Jake The Snake Roberts On WWE Hall Of Fame Prospects Of Vince Russo: 'F*** No'

Wrestling legend Jake "The Snake" Roberts was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2014, so he has some insight into what it takes to be considered in such an elite class. He doesn't think Vince Russo belongs and expressed as much on his "Snake Pit" podcast when asked if the former WWE head writer deserved an induction.


"Okay, next question," Roberts answered while laughing. "F**k no ... My dead dog had better ideas than he did."

Russo began his career with WWE as a freelance writer for the WWF Magazine in 1992. After being promoted to the role of editor, Russo was added to WWE's creative team in 1996, which coincided with "WCW Nitro" regularly defeating "WWE Raw" in the Monday night ratings war. Russo's booking contributed to the birth of the Attitude Era and storylines such as the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin-Vince McMahon rivalry.

He would eventually become head writer before jumping ship with fellow creative team member Ed Ferrara to WCW in 1999, following a dispute with then-WWE Chairman McMahon. Russo departed WWE after managing to turn the tide in the ratings war, but he and Ferrara were unable to halt WCW's decline. The company was eventually bought out by McMahon and WWE in 2001. He would later write for TNA-Impact Wrestling. Russo recently said that he wouldn't last 24 hours working for WWE in the present day.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Snake Pit with Jake Roberts" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

