AEW Dynamite Winter Is Coming Results (12/13): Moxley Faces Strickland, Golden Jets Speak

This is Wrestling INC.'s live coverage of "AEW Dynamite" for December 13, 2023!

Tonight will be AEW's "Winter Is Coming" edition of the show, and much like recent weeks, the focal point will be on the Continental Classic Gold League.


The main event of the show will see Jon Moxley and Swerve Strickland collide in a highly anticipated clash. They're the only undefeated members of the Gold League, with each man having nine points so far, with tonight acting as the chance for one of them to take a clear advantage.

Mark Briscoe is no longer able to qualify for the next stage of the tournament, but he can still play spoiler. That's something he will aim to do this evening when he faces Jay Lethal in singles action.

Jay Lethal is in the same boat as Briscoe after losing all of his matches to this point, and he will continue to search for his first victory of the Continental Classic when he collides with RUSH.

Last week saw MJF attacked backstage by the Devil, and tonight fans will hear from Samoa Joe. He is set to face MJF for the AEW World Championship at the upcoming AEW World's End show, having plenty of personal investment in the situation.


Roderick Strong got himself out of his wheelchair last week, and he is being immediately thrust into action this evening as he is set to face Adam Page.

Chris Jericho will also be making his first appearance since being attacked by Big Bill and Ricky Starks. He and Kenny Omega are set to speak on the show, but what will the number one contenders to the AEW World Tag Team titles have to say?

Finally, after making a surprise return to AEW last week Riho will be back in action. She set her sights on Toni Storm and the AEW Women's World Championship last week, and tonight she will face Ruby Soho.

Let's Hear From Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe says he is here for answers, as last week he was made into a liar following his promise to get MJF to AEW World's End in one piece. Joe says he saw a beer bottle last week that was a brand that a certain cowboy likes to drink. He walked around looking for the cowboy but it seemed like a certain Hangman was missing, and that leads to Adam Page making his way down to the ring.


He tells Joe if there's something he wants to accuse him of then he can say it like the man he thought Joe was. He doesn't care about the devil, the game of clue, or the bromance. Joe warns Page that he might not be here as a detective, he could be here as the executioner. However, Roderick Strong then makes his way out and says that Joe was lucky he didn't get hurt last week. 

He says Joe should listen to Page – he is his youngboy after all. Strong point out that Jay White got attacked, The Acclaimed got attacked, but last week we didn't see MJF get attacked. Strong says it is obviously MJF. Page pulls his arm, and that leads to them shoving as Page opts to drop Strong with a punch to kickstart their match.


Roderick Strong vs. Adam Page

When the match begins Roderick Strong comes in hot, but Adam Page fights back with the two men brawling against each other. Page hits several chops, but Strong responds with a kick to the face and he then stomps away on the cowboy in the corner. Strong then drives his knee into the chest of Page before continuing to unload his chops on Page, but he then sends Strong over the top rope as he springboards into a lariat.


Page keeps up the attack by launching himself over the top rope to take him down once more. However, The Kingdom distracts the official and Page which allows Strong to take advantage, dropping Page back-first onto the top turnbuckle. Strong keeps up the attack outside the ring by dropping Page onto the barricade – doing further damage to the back. The two men then go back and forth with forearm strikes until having the same plan which leads to them both dropping at the same point. 

Page fires up after a couple of other shots and that leads to him stomping away on Strong in the corner. Strong responds with a boot to the face, but Page then catches him and nails a Death Valley Driver which gets a near fall. Page hits a running boot and then sets Strong up on the top turnbuckle, but he fights back and slips down only for Page to go for a moonsault, which Strong avoids. But as he runs back toward him "Hangman" manages to hit a Pop-Up Powerbomb.


Strong sets up the Strong Hold, but Page grabs the ropes to break it up. He tries to lift Page up but he gets caught with a knee to the head, but once again The Kingdom provide distractions. Despite that stopping him at first he fights off both men, hitting a moonsault to the floor, but t does allow Strong to block the Buckshot Lariat. However, Page does connect with the Deadeye, getting the victory. 

