WWE Money In The Bank Results 7/6 - Men's & Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Matches, Two Titles On The Line

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for WWE Money In The Bank on July 6, 2024, coming to you live from the Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at a special start time of 7 PM ET!

The next competitors to hold the Men's and Women's Money In The Bank briefcases will be determined tonight, as Drew McIntyre, Chad Gable, LA Knight, Jey Uso, Andrade, and Carmelo Hayes square off in the Men's Money In The Bank Ladder Match while Tiffany Stratton, Naomi, Chelsea Green, IYO SKY, Zoey Stark, and Lyra Valkyria collide in the Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match. The first two individuals to climb the ladder in the respective matches will secure future shots for any title of their choosing.


Almost three weeks ago on the June 17 edition of "WWE Raw", Seth "Freakin" Rollins made his surprise return from injury and had set his sights on regaining the World Heavyweight Championship, currently held by Damian Priest. Priest granted him the shot, but Rollins upped the stakes the following week when he offered to never challenge for the title if he lost their match as long as Priest quit Judgment Day should he be dethroned as titleholder. Following Priest's agreement to Rollins' terms, he will be defending the World Heavyweight Championship as the duo meet inside the ring.

A huge six man tag team match is set for tonight, as The Bloodline go head-to-head with Randy Orton, Kevin Owens and Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes. Tensions between the competitors in tonight's match have been on the rise over the course of the past few weeks, with "WWE SmackDown" on June 28 beginning in unusual fashion when Orton, Owens, and Rhodes blindsided Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, and "The Tribal Chief" Solo Sikoa. This led to several security guards and police officers becoming involved, and "SmackDown" General Manager Nick Aldis banning the former trio from Madison Square Garden.


Additionally, Sami Zayn will be putting the Intercontinental Championship on the line against Bron Breakker. Zayn granted Breakker a shot at his title on the June 24 episode of "Raw", and the two subsequently met in a verbal confrontation that turned physical this past Monday.

We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping some highlights of the events leading up to the matches on tonight's card.

Michael Cole and Corey Graves greet audiences at home before throwing it over to Samantha Irvin in the ring, who runs down the rules of the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Jey Uso, Chad Gable, LA Knight, Andrade, Carmelo Hayes, and Drew McIntyre all then make their way out.

Drew McIntyre vs. Chad Gable vs. LA Knight vs. Jey Uso vs. Andrade vs. Carmelo Hayes in the Men's Money In The Bank Ladder Match

The bell rings and everyone begins brawling with one another. McIntyre lands a Glasgow Kiss on Andrade, but Knight and Jey clothesline him out of the ring. Knight delivers a powerslam to Hayes, and Jey takes down Gable. Knight and Jey stare one another down as Gable and Hayes each slide a ladder into the ring.


Jey and Knight fly to level Gable and Hayes while McIntyre sends Andrade crashing into the barricade. McIntyre then uses a ladder to level Knight, Jey, and Hayes. He sets it up in the ring and climbs up it, but Gable meets him on it. The two exchange right hands on top of the ladder, but Gable locks in a cross arm breaker on McIntyre using the top of the ladder for extra leverage. Andrade flies off the ropes to break the hold, then folds up the ladder and hits both McIntyre and Knight with it. He then sets up the ladder and ascends up it, but Hayes pulls him down and the two begin to brawl. Hayes delivers a springboard clothesline to level Andrade, then sends his face bouncing off the second ladder in the ring. Andrade connects with a springboard inverted Spanish Fly to Hayes that sends them both crashing on top of the second ladder.


McIntyre and Jey then stare one another down, and exchange right hands with one another. Jey lands a Samoan Drop on McIntyre, then connects with a spear to him before he delivers a kick to Gable's midsection. He follows it up with a step-up enzuigiri on Gable, then sets up a ladder in the corner and looks to land a Samoan Drop on him on top of it. Gable escapes and delivers a German suplex to Jey, then lands one on McIntyre and a rolling one on Hayes.

