Mark Henry Hoped For Something Specific From Cody Rhodes' Wardrobe On WWE Raw

Looking for a vengeful, cutthroat Cody Rhodes on last night's "WWE Raw," down to the attire he wanted him to wear, Mark Henry likely came away from the episode at least slightly disappointed. On "Busted Open Radio," Henry detailed what he wanted to see from Rhodes last night, down to a very specific style of clothing, a crazed demeanor, and a singular purpose.


"I'd like to see Cody come out there with the clothes that you wear when you don't want to get arrested," Henry said. "Like, the combat boots, kind of more like a Shield-esque outfit with a ball-peen hammer and a baseball bat, looking to cause bodily harm to The Rock and to Roman Reigns." Instead, what we were told from the jump on "Raw" was that Rhodes wasn't medically cleared to even be there in Brooklyn. Eventually, he showed up, dressed not entirely as Henry had hoped but without his customary suit, clad in a muscle shirt and sweatpants. While his intent was indeed to do damage to Rock, it only came at the defense of his WrestleMania tag team partner Seth Rollins, and there, they ended up on the wrong side of what turned out to be a scrap against not just Rock but also Reigns, who feigned leaving the arena earlier in the show.


Reigns, according to Henry, was just as guilty as Rock for the beating Rhodes took the previous week, and should have been the focus of Cody's vengeance. "Every segment, I would have Cody walking around looking for Roman Reigns," he specified.

That's where Cody needs to be.

While Rhodes came out with the purpose Henry had hoped for, he only appeared in the final 10 minutes of the episode, as opposed to the hunt "The World's Strongest Man" had hoped he'd have been on.

"[Roman], you have as much blood on your hands as [The Rock] did of mine," Henry imagined Rhodes thinking. "It's payback, b****. If you're in the building, I'd leave, because I'm looking for you." Though Rhodes did end up taking a chunk out of Rock, and nearly put "The Final Boss" through the announce table, he was thwarted by a returning Reigns and ultimately, he and Rollins paid a heavy price, taking belt lashings from Rock after The Bloodline members beat both of their adversaries to the mat. Still, with an episode of "WWE SmackDown" to go before WrestleMania, perhaps Rhodes can channel some of what Henry had hoped for one last time ahead of WWE's big weekend, and given the fact that he's now taken two beatings in a row, he might be wise to take Henry's initial advice.


"'I tell you what, you whooped my ass?'" Henry continued, thinking aloud as though he were in Rhodes' position. "'Man, it ain't nowhere on Earth you gonna be safe until I'm satisfied. Don't go to the gym. Don't go to your favorite burger spot. I'm going to your kids' school where you pick them up. [I'm going to] find you. I'm gonna be the most insane, crazy-ass person that you've ever seen, til I get my piece of flesh.' That's where Cody needs to be. His headspace needs to be there."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Busted Open Radio and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

