AEW Dynamite Results 11/15: Like A Dragon Street Fight, Jon Moxley In Action, MJF Speaks

This is Wrestling INC.'s live coverage of "AEW Dynamite" for November 15, 2023!

Tonight's episode will be the go-home "Dynamite" for the upcoming AEW Full Gear PPV, with the build set to increase ahead of the show.


The main event will be a 'Like A Dragon' street fight, sponsored by SEGA. It will see Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho team up with Kota Ibushi and the returning Paul Wight as they compete against Don Callis' family as Konosuke Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher, and Powerhouse Hobbs team up with Brian Cage.

The Young Bucks will also be in action as they prepare to face Omega and Jericho at AEW's Full Gear. They will be competing against the team of Penta El Zero Miedo and Komander.

Jon Moxley's rivalry with Orange Cassidy will also continue to build ahead of their upcoming AEW International Championship match. The two men will not be waiting until the weekend to fight as they will give fans a teaser tonight as Moxley teams with Wheeler Yuta to face Cassidy and HOOK.


There will also be a TBS Championship eliminator match as Skye Blue and Red Velvet face each other in singles action to try and book their place at the upcoming PPV. The winner will be injected into a triple threat match that already features the current champion, Kris Statlander, and House Of Black's Julia Hart.

The drama around AEW's mystery devil will also continue after The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn were attacked. Meanwhile, MJF and Jay White will have the final chance to build up to their AEW World Championship encounter, meanwhile, MJF has to decide whether or not to take up Samoa Joe on his offer to team with him in his ROH World Tag Team Championship match.

Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta vs. Orange Cassidy & HOOK

Orange Cassidy and HOOK opt to run out into the crowd to get the jump on the Blackpool Combat Club members right from the start with the four men brawling around the fans. However, the BCC stars end up taking control, with Jon Moxley using his jacket to choke Cassidy, meanwhile, HOOK and Yuta kickstart the the match officially inside the ring. HOOK responds by launching Yuta across the ring several times, to the point where he tags Moxley in and he brings the FTW Champion down as Yuta returns with a dropkick. 


Moxley returns by throwing HOOK into the air, but he responds by getting Moxley into a choke until Yuta pulls him out and into the barricade. However, Cassidy then dives through the ropes and takes out Yuta, while Cassidy hits a T-Bone to Moxley. Cassidy tags in and connects with a diving DDT before his usual slow kicks, but Moxley then gets hold of him as Yuta runs the ropes and slams him down into the mat. 

Moxley places him on the top turnbuckle and scrapes his back and bites his head, and he then displays Cassidy's own slow kicks when they're back on the mat. That fires up the International Champion, who puts his hands in his pockets and nails a dropkick, allowing HOOK to tag in. Yuta tags in as well and the two men instantly go back and forth with forearm shots.


HOOK comes out on top with a Northern Lights Suplex, but Yuta manages to kick out of the pinfall attempt as he throws a German Suplex of his own, only for HOOK to respond with one. Yuta hits an elbow strike as they then have the same idea and nail each other with clotheslines which leads to them both going down. Cassidy then nails Moxley with an Orange Punch but he just eats it and then boots the champion out of the ring. 

However, HOOK comes in and locks in Red Rum only for Yuta to nail a forearm to break that up. Moxley connects with the Death Rider before a seatbelt pinfall from Yuta.

Winners: Wheeler Yuta & Jon Moxley

Post-match, Moxley claims there will be a course correction this weekend when he grinds Cassidy into dust and walks out as champion.

Adam Page & Swerve Strickland Face Off

Adam Page immediately squares up to Swerve Strickland, but he just smiles at him as there is a no physicality rule here. Page calls Strickland a coward for going into his house. He calls him a waste of human life, and claims he's dumber now than he was two years ago when he got fired. Page says Strickland doesn't have it in him to be World Champion as he can't cut it, claiming he's not the man he thinks he is. That's the reason his fiance left him and the reason his kids left him. 


Page claims Strickland surrounds himself with yes men, and claims that Prince Nana is just using him and makes his living off his back. Page promises to beat Nana's ass after he's done with Strickland, and then he calls "Swerve" a child. He says he worked with kids for a long time and he taught a lot of lessons, and on Saturday he'll teach Strickland the last lesson of his life. 

