AEW Dynamite Results 2/28: Sting's Final Dynamite, BCC Face FTR & Eddie Kingston

This is Wrestling INC.'s live coverage of "AEW Dynamite" for February 28, 2024!

Tonight will be all about the build to this Sunday's AEW Revolution PPV, which will also be Sting's final night as an active professional wrestler. To build up his tag team encounter against The Young Bucks he and Darby Allin will be appearing on the show in what is being billed as Sting's final appearance on the show.


This weekend will also see Samoa Joe defend his AEW World Championship against Swerve Strickland and Adam Page, however, there is concern about the latter heading into that match due to a potential injury he suffered last week. Tonight, "Hangman" is set to address his status for that match.

The Blackpool Combat Club are also going to be in action as Jon Moxley, Bryan Danielson, and Claudio Castagnoli all get the chance to face their opponents for this weekend in the form of FTR and Eddie Kingston with each trio looking to build momentum for Revolution.

Chris Jericho is also going to be back in action following a break from television, and he will be bringing back his "Lionheart" gimmick to go along with that. He's set to go one-on-one with CMLL's Atlantis Jr, who will have his father, who was Jericho's tag team partner 30 years ago, in his corner.


Skye Blue will also be colliding with Kris Statlander in a rubber match, with the two women aiming to climb themselves up the ranking system. While just days before he puts his AEW International Championship on the line against Roderick Strong, Orange Cassidy will once again defend his title, this time against Nick Wayne.

Finally, Will Ospreay will be making his first appearance as an official AEW roster member tonight as he prepares to take on Konosuke Takeshita this Sunday.

Adam Page Gives An Update

Adam Page starts the show heading to the ring with a crutch as he says this probably doesn't look like a promising start. He says it was a goal to rise to the expectations, and he'd like to think he did that when becoming the AEW World Champion in 2021. He says when AEW decided the World title would be decided in a triple threat he said it was horsesh*t, and should be decided in a singles match, but it looks like he had the wrong two competitors. 


Page says he will not be able to compete this Sunday. Swerve Strickland comes out and says they've been to war in the last six months, and he didn't expect this to happen. He targeted Page because of what he's accomplished, and to say he didn't have the utmost respect would be a lie. He says you can't stop destiny, and he awaits him on Sunday as he goes on to become the AEW World Champion.

Samoa Joe then turns up and says it looks like they're trying to hug it out. Joe says they've been focusing on each other but avoided making eye contact with him and realizing who the real man is. Joe says they're both battle-tested, and there is nothing new about them, they're hungry-accomplished wrestlers. They're hungry because of him, as he's starving their ass. Joe tells Swerve that whether it's one or both of them on Sunday, he'll whip both their asses.


Strickland then says he went from being unemployed to being a PPV headliner, but he's the same man who broke into a wrestling school and left a man in a bloody heap. He's a career-changer, and he suggests Joe might want to go back to commentary wearing a poncho again after Sunday as he's on the verge of making history. However, Page then blasts Swerve from behind with his crutch, attacking with him as he screams to Joe that he will be champion on Sunday. 

The Young Bucks are then shown arriving earlier today as they say their meeting with Ric Flair went great. They're dying to see Sting, as they want to conduct his exit interview as they show their bats.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. FTR & Eddie Kingston

Claudio Castagnoli and Eddie Kingston start things out, with the "Mad King" getting the best of the situation with a shoulder charge from the second turnbuckle. Both men tag out as Bryan Danielson and Dax Harwood come in and go back and forth with some mat-based wrestling, and that leads to Jon Moxley and Cash Wheeler coming in as they immediately start trading chops. 


They then throw some headbutts and forearms in until their partners pull them apart only for all six men to then start brawling all around the ringside area. The fighting continues until Kingston and Moxley broker some peace and things head back into the ring. Danielson traps Wheeler to allow Moxley to hit him with a right hand, but he fights back and brings in Harwood who starts rocking all three of his opponents with different shots. 

