Rey Fenix Earns Title Match On Next Week's AEW Dynamite

Will Ospreay might be set to face the AEW World Champion at Forbidden Door but he's still the AEW International Champion and must defend the title. 

In the opening match of tonight's episode of "AEW Dynamite", Rey Fenix won a chaotic four-way match that also included Kyle O'Reilly, Orange Cassidy, and Jay Lethal to win a shot at Ospreay on next week's "AEW Dynamite." Lethal seemed to have the match sewn up but as Lethal basked in the limelight, Fenix struck with a roll-up for the victory.


Although Fenix won the match by the skin of his teeth, he has proven himself to be a capable competitor in AEW. Fenix overcame current IWGP Champion Jon Moxley in September 2023 to win the International Championship and defended it twice in his 20-day reign. Fenix ultimately dropped the title to Cassidy in October 2023.

Fenix is expected to face Ospreay for the International Championship next week, just eighteen days removed from Forbidden Door 2024. Ospreay is undoubtedly one of the biggest obstacles Fenix has had to overcome in recent memory, but if he can overcome the current International Champion, Fenix would join Orange Cassidy as one of the only people to become a two-time AEW International Champion.


