Eric Young Believes These Former WWE And AEW Stars Are Great For TNA

Former Impact World Champion Eric Young has named both Jeff and Matt Hardy as wrestlers he believes will be beneficial for the future of TNA. 

After Jeff Hardy made a surprising return at TNA Against All Odds in the main event between Matt Hardy and Moose for the TNA World Title, it seems like the Hardyz will be sticking around for the summer, despite still being labeled free agents after leaving AEW. Speaking with "Brass Ring Media," Young provided his thoughts on the Hardyz being involved with TNA on a consistent basis and shared how their return will continue to open the door for talent to consider wrestling for the company in the future. 


"Being around for a couple Jeff returns and a couple of Matt returns... There's maybe a little more ownership in the company and because of how involved I am and how much I know and how much I'm leaned on there, having those guys return to the company by choice is spectacular because what it's showing the rest of the wrestlers in the world that this is a valid choice. It is an option, there's not just two places, there's three and you can make a good living here and you can be part of something that you can be proud of." 

Young also mentioned that the Hardy Boyz chose to return to TNA because of the friendships and trust they've developed with several stars and upper management within the company. He said that no one forced them to come back, which is a testament to their respect for TNA. 


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Brass Ring Media" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