Winner: Adam Page

Brody King vs. Andrade El Idolo (Continental Classic Match - Blue League)

Andrade El Idolo starts out by grinding Brody King to the mat, but the House Of Black star responds with a series of forearm strikes. He launches El Idolo over the top rope and looks to lock in the sleeper hold but Idolo yanks him onto the ropes to break it up. He follows with a crossbody and then a moonsault from the middle turnbuckle outside the ring to keep the attack going. 


Back inside the ring, King sets Idolo onto the top rope and just chops him to the floor. He keeps the attack going by launchingg Idolo into the barricade, following up by hitting a crossbody that slams Idolo into the barricade even further. The two then trade chops inside the ring until King launches Idolo into the corner, but as he tries to charge into Idolo he gets tripped into the second turnbuckle. 

He then focuses on the leg of his larger opponent with several dragon screws and then a running elbow strike. Idolo aims for a double knee strike but King gets up and tries to counter it only for Idolo to lift King and slam him to the mat. Idolo nails a split-legged moonsault, but King is able to kick out. King nails a huge lariat that turns Idolo inside out, but that's not enough to get the job done, and neither is the following cannonball in the corner. 


King connects with a big forearm, but Idolo responds with a back elbow. The two men then head to the top turnbuckle and Idolo manages to DDT King onto an exposed turnbuckle in the corner. He follows it with another DDT inside the ring to pick up three points. 

Winner: Andrade El Idolo

Backstage Renee Paquette is with some of the Von Erich family. They get cut-off by Orange Cassidy who suggests teaming with them on AEW Rampage.

The Golden Jets Return

Chris Jericho says Big Bill and Ricky Starks pretty much dislocated his elbow. He's spent three weeks thinking about what he'd say to them and he calls them out. The AEW World Tag Team Champions oblige, as Starks asks the fans if they missed him. Starks says he has no problem with Kenny Omega, but Jericho sucks the life out of everything and it makes him question Kenny. 


He wonders if Omega can trust someone like Jericho – look what he's done to people in the past. Big Bill points out what Jericho has done to Omega over the years, and says he wouldn't be surprised if Jericho attacked him. Omega points out he doesn't trust Jericho, but he knows that. He then says The Firm angle that Bill had in the past was more flaccid, or something up his alleyway...soft. 

Omega says they were thinking about AEW World's End as the time they'd cash in their title shot. Starks says they accept. But, before they get to that point, Starks says he hopes Jericho remembers January as he beat him then. He knows what Jericho is all about, and they are the best tag team that there is, as they're the champions without a name. Jericho suggests a few other names such as "The Rick And The Dick," and "Big Billy Starks" – which Starks points out didn't get over. 


Jericho says Starks is a better-dressed, less charismatic version of Enzo Amore. Omega says at least Enzo would hype up Big Bill and not take the spotlight. Starks says they're sick of both of them, and he tells them to prove it if he thinks they've got better.

Riho vs. Ruby Soho

Ruby Soho gains the early advantage by aggressively attacking Riho in the corner of the ring. However, Riho responds with a dropkick and then a running knee in the corner. She suplexes into a pinfall but Soho kicks out and then rolls through and stomps on her opponent which leads to Soho getting out of the ring. The two end up brawling on the top turnbuckle, but Riho comes out on top as she stomps Soho down to the mat. 


Riho looks for a 619 but Soho avoids it and then slams Riho to the mat before hammering down with several punches. She maintains control with a suplex, despite Riho attempting to fight back into this one with a series of punches. Riho eventually gets on top and does hit a 619 before a crossbody from the top turnbuckle, but it's not enough to get the victory. 

They then go back and forth with roll-ups until Soho hits a dropkick to gain control, connecting with No Future only for Riho to kick out. Soho then nails a back elbow, but Riho instantly responds with several suplexes to showcase her power. Riho then runs in with a double knee strike, which keeps Soho down. 

