Eric Bischoff Responds To Bret Hart's Comments On WCW In VICE Documentary Series

The first episode of "Who Killed WCW?" is in the books and Bret Hart has got people talking following his comments on the show. Hart was openly critical of WCW and called Eric Bischoff "Hulk Hogan's puppet," and when asked if he could sum up his time in WCW in one sentence, he responded with, "Thanks for nothing, go f**k yourselves."

Bischoff was also interviewed for the show and reacted to the first episode on a special edition of the "83 Weeks" podcast, stating that Hart's comments were on expected lines. "Did I expect Bret Hart to be crabby and grouchy and blame the world? Sure. We hear it every time we hear Bret, he's angry at somebody, nothing new there."

The former WCW executive was asked to go into more detail about Hart's comments, to which he explained that he actually feels bad for The Hitman. "I saw him in Australia a couple of weeks ago. I was there and he was there and I said hello to him, acknowledged him and met his wife and she seems like a very nice person. But you just look at this guy from across the room and he looks ... miserable. I don't know, maybe deep down inside he's a very joyful person, but he looks miserable, it's the same old s**t. Bret didn't have a f**king clue what was going on in WCW."

Bischoff acknowledged that Hart was going through a lot by the time he got to WCW, with the recent events of the Montreal Screwjob fresh in his mind, as well the death of his brother Owen, leading to Hart being disconnected from the business. However, Bischoff feels he can't take Hart seriously as he is bitter and doesn't take any responsibility for his actions.

Please credit "83 Weeks" when using quotes from this article, and give a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

