Buff Bagwell Discusses David Arquette As WCW Champion

WCW's final few creative decisions were criticized by fans at the time, and still are today, one of which was the infamous call to crown Hollywood star David Arquette as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion


In a recent appearance on Jake "The Snake" Roberts' "Snake Pit" podcast, Buff Bagwell recalled the feeling around the locker room at the time and whether he and the talent could have done anything to prevent it. Looking back at the moment, Bagwell admitted it was a bad move, and everybody in the locker room knew it

"David Arquette was our World Heavyweight Champion. It was, again, above my pay grade, though. I just ... who would I even take that to?" asked Bagwell.

Bagwell then explained that there was nobody that he could talk to about the decision to make Arquette champion, but that he had discussions with roster members. "I remember talking with Lex and Sting about it, and then hearing the rumors from Nash, own opinions and everybody's opinion was that it was crazy, it was out of control, and nobody knew what to do about it."


The veteran however admitted that he didn't really know Arquette and that he simply had a cordial relationship with him. Bagwell also recalled that the roster in WCW was unfortunately holding out hope that Eric Bischoff would save the promotion. "I think everybody was banking on the rumor, where I mentioned earlier, everybody was banking that Bischoff was going to buy the company."

But, WCW couldn't be saved, with the promotion eventually being sold to rival WWE.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit the "Snake Pit" podcast, and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

