Savio Vega Recalls WWE Hall Of Famer Demanding He Not Use This Wrestling Move

Wrestling veteran Savio Vega has recalled being requested by WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels to not perform the superkick, which was a trademark of his.

The superkick is common in pro wrestling these days, but in the '90s, it was mostly used by Michaels, who used it as a finisher after being told by the late Pat Patterson to do so. Vega, during his recent discussion with Gerald Brisco and JBL on their "Stories With Brisco And Bradshaw" podcast, remembered a conversation he had with "The Heartbreak Kid" after the Hall of Famer saw him performing the superkick.


"I remember I was doing the kick (superkick) as Kwang in WWF at that time and Shawn Michaels comes to me and says, 'Hey, kid, can I talk to you?' [Vega replies] 'Yeah.' He said, 'Can you please don't shoot that kick no more because that's my finish and your kick looks better than mine [laughs].' I remember that. I look at [Michaels] and say, 'Okay, man, don't worry.' That's when I started using the spinning kick.

JBL joined the conversation and recalled a time when wrestlers refrained from performing the finishing moves of other stars. He reminisced about the era when wrestlers used to request their peers not to perform their signature moves, and this was widely accepted, emphasizing that it wasn't considered a "big deal" back then, which Brisco and Vega agreed with. He specifically recalls how wrestlers would avoid using the DDT if they were on the same card as Jake "The Snake" Roberts.


While Michaels had then requested Vega to not use his move, he is now appreciative of the younger generation adopting his move, stating that he's humbled at how prevalent the superkick is these days.