Moxley takes a shot to Harwood's throat, but he responds with a Tiger Driver only for the pinfall attempt to be broken by Danielson. Behind the official's back Castagnoli drops Harwood with a clothesline, and Moxley follows it by driving him into the ring post. Kingston then gets in the way and tries to protect Wheeler, but Danielson brings him down and starts beating on him outside the ring. 


Harwood and Castagnoli go back and forth with forearms and chops, but Castagnoli eventually drops him with a lariat. Moxley then tags in and puts Harwood in the Figure Four Leglock, and while he gets out of it, Moxley works together with Castagnoli to take him down again as Danielson then hits a diving headbutt. Kingston makes the tag and he and Danielson trade chops until Danielson pokes the champion in the eye, but Kingston follows it with an exploder suplex, and Castagnoli gets one too. Moxley tries to drop Kingston with a lariat but he pops straight back up and they start brawling. 

Moxley then plants Kingston with a piledriver, but Wheeler stops the pinfall. Harwood sends Moxley and Castagnoli out of the ring, with FTR dropping Danielson with a big double team, but his partners stop the pinfall attempt. All six men then start brawling inside the ring as BCC hit their elbow strikes at the same time. They break the submission holds by charging their opponents into the corner, and that leads to rapid-fire chops by them.

Everyone begins hitting their finishers and it comes down to Danielson and Kingston as the "American Dragon" nails the Busaiku Knee. He then says he will kick his head in and he hammers down his kicks to the face before locking in a triangle sleeper and he fades out. 


Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

Will Ospreay Speaks

Chris Jericho is shown backstage as he recalls being thrown into the deep end in Mexico 30 years ago as he says Atlantis was a great partner and friend. He requested the match wth Atlantis Jr. to repay the favor to give him a few lessons, and tonight he will show what Jericho can do.


Will Ospreay then appears in the ring, and he says his obligations with New Japan Pro Wrestling, but now he's here for full-time work. He's All Elite, bruv. Ospreay says people are forgetting this isn't his first rodeo, in his first PPV match he beat Orange Cassidy, then he went to Canada and beat Kenny Omega, and then he beat Chris Jericho at Wembley Stadium. 

Don Callis then appears and says to top what Ospreay has done you need the two best in-ring talents in the world, Ospreay and Konosuke Takeshita. He says the winner of this match will be the Don Callis Family, and he tells them to shake hands. Ospreay puts his hand out, and Takeshita eventually agrees, but then he doesn't let go. Ospreay then doesn't let go either and the two men stare each other down.


Eddie Kingston is then shown backstage, but The Young Bucks then appear and Nicholas Jackson says the next time he talks crap there will be a fine. Matthew tells him to focus on his presentation. 

Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Nick Wayne (AEW International Championship Match)

Nick Wayne gets the best of things early on, sending the champion to the outside, and he then launches Orange Cassidy into the stairs before hitting a moonsault from the second turnbuckle. He tries to follow it up inside the ring, but Cassidy rolls out of the ring, but Wayne launches himself over the top turnbuckle to wipe him out straight away. 


Cassidy gets rocked on the top turnbuckle, but he fights back only for Christian Cage to sweep his leg, which leads to him and the rest of his crew. However, Wayne still takes advantage of all the arguing and he sends Cassidy into the barricade repeatedly. Inside the ring, Wayne focuses on the back of Cassidy, connecting with a sharp kick to the spine. Cassidy fights back and looks for an Orange Punch, but Wayne avoids it and hits a fisherman suplex, which gets him a near fall. 

Wayne then mocks Cassidy's kicks and he eats a boot to the face for his troubles as Cassidy then stomps away on the youngster, finishing it off with a running PK. He tries for another Orange Punch but it is reversed with a German Suplex, only for Cassidy to immediately respond with Beach Break. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett then distract Cassidy which allows for a Dragon Suplex, but Rocky Romero and Trent Beretta then fight them off. 


Wayne pulls off a turnbuckle pad, but he then gets distracted by Daniel Garcia which allows the Orange Punch to connect.

Winner (and still AEW International Champion): Orange Cassidy

After the match, Roderick Strong hits the ring and briefly gets a few shots in on his AEW Revolution opponent before running to the back. 

