Kevin Sullivan Says Wrestling Has Too Many Belts, Commends Roman Reigns' Long WWE Run

One of the more common critiques of today's pro wrestling promotions is the presence of too many championships. The reasoning behind the argument is that having too many titles devalues them and makes each championship feel less important, and someone who agrees with this stance is former WCW star Kevin Sullivan. Speaking on "Tuesday with the Taskmaster," Sullivan shared his opinion and used the opportunity to discuss the current run Roman Reigns has been on in WWE.


"Absolutely," Sullivan said when asked if there are too many titles in wrestling today. "That's why I love that Roman has the belt. It means that he is the guy. ... They were passing that thing around. No disrespect to anybody, but a 16-time world champion?"

Sullivan pointed to boxing, stating that no boxer has ever gotten close to holding a world championship that many times, with Evander Holyfield only capturing four in his career. The retired wrestler believes that style of booking makes a mockery out of pro wrestling.

"And that's why I was so glad that [Roman Reigns] won [at] WrestleMania," Sullivan continued. "Because when Cody [Rhodes] does beat him, you know that he is going to get a huge pop."


Sullivan compared Cody's situation to that of his dad, the famous Dusty Rhodes, stating that Cody had to go through "hard times" just like his father did before him. It takes a strong level of charisma to fill that role, and Sullivan feels that Dusty was, and Cody is, worthy of it.

"When Cody wins the belt, ... he won't get that heat he would've got after the Sami Zayn [loss] in Montreal," Sullivan said. "If [Cody] had won after Sami had torn that place down, I think there would've been some backlash on him."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Tuesday with the Taskmaster" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