Gable sets up a ladder, then ascends up it looking to grab the Money In The Bank briefcase. Knight pulls him down and fires off stomps on him in the corner, then looks to land a running knee. Gable avoids it and connects with a Dragon Screw on Knight, then grabs a ladder and looks to hit Knight with it. Knight moves out of the way and sends Gable crashing into the top turnbuckle face first, then lands a neckbreaker on Gable on top of the ladder. Knight then exchanges right hands with Hayes on the outside and sends him repeatedly crashing into the announce desk face first.

Knight grabs a ladder and sets it up between the ring apron and the announce desk. He looks to powerbomb Hayes on top of it, but Hayes escapes and hits a codebreaker on Knight. Hayes climbs up the ladder in the ring, but Gable intercepts him and sets up a second ladder next to the first one. Hayes ascends up one of the ladders, but Gable meets him up there and cinches in an Ankle Lock on him. Andrade ascends up the ladder on the other side, but Gable relinquishes the Ankle Lock on Hayes to meet him up there. Gable sends him crashing off it, but McIntyre pulls him down and sends him crashing into the second ladder. He folds the ladder up and sets it up in the corner, then powerbombs Gable on top of it.


McIntyre ascends up the ladder, but Jey intercepts him. He lands a superkick on McIntyre, and Knight delivers BFT to McIntyre. Jey delivers the Uso Splash to McIntyre, then ascends up the ladder as Knight does the same. Knight and Jey brawl with one another on top of the ladder, but Hayes dumps them both off the ladder and flies to level Gable on the outside. He ascends up the top, then delivers Nothing But Net to Jey. Hayes then climbs up a ladder, but Andrade pulls him down and dumps a ladder on top of him. Andrade sets up another ladder between the one already set up and the ring ropes, then climbs up the one that's set up. Hayes meets him up there, but Andrade delivers a Sunset Flip to Hayes onto the ladder set up between the first ladder and the ring ropes

Knight and Gable then go after one another, and Gable sends Knight crashing into the ladder set up between the ring apron and the announce desk. He ascends up the ladder set up in the ring, but Jey pulls the ladder out from under Gable. Gable hangs onto the Money In The Bank briefcase until he can't. Jey catches him with a spear, then ascends up the ladder and looks to unhook it.

McIntyre hits Jey in the face with a ladder, then connects with a Claymore Kick on him. He ascends up the ladder and unhooks the Money In The Bank briefcase to win the match.


Winner (and new Mr. Money In The Bank): Drew McIntyre

Bron Breakker then makes his way down to the ring. Sami Zayn follows.

Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bron Breakker for the Intercontinental Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Breakker delivers a back body drop to Zayn, then sends him crashing into the mat and fires off shoulders on his midsection in the corner. Zayn lands an elbow drop off the middle rope on Breakker, then dumps him out of the ring and delivers a springboard moonsault to him on the outside. He dumps Breakker back inside the ring and delivers a chop to him, then connects with an uppercut.


Breakker runs the ropes and lands a clothesline on Zayn, then rains down right hands on him and connects with a belly-to-belly suplex. Zayn responds with a couple of chops and a suplex, then goes for a pin. Zayn kicks out and lands a back elbow on Breakker, then looks to land an elbow drop off the middle rope. Breakker catches him, but Zayn fires off back elbows on Breakker and follows it up with a Tornado DDT on Breakker. He goes for a pin, but Breakker kicks out.

Zayn fires off a few right hands on Breakker, then clotheslines him out of the ring and delivers a chop to him. Zayn looks to land a moonsault on Breakker off the barricade, but Breakker catches him. Zayn escapes Breakker's grasp by sending him crashing into the ring post before he charges at him. Breakker runs Zayn over with a clothesline, then dumps him back in the ring and delivers a Blue Thunder Bomb to Breakker. He goes for a pin, but Breakker kicks out.


Breakker lands an open palm strike on Breakker as he sits on the top rope, then hits the Frankensteiner and goes for a pin Zayn kicks out, and Frankenstein fires off right hands on Zayn. Zayn rolls out of the ring, and Breakker follows him out there. He charges at Zayn, but Zayn sees him coming and looks to send him crashing into the announce desk. Breakker stops his momentum, then delivers a clothesline to Zayn off the apron that sends him crashing on top of the announce desk.

