Jake Roberts Says Wrestling Legend Was A 'Bully,' Recalls Him Getting Comeuppance

Throughout his Hall of Fame career, Jake Roberts hasn't been shy at all about sharing his opinions on anything, especially the wrestlers he worked with during his career. On the most recent episode of "The Snake Pit," the latest wrestler/promoter Roberts discussed was Ole Anderson, who Roberts worked under while appearing in Georgia Championship Wrestling in 1983 and 1984.


Right off the bat, Roberts made it clear he had no love for Anderson the booker, claiming that the future Four Horseman was good at booking himself, and terrible at booking anybody else. But if Roberts had no respect for Anderson as a wrestling executive, he had even less respect for Anderson as a man and took great pleasure in recounting a story where Anderson got his comeuppance from another Hall of Fame talent.

"Ole was a bully," Roberts said. "He was a bully. He would say things to you, and you'd have to be careful how you'd come back, cause he'd tell you 'Be careful what you say kid, or you'll be in f*****g Charleston the rest of your life.' So it's like 'Okay, I've got to shut my f*****g mouth.' My favorite guy was Blackjack Mulligan, cause Mulligan went into the office to talk to Ole. He made an appointment to talk to Ole. 


"And when he went in, Ole started to say something, and Mulligan knocked him out. [He] knocked him out, waited for him to wake up, and said 'Now I said I came in here to talk. Let me talk.' So he started talking, Ole interrupted him again and when he did, Mulligan knocked him out again. So he knocked him out twice...in one conversation. He was my hero."

To quote this article, please credit "The Snake Pit" and provide an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

