WWE Hall Of Famer Rob Van Dam Opens Up About History With Randy Orton

Rob Van Dam and Randy Orton have been two of wrestling's top draws for the past several decades. Facing off against one another in multiple show-stealing matches for WWE, the decorated stars” resume includes a 2003 Intercontinental Championship bout at Armageddon, featuring Mick Foley as special guest referee, and a stretcher match at One Night Stand 2007. RVD selectively works the indies today, including an upcoming March match against Matt Riddle. He also performed in several AEW bouts beginning this past August. Orton returned to WWE at November's Survivor Series after an 18-month recovery from spinal fusion surgery. He joined the "WWE Smackdown" brand last week, reigniting his feud with Roman Reigns and The Bloodline.


On "1 of a Kind," RVD discussed Orton's WWE return. "Mr. Monday Night" praised "The Viper," calling him a top-level wrestler beloved by fans and backed by WWE officials. Reflecting on their time together in the early 2000s, Van Dam lightheartedly remembered Orton as a "little bratty pain in the ass."

In those days, Orton's demeanor rubbed people the wrong way at times. Nevertheless, his work ethic earned him the favorable attention of WWE executives and fellow wrestlers. RVD mentioned offering sporadic advice to the future "Legend Killer" during this period. While warming up for a show together, RVD remembered complimenting his colleague's usage of a lung expansion warmup to help wrestlers regain their breath during matches. Orton reminded the ECW legend that RVD himself taught him the technique. "I was flattered to learn he listened to me," said RVD.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "1 of a Kind" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