Breakker gets Zayn back in the ring, and Zayn lands an Exploder on Breakker in the corner. He sets up for the Helluva Kick, but Breakker catches him with a jumping knee and a powerslam. He charges at Zayn, but Zayn sees him coming. Zayn then connects with the Helluva Kick for the win.

Winner (and still): Sami Zayn

Special Money In The Bank guest host Trish Stratus then makes her way down to the ring to recount some highlights from her career in the Scotiabank Arena. She then introduces John Cena, and he makes his way out holding a towel that says "The last time is now."

We Hear From John Cena

Cena says fans are in the Scotiabank Arena to make some noise, then says he's there to officially announce his retirement from WWE. He says fans may have some questions as to why he's doing it in Toronto, and says he's been signed with WWE for two decades. He says only the most dedicated and hardcore fans stand by the side of a wrestler, and says whether WWE is hot or cold, Canadians always show up.


Cena says he will be there when history is made when "Raw" moves over to Netflix. He says that his last match will be at next year's WrestleMania in Las Vegas, Nevada. He announces that he will be kicking off the Money In The Bank Post-Show Press Conference to answer questions about his retirement, then thanks fans for an incredible gesture of kindness. He thanks them for their voice, their honesty, and letting him announce his retirement tonight. He tells anyone who wants some to come and get some because the last time is now.

Seth "Freakin" Rollins then makes his way down to the ring. Damian Priest follows.

Damian Priest (c) vs. Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship

The bell rings and the two waste no time going after one another. Rollins and Priest try landing the Pedigree and South of Heaven on one another respectively before Priest connects with a Broken Arrow on Rollins and fires off a few right and left hands. He delivers a flatliner to Rollins, but Rollins responds with a Sling Blade. Rollins clotheslines Priest out of the ring, then calls for Drew McIntyre to come down to the ring to cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase.


Rollins connects with three tope suicidas on Priest, the last of which sends Priest crashing over the announce desk. He dumps him back in the ring and delivers a superkick to Priest, then follows it up with a Swanton Bomb off the top rope and a springboard moonsault. Priest sends Rollins crashing into the mat with a headlock driver, then sets up for South of Heaven. Rollns counters into a hurricanrana, but Priest levels Rollins with a clothesline and looks up the ramp expecting McIntyre to cash in.

Rollins climbs up to the top rope and delivers a Frog Splash to Priest. He delivers a rolling elbow and sets up for the Curb Stomp, but Priest sees him coming and sends him onto the apron. Rollins gets back inside and delivers a Buckle Bomb to Priest, but Priest responds with a sit-out powerbomb. He looks up the ramp once again anticipating McIntyre's arrival, then mockingly slaps Rollins. Rollins responds with an open palm strike of his own, then fires off forearms on Priest.


Rollins looks to land a superkick on Priest, but Priest sees him coming and lands a series of kicks on Rollins. Rollins then lands a superkick on Priest, but Priest connects with a pair of spinning kicks. Rollins then looks to land a Pedigree, but Priest counters with a back body drop. Rollins then delivers a Curb Stomp and goes for a pin, but Priest kicks out.

Rollins tells Priest to get up and stand on his own two feet, but Priest doesn't. Rollins drags Priest up off the mat, but Priest lands a Razor's Edge on him and goes for a pin. Rollins kicks out, then teeters on the top rope with Priest before he delivers a Falcon Arrow and pins Priest. Priest kicks out.

McIntyre's music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring with his Money In The Bank contract in hand. He cashes it in, making the match a Triple Threat. The bell rings, and McIntyre looks to land the Claymore Kick on Rollins. Rollins sees him coming, but McIntyre lands the Future Shock DDT on him and looks to land the Claymore Kick on him. Priest intercepts him with a clothesline, then dumps Rollins out of the ring.

CM Punk appears out of nowhere and beats down McIntyre. He tosses him into the timekeepers, then grabs a chair and cracks it across McIntyre's spine. He chokes him with a cable, then grabs another chair and cracks it across McIntyre's spine once again. Punk grabs the World Heavyweight Championship and clocks McIntyre with it back in the ring, opening the door for Priest to deliver South of Heaven on McIntyre for the win.


