AEW Rampage Results 7/19 - Minoru Suzuki Takes On The Butcher, Chris Jericho & Big Bill Face The Outrunners

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on July 19, 2024, coming to you live from the Simmons Bank Arena in Little Rock, Arkansas!

Chris Jericho will be defending the FTW Championship against Minoru Suzuki this coming Wednesday on "AEW Dynamite". Before the two collide, however, they both look to gain some momentum heading into the bout as Suzuki goes one-on-one with The Butcher while Jericho joins forces with Big Bill to square off with The Outrunners. Suzuki presented Jericho with a contract for their title match this past Wednesday as Jericho was hosting the latest episode of his talk show, "The Learning Tree With Chris Jericho".


Orange Cassidy, Tomohiro Ishii, and Kyle O'Reilly of The Conglomeration will be going head-to-head with The Undisputed Kingdom's Roderick Strong and Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. Elsewhere, The Lucha Brothers will be returning to tag team action for the first time since the May 25 episode of "AEW Collision" as they collide with Private Party.

Additionally, Kris Statlander will be returning to action for the first time since coming up short against archrival Willow Nightingale in the semifinals of the 2024 Women's Owen Hart Cup Tournament as she takes on an opponent who has yet to be announced.

We are live! Excalibur, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as The Conglomeration make their way down to the ring. The Undisputed Kingdom follow.


The Conglomeration vs. The Undisputed Kingdom

After the bell rings, Strong looks to land a shoulder tackle on Ishii, but Ishii stays on his feet and runs over Strong with a shoulder tackle of his own. Bennett clocks Ishii from behind, then double teams on him with Taven. The rest of The Conglomeration join the three men in the ring, and land a double superplex on Bennett and Taven.


Back from the break, Ishii fires off chops on both Taven and Bennett. Strong connects with a dropkick on him, then delivers a backbreaker to him and follows it up with a chop. Taven tags in and fires off strikes on him, then delivers a snap mare and a chop to him. Ishii responds with a back suplex and tags in O'Reilly. O'Reilly and Ishii then double team on Taven before everyone begins brawling with each other in the ring.

Ishii and Taven teeter on the top rope, but Strong pulls Ishii down. Strong and Bennett double team on Ishii, and Taven flies off the middle rope to level him. Strong tags in and fires off forearms on Ishii, but Ishii returns the favor and lands a headbutt. Cassidy tags in and low bridges Taven and Bennett out of the ring. He looks to land a tope suicida on them, but they intercept him and send him crashing into the ring apron and the barricade. Strong then delivers a dropkick to him through the middle rope.


Back from another break, Ishii and Taven teeter on the ropes. Ishii connects with a superplex on Taven and goes for a pin, but Strong breaks the fall. O'Reilly takes out Strong, but Taven lands a running knee on him. Cassidy tags in and delivers a Tornado DDT to an interfering Bennett, then double teams on him with O'Reilly. Strong takes down O'Reilly and Ishii, but Cassidy lands Orange Punch on him for the win.

Winners: The Conglomeration

After the match, Don Callis appears. Kyle Fletcher blindsides Cassidy from behind, but Mark Briscoe's music hits and he takes down Fletcher. Strong blindsides him and holds up the Ring Of Honor World Championship as Taven and Bennett hoist him up on their shoulders.

Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith then make their way down to the ring. The Outrunners are already waiting inside. 

Chris Jericho and Big Bill (w/ Bryan Keith) vs. The Outrunners

Magnum and Bill begin the action. The bell rings and Bill sends Magnum crashing into the mat. Floyd tags in and Bill sends him crashing into the mat as well. Magnum tags in and Bill delivers a slam to him. MAgnum and Floyd then clock Bill from behind, but Bill says on his feet. The Outrunners look to land a double dropkick on Bill, but Bill stays on his feet. The Outrunners take a second to pose, but Bill clocks them from behind as Jericho checks his phone on the apron.


Bill fires off stomps on Magnum in the corner, but Floyd clocks him from behind. Bill sends him crashing into the corner and lands splashes on The Outtunners in opposite corners, then delivers a delayed chokeslam to Magnum. Jericho then tags in and pins him for the win, still wearing the FTW Championship.

Winners: Chris Jericho and Big Bill

Minoru Suzuki then makes his way down to the ring and stares down Jericho on the ramp as he passes him. The Butcher follows.

Minoru Suzuki vs. The Butcher

The bell rings and Butcher fires off a forearm on Suzuki. Suzuki returns the favor, then delivers a knee to his midsection and fires off forearms on him. He delivers a boot to him in the corner, then looks to land a kick on his chest. Butcher intercepts it and fires off a couple right hands on Suzuki, then connects with a series of chops as Suzuki tells him to keep them coming. Butcher then delivers a suplex, but Suzuki responds with a piledriver for the win.


Winner: Minoru Suzuki

Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway then make their way down to the ring. Sydni Winnell is already waiting inside.

Kris Statlander (w/ Stokely Hathaway) vs. Sydni Winnell

The bell rings and Statlander delivers a discus lariat to Winnell. She fires off chops and forearms on her, then connects with several stomps and delivers a suplex to her. She delivers a running uppercut to her in the corner, but Winnell fires off forearms on her. Statlander then lands Saturday Night Fever for the win.


Winner: Kris Statlander

Private Party then makes their way down to the ring. The Lucha Brothers and Alex Abrahantes follow.

The Lucha Brothers (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Private Party

Rey Fenix and Isiah Kassidy begin the action. The bell rings and the two shake hands. They then exchange forearms with one another before Fenix lands a springboard crossbody on Kassidy. Kassidy rocks Fenix with an enzuigiri and a head scissors before Marq Quen tags in and clocks the now legal Penta El Zero Miedo on the apron. Penta delivers a thrust kick and an enzuigiri to Quen, then sends him crashing out of the ring with a kick to his head.


Back from the break, Quen tags in and Kassidy sits Fenix on the top rope. Quen looks to bring down Fenix with a hurricanrana, but Fenix avoids it. Penta then delivers a pair of Sling Blades to Kassidy and Quen. Quen and Kassidy then deliver a hurricanrana-flatliner combination to Fenix off the ropes. Quen then fires off stomps on Fenix's chest, but Fenix sends Quen crashing into the mat. The Lucha Brothers then land a double superkick on Kassidy and deliver one to Quen. They then follow it up with the Fear Factor-double stomp combination for the win.

Winners: The Lucha Brothers

