Eric Bischoff Identifies The Star Of WWE WrestleMania 40

WrestleMania 40 has already been touted by some as being the best WrestleMania, or at least among the best, mostly due to Cody Rhodes "finishing his story." On "83 Weeks," Eric Bischoff gave his take on who truly was the star of the two-day event. According to Bischoff, WrestleMania has always set the stage for the rest of the year, and WWE is now in Act 1, with many new stories starting to unfold.


"I think the star of the show, with all due respect to Cody and everybody else, but I think the star of the show has been Creative. Paul Levesque, Bruce Prichard, the entire team of Creative. I think they're the stars of the show." Bischoff later explained why storytelling is important in wrestling, and compared it to a movie. "It creates emotion, makes people feel differently, that's why you go to movies to escape or watch television to escape, and you watch wrestling to escape. To live vicariously through the characters that you love or you hate."

He also emphasized how important emotion is in storytelling, and that there are many parts that come together in wrestling to tell a good story. "When you have great creative, when your storylines are hitting those plot points, and all of the things you need to do to make a legitimate story that creates emotion." Bischoff also proclaimed that fans remember good stories over good matches, and again crowned the WWE Creative team as the MVPs of this year's WrestleMania.


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "83 Weeks" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