Winner (and still): Damian Priest

After the match, Corey Graves holds back an enraged Rollins as he yells at Punk for costing him the World Heavyweight Championship.

Samantha Irvin then waits inside the ring, where she runs down the rules of the Money In The Bank Ladder Match once again before Naomi makes her way down to the ring. Zoey Stark, Tiffany Stratton, Chelsea Green, Lyra Valkyria, and IYO SKY follow.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Naomi vs. Chelsea Green vs. IYO SKY vs. Zoey Stark vs. Lyra Valkyria in the Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match

The bell rings and everyone rolls out of the ring to grba a ladder except Green. Green tries jumping to grab the Money In The Bank briefcase, then takes a ladder from SKY as she's sliding it in the ring and clocks her. Green sets up the ladder and climbs it, but Green decides against it being afraid of heights. Green tries knocking down the Money In The Bank briefcase with the ladder, then knocks Naomi and Stark off the apron. SKY lands a dropkick on Green off the top rope as Green holds the ladder before she dropkicks Stratton into a ladder in the corner. She follows it up with a meteora, but Valkyria sends SKY crashing into the ladder in the corner.


Valkyria lands a Fisherman's suplex on SKY on top of a ladder, then sets it up in the ring. Stark lands a missile dropkick on Valkyria off the top rope, then connects with a superkick and a suplex. Stark gets Valkyria up on her shoulders and sends her crashing into the ladder, then sets her on top of it and ascends to the top. Stark flies to level Valkyria, but Naomi goes after Stark and delivers a split legged leg drop to her on top of the ladder. She follows it up with a split legged moonsault, but Stratton clocks Naomi from behind.

Stratton lands an Alabama Slam on Naomi on top of a ladder, then traps SKY in the corner with a ladder. She ascends up the ladder to the top rope, then flies to level Naomi, Valkyria, and Stark on the outside. Stark sets up a ladder in the ring and climbs up it, but SKY knocks her off it with a second ladder. SKY then ascends up the ladder that's already been set up, but Valkyria pulls her down and climbs the ladder. SKY drapes Valkyria off the ladder that's set up by her knees, then climbs over her. Valkyria pulls SKY down with a German suplex, but Stark takes out Valkyria with a kick.


Stratton and Stark climb a ladder looking to unhook the Money In The Bank briefcase as Naomi sets up a second ladder. She climbs up the two ladders, but Stark and Stratton pull the two ladders apart forcing Naomi into the splits. Stark lands a Tornado DDT on Stark and climbs up the ladder, but Stratton pulls her down and sends her crashing out of the ring. Naomi drags Stratton out of the ring and sends her crashing into the barricade, then grabs a couple tables from under the ring. Green clocks Naomi from behind and sends her crashing into the ring steps, then sets up both of the tables with Stratton.

Stark, Valkyria, and SKY look to climb the two ladders in the ring, but Green and Stratton prevent them from doing so. SKY sends Green crashing into a ladder set up between one of the ladders in the ring and the ring ropes as Stark catapults Stratton into another one set up between one of the ladders that's been set up and the ring ropes. Valkyria climbs up the ladder, but Stark pulls her down and sends her crashing into one of the ladders between one of the ladders that's been set up and the ring ropes.

Naomi ascends up a ladder, but Green meets her up there and delivers the Unpretty Her on one of the ladders set up between one of the ladders that's been set up and the ring rope. Stark and SKY then ascend up one of the ladders that's been set up and brawl on top of it before SKY sends Stark and herself crashing on top of one of the ladders between one of the ladders that's been set up and the ring ropes.


Green ascends up one of the ladders set up in the ring and looks to unhook the Money In The Bank briefcase, but Stratton meets her up there and pushes her off, sending her crashing through the two tables on the outside. She then unhooks the Money In The Bank briefcase to win the match.

Winner (and new Ms. Money In The Bank): Tiffany Stratton

We then head backstage to Jackie Redmond and Trish Stratus. Tiffany Stratton interrupts demanding Stratus say something about her winning the Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match, and a verbal confrontation between them ensues.

Back at ringside, The Bloodline makes their way down to the ring. Randy Orton, Kevin Owens and Cody Rhodes follow.