Page says he is the judge, jury, and executioner this weekend. He points out that they said he couldn't touch each other, but nothing was said about Nana, and Page begins unloading on him in the ring with Strickland unable to help. Security comes in to stop it, but Page clears house as Strickland escapes up the ramp.


The Kingdom and Roderick Strong are then shown backstage as they call Adam Cole on a screen. Strong says MJF is 100% the devil. Cole says that's not true, and he questions if Strong is the devil and he puts the phone down.

Skye Blue vs. Red Velvet (Winner competes in the TBS Championship match at Full Gear)

Both women start out evenly going back and forth, but Red Velvet sweeps Skye Blue out of mid-air and then moonsaults onto her from a standing position. Velvet begins unloading punches in the corner as she pushes her foot into her while doing the splits. Blue takes the fight to the outside as she launches Velvet into the barricade, but Velvet responds by sending her opponent into the steel stairs.


However, Velvet looks to continue the attack only to be tripped into the stairs herself as Blue then unloads some chops. Back inside the ring, Blue nails several forearm strikers before a running boot, which is followed by a suplex. However, Velvet responds with a huge chop, but she then takes too long to climb the turnbuckles, and that allows Blue to pull her head down through her legs to nail a superkick. 

The two then end up exchanging pinfall attempts until Velvet plants Blue face-first into the mat before driving her knees into Blue as she sits on the second rope. Both women then avoid several of their big moves until Blue drops Velvet down to the mat with Skyfall which gets a nearfall. Blue aims for a knee strike only to be caught and powerbombed to the mat, and this time it is Blue kicking out. 


Velvet then drives Blue down from the second rope, and then nails a big superkick. She tries a corkscrew kick but Blue reverses and manages to hit Code Blue to earn a spot at Full Gear.

Winner: Skye Blue

A video package shows Miro saying that his eyes have been open for a while, as CJ Perry brings the worst out of him. Daniel Garcia will find out this weekend.

Mariah May is then shown trying to get into Toni Storm's locker room. She tells Storm she's a huge fan, but says she isn't doing autographs. May tells Storm she will do whatever she needs, while Storm lets Luther know she wants a tune up match booked.

The Young Bucks vs. Penta El Zero Miedo & Komander

Samoa Joe vs. Jon Cruz

Jon Cruz tries to kick Samoa Joe, only to end up being dropped by a big boot immediately. Joe then hits a series of jabs and then an enziguri. Cruz tries to jump from the top rope, but Joe quickly avoids it and then makes him submit. 


Winner: Samoa Joe

Post-match, Joe extends his offer of friendship to MJF, but warns that the time is limited. He says that he is inevitable, whether MJF has his friendship or not.

The Young Bucks vs. Penta El Zero Miedo & Komander

The two teams start evenly going back and forth, to the point where all four men shake hands. However, The Young Bucks then immediately nail supericks which sends their opponents out of the ring as Nick Jackson launches himself out onto them. Penta responds by launching Matt Jackson across the ring, but Komander comes in and tries to take the fight to his opponents, but they take advantage of him as Nick drives him onto the mat.

Matt then works the fingers of Komander, mocking their opponents. He manages to break free to make a tag, only for Matt to pull Penta off the apron as he tries to do it. Nick nails several knee strikes to Komander before a running bulldog. However, as Matt tries to charge into the corner Komander avoids it and sends him over the top, meanwhile, he then sends Nick across the ring from the top rope with a hurricanrana. He follows it by running the ropes and doing it again, sending Nick into Matt. 


Penta then tags in and dives outside the ring to take out his opponents before hitting a sling blade to Matt and then a tope suicida to Nick, who also eats a sling blade. Komander then jumps onto the shoulders of Penta and then into a double DDT as Penta follows with Made In Japan, but Matt kicks out. Matt responds with several Northern Lights suplexes which leads to a double one to both his opponents.

The Meltzer Driver attempt backfires as they get knocked off the ropes, with Penta hitting Made In Japan onto the apron. Komander rolls up Matt Jackson after, but he's able to kick out. Matt and Penta then go face to face and begin exchanging forearm strikes. However, Nick Jackson ends up nailing double-low blows behind the official's back as Komander eats a Judas Effect. They follow it with the BTE Trigger.

Winners: The Young Bucks

They are then interviewed backstage as Kenny Omega confronts them and asks if that's who they want to be. Omega asks if they can keep it clean at the PPV, and they say that their heat is with Chris Jericho not them. Jericho then appears and they argue as Matt attacks Jericho from behind.

