Former AEW Broadcaster Kevin Kelly Weighs In On Chris Jericho's Learning Tree Gimmick

Chris Jericho's ability to consistently reinvent himself over the years and still manage to compete into his 50s has been something he's often been praised for. However, his current gimmick, "The Learning Tree," seems to be a direct response to all the online criticism he faces. 


According to Kevin Kelley on Eric Bischoff's "Wise Choices" podcast, "The Learning Tree" gimmick is only getting started. "You can never discount Chris Jericho's ability to get new things over. It's like he always wants to challenge himself and do different things. It is where he sees himself at this time in his career, so let's look at it at it from that point of view," he said. "And I think that will help the audience embrace it. It is a little 'Inside Baseball' and I think that might be where some people miss out."

Jericho recently commented on his many gimmicks during an interview, and interestingly said that "The Learning Tree" is his favorite persona. However, he pointed out that this is always the case no matter what gimmick he has, as he always favors what he's currently doing, otherwise he be doing something else. The veteran also emphasized how he does in fact, put young talents' needs ahead of his own, although he does also feel a responsibility to make sure those legends that paved the way for him get their just due as well.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Wise Choices" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

