Larry Zbyszko Looks Back On WCW Team With Arn Anderson, Move To Broadcasting

WWE Hall of Famers Larry Zbyszko and Arn Anderson were once two of the meanest guys in WCW as "The Enforcers" despite their pairing not lasting too long. In a recent appearance on "The Snake Pit" podcast, Zbyszko looked back at his pairing with Anderson and his eventual move behind the scenes.


"The people bought us, even when they started reading dirt sheets and stuff. But, when me and Arn walked out, you'd feel that old-school heat," Zbyszko said. However, the veteran noted that things changed once Bill Watts was hired by WCW. 

"He was a idiot, no one liked Bill and he was happy no one liked him," the former WCW Tag Team Champion explained. Watts then began to make many changes, such as the creation of "The Dangerous Alliance," but Zbyszko didn't want to be a part of the group. Instead, he had more surgery on his knee and took some time off to recover.

According to Zbyszko, this was when a producer approached him with a commentator position, since Jesse "The Body" Ventura had recently quit WCW. He naturally took the job, but was surprised when he was offered a permanent spot as a commentator. 


"I almost fell off the chair because this was the time where Ted Turner was giving out money like candy," Larry continued. "I wound up working a day and a half a week making more money than I did when I was wrestling. I commentated for ten years but I never planned on it, it just happened."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Snake Pit" podcast, and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

