WWE Hall Of Famer Goldberg Discusses Potential Last Match

Upon agreeing to face Roman Reigns at the 2022 WWE Elimination Chamber event, WWE Hall of Famer Goldberg was promised, by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, that he'd get a proper retirement match afterward. That promise was later broken, however, as Goldberg has not wrestled since then. On a recent episode of "Busted Open Radio," Goldberg revealed that he's interested in having one last match, whether inside or outside the realm of WWE.


"I'd love to have one more match," Goldberg said. "You know how it is. Vince and I spoke about it, and he gave me his word, but all that stuff happened. Hey man, I don't hold grudges. Vince gave me so many opportunities, I'll be forever grateful, but yeah, I would absolutely love to have that final match, I would. Am I good not having it? Yeah, I'm fine with it, but it'd be neat to have it ... It wouldn't have to be with anyone [from a major company]. I could do it myself and get accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. I could do the promotion myself overseas, do it in Israel, do it in India, do it in Japan, maybe do one in the [United] States."

While Goldberg would like to have an official retirement match, he admits that his current priority is taking care of his lingering torn rotator cuff, which Goldberg says he sustained during his 2016 feud against Brock Lesnar. To address this injury, Goldberg plans to undergo stem cell treatment, and then, if needed, surgery.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

