WWE Legend Jerry Lawler Offers Health Update

2024 has seen Jerry "The King" Lawler's career go through some changes, as the WWE Hall of Famer officially parted ways with WWE after almost thirty years of working there. But "The King" hasn't slowed down at all, continuing to make appearances on the convention circuit, even as he continues to recover from a variety of issues.


During an appearance on News4Jax's "Going Ringside," Lawler, clad in his trademark attire, including his famous crown, addressed some of those health concerns, including knee replacement surgery he had few months ago, which has left him with some difficulty moving around.

"I'm sort of hobbling around right now," Lawler said. "I just had a knee replacement on my right knee. It's doing good, but there's a little bit of hobbling here and there."

While knee replacement surgery would normally be a chief concern for Lawler, it pales in comparison to the other health problems Lawler has faced. This includes suffering a stroke in February 2023, the second stroke Lawler had suffered in a two year span, which, according to some of his closest frieds, left Lawler with a slow and difficult recovery, though he remained in good spirits throughout. As he had a few month ago, however, Lawler confirmed that he was doing much better than this time last year, though he did concede there were still some bad days to go with the good.


"I seem to be doing pretty well," Lawler said. "People just see me like this. But at home, I live by myself and it's a little tough there right now. But it seems to get better day by day."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Going Ringside" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

