects with the Yes Kicks on Jarrett, but Jarrett cinches into a Figure Four Leg Lock. Danielson grabs the chair and hits Jarrett with it on his right knee to break the hold. Jarrett lands The Stroke on Danielson on top of the chair and pins him, but Danielson kicks out.

Jarrett locks in a Sharpshooter on Danielson, but Danielson reverses into the LeBell Lock. Jarrett escapes and exchanges strikes with Danielson before he lands an enzuigiri and looks for a second Stroke. Danielson sends Jarrett crashing into a chair in the corner, then delivers the Busaiku Knee using a chair for the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

After the match, Jay Lethal, Karen Jarrett, and Sonjay Dutt join Jeff in the ring as Wheeler Yuta joins Danielson and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat checks on both men. Steamboat holds up the hands of both men.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana then make their way down to the ring, and Strickland says fans just got to see three great legends: Jarrett, Steamboat, and himself. Strickland tells Danielson he won't hesitate to take the Killshot, then asks him how he's feeling. He says if Jarrett can make Danielson lose the feeling in his legs, spine, and fingers, then imagine what he'll do to him. He says he wants a warm up match ahead of All In, then challenges Wheeler Yuta to a match next week. Yuta accepts.

