AEW Collision Results 11/11- Adam Copeland In Action, Julia Hart Vs. Willow Nightingale

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of the November 11 episode of "AEW Collison." This week's episode, which comes from Oakland Arena in Oakland, California, was taped ahead of time.

Adam Copeland, Darby Allin, and Sting will be teaming up to face Lance Archer and The Righteous (Vincent and Dutch) ahead of their trios match at Full Gear next Saturday against Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, and Luchasaurus.


Days after his match with AEW World Champion MJF, Daniel Garcia is set to face Andrade El Idolo. RUSH and Dralistico will face The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry), while House of Black's Julia Hart will be in action against Willow Nightingale.

The show opens with Idolo coming out to his match, wearing a red mask. CJ Perry's music plays, and she comes up, and it appears that she is his new manager! Miro is watching backstage, looking a little irritated. 

Andrade El Idolo Vs. Daniel Garcia

The bell rings, and both men stare down at each other. They lock up, and Garcia grabs the rope, but Idolo still has him in a hold. He is twisting Garcia's arm. Idolo breaks the hold and Garcia smiles at him. A sidehead lock to Garcia. Garcia counters with a headbutt, then a sidehead lock.


Idolo goes into the ropes and poses. Garcia was going to do his dance, but a shoulder tackle stopped him. Sliding dropkick to Garcia. Garcia is in the corner and gets some chops. Legsweep and a dropkick to Idolo. Idolo gets up hits a lariat and kicks Garcia off the top rope. Idolo was going to do a moonsault, but Garcia walked away. Idolo follows him. Garcia is in the ring now. Idolo hits a big crossbody and gets a two-count. Knife edge chops. Garcia hits a sleeper, but Idolo gets out of it. Garcia hits a knee to Idolo, who falls off the ring apron. Garcia is looking at Perry and he dances for her. She smiles and dances while he walks back to Idolo.

Commercial break.

Garcia breaks the hold. A flying forearm to Garcia. Perry is cheering on Idolo. Garcia is in the ring corner. Double knees to Garcia's head. Idolo was going to the top, but Garcia knocks him down, focusing on his knee/ankle. Double knees to the chest. Vertical suplexes. Garcia turns it around and goes for a brainbuster getting a two-count. Back elbow and a scoop slam. Idolo hobbles to the corner, gets on the top rope, and hits a moonsault, but Garcia has moved. Forearm shots to Idolo. Back elbow and now a figure four to Garcia, now the figure eight, and Garcia taps out.


Winner: Andrade El Idolo

Nick Wayne Vs. Dalton Castle

Post-match, Perry celebrates with Idolo in the ring. Her husband is still watching from the back.

A video package airs from what happened last Wednesday to The Acclaimed.

Commercial break.

Cage, Wayne, and Luchasaurus come out. Wayne is in action against Dalton Castle!


The bell rings, they tie up and Wayen runs to the ropes. They lock up again, Wayne has Castle in the corner, who then picks him up, and tosses him. Castle does a bicep pose in the ring. The two go for the test of strength. Wayne poses as Castle did. They go to the mat. Wayne gets up, he kicks Castle. Castle hits his knee into Wayne's back. A gut wrench to Wayne. Castle stares down Cage, then goes back to Wayne. He attacks him with several shots to his back. Castle was going to bodyslam him, but Wayne counters it, he then hits a flying forearm shot. The crowd is cheering for Castle.

Wayne gouges the face of Castle. A standing switch to a roll, for a two-count. Castle hits a lariat, then some suplexes. A pickup, a reversal pin. Castle misses the lariat but hits a German Suplex. The boys attack Luchasaurus, they get attacked. Cage is upset, he's shouting at Castle. Wayne throws Castle into the turnbuckle. Wayne gets the win with the top rope cutter.


Winner: Nick Wayne

Post-match, they celebrate in the ring.

"Hangman" Adam Page does a backstage promo about Swerve Strickland. 

RUSH and Dralistico Vs. The WorkHorsemen

It's now RUSH and Dralistico vs. the WorkHorsemen.

Henry and Dralistico start off the match. Back and forth until Henry tags in Drake. Dralistico slaps Drake, then Drake does the same to him. Another slap to the chest to Drake, Drake does the same. RUSH is tagged in, Drake hits chops to RUSH but he doesn't go down like Dralistico. Shotgun dropkick to Drake. Slap in the chest then runs into Drake, who falls down.


Back from the break, RUSH kicks Drake in the face in the corner.A rolling thunder. Dralistico and RUSH tag team on Drake. Henry pulls RUSH out of the ring. Drake and Henry now are tag teaming against Dralistico, they get a two-count. RUSH ran back into the ring and made the save.

Drake is on the top rope, he goes for a moonsault, but misses. RUSH is back into the ring. A German suplex. Dralistico goes over the top rope on Henry. RUSH has Drake in the corner, he hits the bull horns the win.

Winners: Dralistico and RUSH

Backstage with House of Black. They want a tag team match at Full Gear and Hart wants to face Kris Statlander for the TBS Championship at Full Gear.

Back from the break, it's Statlander and Nightingale with Lexy Nair. Statlander wants to give Nightingale the match at Full Gear.


Roderick Strong Vs. Darius Martin

The Kingdom and Roderick Strong come out to the ring. Strong's opponent is already in the ring, it's Darius Martin.

