Why Ted DiBiase Says The Outsiders Were 'Full Of P*** And Vinegar' In WCW

The Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, made history back in the 90s when they jumped from WWF to the main event scene in WCW, ultimately forming the nWo, alongside Hulk Hogan, and dominating WCW for years to come. According to Ted DiBiase in the latest episode of his "Everybody's Got A Pod" podcast, he felt his fellow WWE Hall of Famers carried themselves with a point to prove.


"I get it, they're full of piss and vinegar and they're the newcomers and they want to show everybody who they are," DiBiase said. "That's okay. But time is everything." WCW has, over the years, been criticized for allowing too much creative freedom for the top stars, and with Nash and Hall coming into major positions, this is likely why DiBiase recalls the veterans being "full of piss and vinegar."

Earlier in the podcast, DiBiase admitted that since then he's gotten to know Nash a lot better, and how his experience at the time was also not that of a full-time member of the locker room. DiBiase then opined that things would have gone drastically different for The Outsiders, had "Cowboy" Bill Watts still been in charge. 


"Bill Watts would've stymied that crap. He'd have nipped it in the bud," he said. "It's kind of like 'If you're gonna work for me, you're gonna work for me and you're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do, and if you can't do that? There's the door.'"

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Everybody's Got A Pod" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

