Tony Schiavone Makes Big Prediction For Sting's Last Match At AEW Revolution

All eyes are currently looking toward AEW Revolution for one reason above them all: Sting's last match in wrestling, which appears to be a tag team encounter with him and Darby Allin against The Young Bucks. However, while his opponents have yet to be announced, Tony Schiavone believes there will be over 15,000 people in attendance at the Greensboro Coliseum to see the bout.


"I think we are going to have just about every seat sold out that can be sold out because, you know, we've got the big screen, and there's obviously some seats that will have to be blocked because of production," he said on "What Happened When." "But, I think we are going to have over 15, maybe like 17000 in there." 

It is set to be an emotional night for the wrestling world as Sting hangs up his boots, but especially for Schiavone, who has provided the soundtrack to many of his greatest moments in the business. He will also call his final ever bout, which is the focal point of AEW's first PPV this year. AEW has sold out the building already, but continues to release additional tickets following production decisions. 


"It's going to be one of the biggest crowds that I've ever been part of in Greensboro," he added. "I'm looking forward to it for many reasons, obviously because of Sting and it being his last match and because Greensboro means a lot to me, and it means a lot to me and my fandom. It's almost upon us, too; it's almost here."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "What Happened When with Tony Schiavone" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

