Why Former WWE Valet Missy Hyatt Never Wanted To Become A Wrestler

Back in the '80s, the valets played a crucial role in the wrestling industry, and in her generation, Missy Hyatt is considered a trailblazer amongst her peers, having accompanied the likes of Ric Flair, Sting, and Scott Steiner across her career. 


Recently, Hyatt made an appearance on "Wrestling Shoot Interviews" where she explained why she never transitioned into the role of a wrestler despite having the opportunity to. Hyatt recalled going to the Cauliflower Alley in 1990, where WWE Hall of Famer, The Fabulous Moolah, offered to train her. 

"She's like, 'You need to come and let me train you to work.' And I was like, 'No, I'm too old for that.' And then I realized just what I said, and this was before she did the thing with May Young and everything."

She then explained that, in essence, she's simply a girly girl, and never wants to break a nail, but recalled doing catfights with other valets like Dark Journey which were largely unregulated. "We were just told to go out there and fight, and we did, and Dark Journey beat my a** every night for a couple of years."


The fights were so bad that Hyatt claims she went to cry in the car every night afterward because of how much it hurt, and that she now has to undergo many surgeries for her fights. "Now I'm paying for it, 'cause I need two new shoulders, they want to put a plate and screws in my neck, and I have bad sciatica and things like that. And people want to say wrestling's fake? It wasn't for me."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Wrestling Shoot Interviews" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

