Kevin Nash Says He Wouldn't Be Shocked To See AEW Star Return To WWE

WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash believes that there's a possibility that WWE might try to re-sign AEW star Chris Jericho in the future. 

While speaking on a special Christmas edition of his "Kliq This" podcast, "Big Daddy Cool" discussed a rumor that he had seen about Triple H offering Jon Moxley and other AEW stars a WWE contract after their current AEW deal expires. While discussing that rumor, Nash stated that he wouldn't be surprised if Jericho returned to WWE, insinuating that he can still perform well in the ring. 


"I'm just saying that they're [WWE] going to grab the guys ... you know, Chris [Jericho] is just ... I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't grab Chris," said Nash. "I just think that Chris is ... what's Chris now, 55? 53? When I came back and wrestled Paul [Triple H], I was 55 or 56."

Jericho signed an extension on his AEW deal in 2022, with his current deal expiring in only 2026. Earlier this year, he rejected the idea of returning to his old stomping ground, stating that he likes the way AEW operates and intends to end his pro wrestling career in the promotion. He added that he has a good equation with Triple H and Vince McMahon, but has no interest in going back to the promotion he left in 2018. Some fans had held onto the possibility of Jericho making a comeback to WWE if he were to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. However, those aspirations may have been dashed in light of the AEW star's recent remarks expressing his disinterest in the Hall of Fame.


Moxley, meanwhile, signed a five-year extension with the promotion last year, which will keep him in Tony Khan's company until at least 2027.

