Kevin Nash Forgot This WCW Moment Happened, Calls It Worse Than Finger Poke Of Doom

Kevin Nash was involved in numerous storylines across his WCW career, and infamously was a part of one of the most panned segments ever: The Finger Poke of Doom. However, a move that's arguably more controversial is the WCW World Championship reign of Hollywood star David Arquette, which Nash claimed he forgot all about on his "Kliq This" podcast.


"It's crazy, but this is how much this s**t matters; absolutely forgot that Arquette was champion," Nash claimed. He did, however, note that once he saw the segment in an episode of "Who Killed WCW?" he recalled everything. "So, is that making David Arquette the champion — that's not worse than the Finger Poke?" Nash pointed out that he found it funny that Eric Bischoff claimed that all those involved were onboard with it, as Diamond Dallas Page had a reaction that seemingly debunked this. "And then they cut to Dallas and Dallas goes, he goes 'I'm like, are you f**king kidding me?' Like, obviously, Dallas wasn't in on it!"

While others like Buff Bagwell have shared Nash's sentiment on Arquette's championship run, his co-host suggested it might have been done to get some crossover press. "No. Owen got crossover press. Yeah, burn a f**king bag of puppies you get crossover press. No, man. As the boys would say, 'It's turn-the-channel heat.' Did it make you pissed off, yeah. So, it gave an element of heat? Yeah, 'turn-the-channel-and-never-come back' heat."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Kliq This" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

