R-Truth Explains His Lack Of Future Goals In WWE

With a career in professional wrestling that is now approaching 25 years, there isn't much that R-Truth hasn't done. With plenty of major singles championships to his credit, along with multiple tag team title runs across several promotion (and of course, his status as 53-time WWE 24/7 Champion), Truth has accomplished more than he ever set out to do, and WWE crowds remain invested in him. When he is asked about what more he wants to do, however, Truth keeps things in perspective, and is approaching the rest of his career with a flexible, open mind.


Speaking on "What Do You Wanna Talk About," Truth was asked by Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes if there was another mountain for him to climb or anything he wants to do, be it personal, professional, within WWE or even outside of it. However, he isn't looking that far ahead.

"I'm not done yet, man." Other than that, he seems to be content with a "take it as it comes" way of doing things, rather than setting goals at this point in his career. "I don't like to set things, I just like to do things," Truth said. "There are things [on] the horizon that I can speak on and say, I think the universe just, [gives] them to you."

There aren't many superstars as universally beloved as R-Truth, so whether he continues tagging with The Miz or sets out on another singles run, fans should be comforted by his coy but firm guarantee that there's still plenty to come. "We just have to keep doing what [we're] doing," he said. "So there's way more stuff, yeah."


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