Winner: Riho 

A video package then airs with Wardlow saying he has been preparing for war upon his return. It's no surprise he's left a path of mayhem behind him


RUSH vs. Jay Lethal (Continental Classic Match - Gold League)

Jay Lethal takes the attack to RUSH, but he ends up being dropped with a shoulder tackle. RUSH hits a charge and then a chop in the corner, but Lethal responds with one of his own as he then struts inside the ring. RUSH hits a suplex and then a knee strike as the fight goes out of the ring with RUSH sending Lethal into the barricade repeatedly. 


Inside the ring RUSH attacks Lethal with a series of kicks before slamming Lethal to the mat, but as he places Lethal on the top turnbuckle he fights him down with a series of chops and then hits Lethal Combination. He looks for a Figure Four but RUSH reverses with a pinfall attempt. He then sends Lethal into the corner and looks for the Bulls Horns but Lethal counters with a superkick. 

He aims for Lethal Injection but gets caught in a sleeper hold and that leads to him submitting. 

Winner: RUSH

A video package then airs with Jon Moxley and Swerve Strickland both discussing the Continental Classic to this point ahead of their main event match tonight.

Jay White vs. Mark Briscoe – Continental Classic Match (Gold League)


Mark Briscoe starts aggressively, but almost gets caught with a roll-up. Briscoe drops Jay White early though and hits Froggy Bow, but White scrambles outside the ring to avoid a pinfall. Briscoekeeps the attack going outside the ring with some chops and uppercuts, and that continues inside the ring until White just dumps him out. White looks for a Bladerunner but it gets blocked, so White DDT's Briscoe instead. 

He continues the attack with a boot to the face, but Briscoe reverses the over-and-under throw with a back body drop, but he charges into a boot only to respond with a lariat. They exchange chops, with Briscoe then placing White onto the top turnbuckle, but White elbows him back down only for Briscoe to come back with a huge shot to the back of the head. He follows it by throwing White down to the mat, but White counters the J-Driller with a dragon screw. 

White then hits a sleeper suplex, but as Briscoe fights back and aims for a Froggy Bow, White gets his knees up and then hits a Bladerunner. 

Winner: Jay White

Swerve Strickland vs. Jon Moxley (Continental Classic Match - Gold League)

Jon Moxley immediately brings Swerve Strickland to the mat, and while he gets out of it he ends up receiving a kiss on the nose from Moxley. Strickland fires back by sending Moxley out of the ring, which fires up the Blackpool Combat Club member. The two men exchange big forearm shots until the pace picks up and Strickland catches Moxley with a DDT from the second rope. 


Moxley looks to take a break outside the ring but Strickland continues the attack with a boot to the face as he launches Moxley head-first into the steel ring post. However, back inside the ring Moxley bites Strickland and connects with a piledriver, and while Strickland then sends Moxley out of the ring again – this time he can't continue the attack. His attempt to jump over the ropes leads to Moxley sidestepping and trapping Strickland on the ring apron.

Moxley then isolates the arm of Strickland and launches him into the steel stairs. Moxley brings Strickland back in with a superplex and he then focuses on the fingers of Strickland by snapping them. Strickland fights back with a shot to Moxley and then a backbreaker, following up with several back elbow strikes. Strickland connects with a suplex but that fires Moxley up only for Swerve to immediately knock him back down with a big boot – but Moxley kicks out!


Strickland nails several hammer and anvil elbows before the House Call, but he's unable to hit his finisher as Moxley just pushes him from the top turnbuckle to the floor. Strickland gets back into the ring but is immediately hit with a stomp. He kicks out of the pinfall only to be put into a cross-arm breaker, but Strickland gets to the ropes. Moxley then heads outside and sets up a chair, but Strickland fights him back and as Moxley sits on it he runs and dives onto him. 

Strickland then hits the Swerve Stomp, but Moxley kicks out. He tries to follow it with a JML Driver, but Moxley immediately reverses and rolls up Strickland while holding the pants for an added advantage. 

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, Adam Page is shown in the parking lot being attacked by four masked men. The Devil is then shown getting out of a car as he nods to his goons who powerbomb Page onto the car, smashing the windshield. 

