Arn Anderson Discusses Possibility Of Returning To WWE

Arn Anderson was one of the handful of AEW names who recently parted ways with the promotion, and there's been speculation if "The Enforcer" will return to WWE to be with Cody Rhodes. 

In a recent appearance on "Busted Open Radio," Anderson answered this question, explaining where his priorities lie. He reminded the hosts of "Busted Open" that he's currently 65, and joked that his liver is 127, but admitted that he doesn't think he has much time left and wants to dedicate his remaining time to his son, Brock Anderson. 


"And help him get to a position where he can make a living and contribute and be a valuable asset to whatever company that uses him. That's what I want to dedicate whatever time I have left for," said Anderson.

He noted that he and his son are presently driving around to various indie promotions that are willing to book him, but stated that he prefers driving short distances and isn't keen on flying to and from cities. "If I can drive it and he can drive it? Let's do it. And we'll just go around and exercise our bang to help these young independent promotions."

Cody Rhodes recently discussed how he would like an old-school manager to represent him, which led to many thinking that a reunion with Anderson was on the cards. The veteran star explained that he would be interested a short-term reunion with Rhodes. "If anybody out there thinks that's a good idea, let me know. I don't know. That would be something, 'cause he and I never had that conversation."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