The Bloodline (w/ Tanga Loa) vs. Randy Orton, Kevin Owens and Cody Rhodes

Rhodes and Tama Tonga begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Rhodes lands a boot and a running bulldog on Tonga, then tags in Owens. Owens fires off right hands and stomps on Tonga in the corner, then rains down more right hands on him. Rhodes tags back in and lands a right hand on Tonga's head. He sends Tonga crashing into the mat face first and tags in Orton.


Orton fires off right hands on Tonga, then rains down more in the corner. Jacob Fatu tags in, and Orton lands a hanging DDT on him. Fatu gets right back up to the surprise of Orton, then delivers a Samoan Drop to Orton. Solo Sikoa tags in and fires off right hands on Orton in the corner. Tonga and Fatu take a couple shots while the referee has his back turned, and Sikoa stomps on Orton's hand.

Tonga tags in and flies over the top rope and off the apron to level Orton. Owens tags in and fires off right hands and stomps on Tonga, then follows it up with a cannonball on him in the corner and a Swanton Bomb off the top rope. He goes for a pin, but Fatu breaks the fall. Fatu drags Tonga to his corner and tags himself in, then whips Owens into the corner and tags in Sikoa.


Sikoa keeps Owens from tagging in Rhodes and Orton, then whips him into the corner and uses the bottom rope to choke him. Sikoa fires off right hands on Owens in the corner, then delivers a Hip Attack on him in the corner. Fatu tags in and delivers a Hip Attack of his own on Owens in the corner, then tags in Tonga. Tonga fires off right hands on Owens, then fires off right and left hands on his midsection in the corner.

Fatu tags in and continues wearing down Owens before Sikoa tags in and clocks Rhodes on the apron. Loa pulls Orton off the apron on the outside, and Sikoa exchanges right hands with Owens. Sikoa looks to land a Hip Attack on Owens, but Owens moves out of the way. Fatu tags in and headbutts Owens in the corner, then looks to land a splash on him in the corner. Owens moves out of the way and tags in Rhodes as Sikoa tags in on his side.

Rhodes levels Sikoa, then connects with a scoop powerslam on him and follows it up with a Disaster Kick. He delivers a Cody Cutter to Tonga and sends Fatu crashing onto the floor, then delivers a tope suicida to Sikoa and one to Loa after Loa pushes Fatu out of the way. Rhodes sends Fatu crashing into the timekeeper's area with a back body drop, then gets back in the ring where Sikoa is waiting with a spear. He goes for a pin, but Rhodes kicks out.


Rhodes looks to land a Pedigree on Sikoa, but Sikoa avoids it. Sikoa is then sent crashing into the official, and Rhodes lands Cross-Rhodes on Sikoa. He looks to pin him, but there's no referee to count the fall. Owens and Orton take advantage by landing a Frog Splash off the top and an RKO on Sikoa respectively.

Rhodes clears the announce desk and looks to land a Triple Powerbomb on Sikoa through it with Owens and Orton. Fatu flies to take down Rhodes, then charges at Owens. Owens moves out of the way, and Fatu is sent into the referee. He lands a Stunner on Tonga, then hits Fatu with the giant prop Prime Energy Drink bottle at ringside. He climbs onto the barricade and delivers a Frog Splash to Fatu through the announce desk, then gets Tonga back in the ring.

Owens looks to land a package piledriver on Tonga, but Loa low blows him before he can. Orton takes down Loa with an RKO, then lands a second one on Tonga. Sikoa delivers a Samoan Spike to Orton, but Rhodes catches Sikoa with a pair of Cross-Rhodes. Fatu flies to take out Rhodes and connects with an elevated flatliner, then helps up Sikoa and holds Rhodes in place for him. Sikoa lands a Samoan Spike on Rhodes. Fatu gets the referee and Sikoa pins Rhodes for the win.


Winners: The Bloodline

After the match, Fatu grabs Sikoa's lei and places it around his neck to acknowledge him as "Tribal Chief". The Bloodline retreat up the ramp and stare down Orton, Owens, and Rhodes in the ring as the show goes off the air.