Kris Statlander vs. Skye Blue

The Bang Bang Scissor Gang are backstage and Jay White admits he's now all in on the group. They all then joke about Max Caster's rap mistake and they set up a match for Saturday. 

Skye Blue then tries to attack Kris Statlander immediately, but the power of her opponent sees Blue thrown across the ring. Statlander then unloads with various strikes in the corner before running down Blue with a shoulder tackle. While Blue drags Statlander down to the mat twice with her hair, she pops up each time, takes Blue down, and follows it with a senton. 


Blue attempts a head scissors only for Statlander to use her power to stop her and throw her across the ring. However, Blue manages to hit a knee strike that sends Statlander out of the ring. However, Statlander responds by lifting Blue up and dumping her over the barricade so she lands into the fans. Blue comes back with a crossbody off the barricade, and back inside the ring, she drives Statlander's head into the middle rope before attacking her further with chops. 

Statlander tries to fight back, but once again Blue grabs the hair and slams Statlander back down. She attacks Statlander in the corner of the ring to keep her down and isolated. Statlander responds with a knee strike and then a power slam, and this time it is Blue kicking out of a pinfall attempt. Blue hits a neckbreaker though, yet Statlaner kicks out. The two then brawl on the ring apron as they trade different kicks until Statlander hits a German Suplex on the ringside area. 


Julia Hart then tries to get involved, but Willow Nightingale is in the way, while Blue tripes Stalander into the stairs. She hits a Canadian Destroyer, but Statlander can kick out. Stokely Hathaway tries to get Statlander to use a chain but she won't. With the official distracted, Hart attacks Statlander with her title as it's followed by Code Blue. 

Winner: Skye Blue

The Young Bucks are then shown as they find Sting's locker room. They break in but nobody is there, instead there's tons of bats hanging down from the roof.

Chris Jericho vs. Atlantis Jr.

Atlatis Jr. comes out hot, and he manages to launch Chris Jericho across the ring several times with some monkey flips, but on the third attempt Jericho blocks it and sets in the Walls Of Jericho, but the masked man grabs the rope. 


Jericho then starts going for the mask, but he fights back, and that allows Atlantis Sr. to then attack Jericho, using a towel to pull him down onto the bottom rope. Atlantis Jr. dives out of the ring to attack Jericho. He then tries to hit a powerbomb to Jericho on the steel stairs, but Jericho reverses and sends the CMLL star into them instead, and back inside the ring he begins unloading with chops.

Atlantis reverses and follows it with a Frog Splash, but Jericho kicks out. The two then trade chops, and while Jericho then tries to scale up to the top turnbuckle, Atlantis Jr. meets him up there and hits an arm drag from the top turnbuckle. He connects with a wheelbarrow German suplex, but Jericho barely manages to kick out. They both then scale to the top turnbuckle as Jericho launches himself off and hits a bulldog.


Jericho tries to keep it up, but Atlantis Jr. hits a power slam, but he then runs into a big boot. Jericho misses with the springboard dropkick attempt though as he falls outside the ring, and Atlantis Jr. crashes into him with a dive over the top rope. The CMLL star then heads to the top turnbuckle, but Jericho follows him and hits a hurricanrana, he misses with a Judas Effect only for Atlantis Jr. to lift Jericho as he begins to spin, but Jericho gets out and is straight into the Walls Of Jericho, and Atlantis Jr.'s father throws in the towel. 

Winner: Chris Jericho

The Young Bucks make their way down to the ring. There are fans with Sting masks and they confront them, but one is Darby Allin and he attacks them. However, The Young Bucks have a numbers advantage and they begin beating down Allin. They start using their bats and then hit the EVP Trigger. Ric Flair then appears and he's tricked The Young Bucks as he starts attacking them. However, they then leave him lying as well. 

Sting's music hits and they walk up the ramp, but Sting comes down from the rafters, and uses his bat to attack his Revolution opponents. Allin then nails a Coffin Drop, while Sting then hits Nicholas with a Scorpion Death Drop.