Powerhouse Hobbs, Kyle Fletcher, Konosuke Takeshita, & Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi & Paul Wight (Street Fight)

The Gunns hit the ring and immediately beat down their opponents, picking up a routine victory in just seconds. Post-match they brag about the fact that MJF is on his own this weekend and the ROH Tag Team titles are about to be gone.


Immediately the Don Callis Family charges toward their opponents and the brawl begins. Paul Wight catches Kyle Fletcher at the top of the ramp and chops him before Chokeslamming him off the stage and through a table. Inside the ring Kota Ibushi sends Brian Cage flying with a hurricanrana as he then works together with Kenny Omega to fight Konosuke Takeshita as Omega drives him face-first into the mat.

Meanwhile, in the parking lot Wight brawls with Powerhouse Hobbs, driving a chop down onto the chest of Hobbs as he is on a car. Takeshita drives Omega head-first into a poster, while Ibushi gets on a bicycle and rides it down the ramp as he hits his opponents with a metal pipe until Cage just clotheslines him off it. Backstage, Hobbs lifts Wight up from a height and bodyslams him onto a car.


Back in the ring, Takeshita uses the bicycle to smash into his opponents, but Jericho fights back by slamming a sign into his head as he then dumps him into the crowd and they begin brawling up the stairs into the concourse. At ringside the Golden Lovers attack Cage, nailing him in the head with some baskets. Takeshita gets a garbage lid launched into his face as Jericho then chokes him with his jacket. 

Fletcher and Cage work together on Omega, slamming him onto a pallet, but he fights back and takes out both men before smashing a glass bottle into the face of Fletcher, only to run into a lariat from Cage. Ibushi nails a missile dropkick to Cage, while Jericho sprays a fire extinguisher into Takeshita and follows it with Judas Effect. Omega and Ibuhi then get dropped by Hobbs as he makes his return, driving Omega with the World's Most Dangerous Slam.

Cage follows that by suplexing Omega from the apron through two tables on the outside as Hobbs hits a Spinebuster to Ibushi. Jericho then makes his return and he throws Hobbs a chair as they use them like lightsabers as Hobbs then nails another Spinebuster. He continues dominating Jericho until he misses with a splash, allowing Jericho to hit a Codebreaker. However, Cage then F5's him only for Omega to drop him with a clothesline as Fletcher nails a German suplex to Omega. Fletcher follows that by hitting a piledriver from the ring apron to drive Ibushi through a sign that is laying on top of a stack of upright chairs.


However, Hobbs runs into a knee strike from Omega and then a Judas Effect. They then tie Hobbs up to the ropes with duct tape. Omega smashes a sign onto his head and another glass bottle, but he walks into a clothesline from Cage who then slams Jericho to the mat as well. However, Omega hits Cage with a knee strike as Jericho nails him with a bat straight after. Omega follows it with a V-Trigger and the One-Winged Angel. 

Winners: Kenny Omega, Chris Jericho, Kota Ibushi, & Paul Wight

Let's Hear From MJF

MJF says no matter how hard he tries to outrun his past it keeps catching up on him, even though he's trying to better himself. The people he opens up to keep getting hurt. He apologizes to The Acclaimed and he hopes they feel better. All he ever wanted to be was a World Champion, and he's spent his life making that a reality, and he has done that. However, the air at the top of the mountain is thin, and he sees people climbing to shove him off the top.


He admits he is afraid. He's afraid he could lose everything in the blink of an eye, but he's afraid he will let the fans down. He is afraid, but he's not willing to quit, he's not willing to give up his spot. They'd best send an army to get his ass to come down from the mountain. He doesn't think anybody can take him down, as he's better than you, and you know it. 

He also says that whoever stole his mask, he will find out who it is and there will be hell to pay. Jay White then appears and says MJF is embarrassing himself, claiming that MJF is the villain and he always has been. He points out that MJF has told us time again that he is the devil, and he's not the people's hero. He then says the fans mean nothing to MJF because he hasn't changed. 


White claims MJF knows he is speaking the truth right now, and that MJF knows his days are numbered. The rest of Bullet Club Gold then appear and try to jump MJF, but the World Champion handles himself. However, he decides to brag to the fans and that allows White's faction to take control as they leave the champion lying. 