The bell rings. They lock up. Martin is in the corner. Back and forth with submissions. Martin goes from the top and does a big crossbody for a two-count. Strong goes into the corner, and kicks Corner's knee out of him. He hits a backbreaker. Now back into the corner, chops to Martin. He moves Martin to another corner of the ring, chops him, then gives some shots to the head.


Pick up by Strong, elbows to Strong to break it. Martin tumbles, knocks him down, and a dropkick for two-count. He now has Martin in a neckhold. The hip check. Martin now has Strong in the corner, hits him with some knife chops. He hits a pele kick and gets a two-count. Martin focuses on Strong's neck.

Strong then hits a sick kick and the End Of Heartache for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong

Post-match, The Kingdom hit the "weiner punch" and they hit their finisher on Martin. Action Andretti runs out to save him.

Backstage with Tony Khan, talking to Bryan Danielson. He says that he will be at All In 2024. Sad that he missed this year's event. Khan also announces the Round Robin-style tournament. It's called the "Continental Classic." 


Julia Hart Vs. Willow Nightingale

The bell rings, and they stare down at each other. Hart shakes her head and slowly stalks her. Nightingale tosses her in the corner of the ring. Brody King saves Hart from Nightingale getting hit. Hart was going to sneak up on her while Nightingale was talking to King, but Nightingale moved.


Nightingale steps on the back of Hart and then bodyslams her. She goes for the cover, only getting a two-count. The torture rack to Hart. Hart breaks out of it. Sideslam to Hart. Hart rolls out of the ring. Hart grabs Nightingale's hair and tosses her out to the announce table. Chops and a kick to the midsection to Nightingale. Nightingale hits a big vertical suplex.

Commercial break.

Back from the break, both women are back in the ring. Nightingale clothlines Hart, both women are down. They get up, Nightingale hits a hip attack. A swing and miss. Nightingale kicks her down to the mat. A powerbomb for a two-count. Nightingale keeps holding her arm. She couldn't pick up Hart because of her arm. Hart takes over the match, a lariat from behind. She is looking for the heartless lock. Nightingale picks her up while still in the lock. A pounce to Hart.


Hart is out of the ring, she hides behind King. Nightingale goes for the attack, but misses Hart and hits the steps. Hart is on the top rope, and Nightingale is back up and grabs her. A full nelson slam, Hart kicks out.

She misses her finisher, Hart takes advantage with a lariat from behind. She's on the top rope, and does a moonsault for the win!

Winner: Julia Hart

Powerhouse Hobbs Vs. Enhancement Talent, Don Callis Speaks

Back from the break, Lexy Nair is speaking to Ricky Starks and Big Bill.

Paul Wight is out to the announce table. Hobbs music plays. Hobbs opponent is already in the ring. The bell rings and he goes in for the kill. He tells Wight to attention and tells him, 'That's what you used to be.' Hobbs hits a falling power slam for the win.


Winner: Will Hobbs

Post-match, Don Callis as the mic. He is saying that the Don Callis family is the best pro wrestling family in the business. Callis then talks about Wight, he calls him a standup guy. He then calls him an idiot for wanting to face the Callis family. He tells him it's not too late, he could change his mind. He calls Jericho a wood tick. They get out of the ring, and Callis speaks to Wight face-to-face. He calls him a scared giant. He says that he buried two giants in his career. Hobbs tells Wight to do something For some reason, Callis stops him after he tells him to "smoke that giant."

Backstage with Nair and FTR. They talk about getting the AEW tag team titles for a third time. 


It's main event time. Archer comes out first and he attacks two cameramen. Dutch and Copeland start off the match. Copeland tries to clothesline him, but can't until he hits a lariat. It's now Vincent and Darby Allin are in the ring. Allin has Vincent in a headlock. They are up from the match. Headbutt to the jaw. Arm twist to Allin. Archer is now tagged in. Sting tags himself in the match. Archer mocks Sting. Archer gets thrown outside of the ring.

Adam Copeland, Darby Allin, & Sting Vs. The Righteous & Lance Archer

Commercial break.

Back from the break, Vincent is biting Sting in the corner. Butch tags in. All three of them hit Sting in the corner. Archer tags in, he stomps on Sting. Vincent tags in now. Sting hits a shoulder tackle and goes to one knee. He can barely stand. Sting was going to tag in, but Archer pulled him away, and Sting hit him with a lariat. He gets to tag in Allin. Archer lifts him up, throws him in the corner, he moves. Vincent hits him and laughs. A lot going on.


Commercial break.

A big elbow to Allin. Vincent tags in Archer. He tosses Allin like a ragdoll. He looks like he's in pain. Dutch tags in, but then Vincent tags in. Double team. Allin pushes them, then goes for a roll-up for a two-count.

Archer pulls Sting out of the ring, he pushes him into the guardrail. Copeland saves him and throws Archer. Copeland is tagged in, he sends Vincent down. A spear to Archer, he then tosses Vincent onto both Dutch and Archer. He flies into them after. Allin tags in and does the coffin drop. A big slam to Copeland from Butch. Sting is now taking on both members. Copeland is back to help Sting. Sting hits the Sting Splash, and then Copeland hits a spear to Vincent for the win!


Winners: Sting, Adam Copeland, and Darby Allin.

Post-match, they celebrate then Cage's music airs. He's with Wayne and Lucharus. Copland and Cage stare at each other, Cage holds up his title, and the show is done!

