WWE SmackDown Results 11/10 - Bobby Lashley Takes On Carlito, Grayson Waller Faces LA Knight

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE SmackDown" on November 10, 2023, coming to you live from the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio!

The fallout from WWE Crown Jewel continues tonight, as Bayley has something on her mind to share with her Damage CTRL teammates and the WWE Universe. Bayley was taken aback this past Saturday when Kairi Sane made her return to WWE and helped IYO SKY retain her Women's Championship against Bianca Belair.


With the tensions continuing to rise between LWO and Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits, Carlito will be going one-on-one with Lashley. As Lashley pointed out on X, this will be the first time that the two men have faced each other in singles televised competition in a WWE ring.

After coming up short against Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship, LA Knight looks to redeem himself with a victory tonight as he squares off with Grayson Waller. Waller has been teaming with Austin Theory as of late, with the duo picking up wins over the likes of Dragon Lee and Cameron Grimes, The Brawling Brutes, and LWO throughout September and October.

Additionally, Kevin Owens will be joining the announce desk tonight, with "SmackDown" General Manager Nick Aldis making it clear that there will be consequences if Owens becomes physically involved in anything. United States Champion Rey Mysterio, Charlotte Flair, and the aforementioned Theory are also among those slated to be in town, per WWE's event page.


We are live! Michael Cole, Kevin Patrick, and Kevin Owens greet audiences at home as LWO makes their way down to the ring.

We Hear From LWO

Rey welcomes fans to "SmackDown", then addresses losing the United States Championship to Logan Paul. He says Paul stole his title from him, and while the referee's decision is final, Paul wouldn't have been able to beat him without brass knuckles. He promises to do whatever to get a rematch.


Carlito's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He says no one wants to see him as United States Champion more than him, but he shouldn't be blaming Paul for his loss. He says he should blame Santos Escobar for leaving the brass knuckles on the apron intentionally, and Escobar gets in his face. Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde hold him back, and an angered Escobar leaves the ring. Rey and Zelina Vega chase after him as Del Toro and Wilde question why Carlito just did what he did.

Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits then make their way down to the ring.

Bobby Lashley (w/ The Street Profits) vs. Carlito (w/ LWO)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Carlito lands a dropkick, but Lashley fires back with a shoulder tackle and several shoulders in the corner. We see B-Fab watching the action from backstage as Lashley sends Carlito crashing into the mat spine first. He then sends him colliding with the top turnbuckle face first and looks to cinch in The Hurt Lock. Carlito escapes with a Stunner and a crossbody, then plants him with a delayed vertical suplex. The action spills to the outside, and Lashley sends Carlito crashing into the barricade. He then sends him colliding with the ring post shoulder first.


Back from the break, Lashley and Carlito teeter on the top rope. Carlito pushes Lashley off and delivers a flying shoulder tackle, then looks for a Backstabber. Lashley hands on to the top rope to prevent him from hitting it, but Carlito sends him tumbling over the top rope and delivers a crossbody. He gets him back in the ring and looks to follow, but Ford holds on to his ankle. Carlito escapes and LWO goes after him, opening the door for Lashley to plant him once he gets back in the ring. Escobar reemerges to fend off The Street Profits, and Lashley catches a distracted Carlito with a spear for the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

After the match, Lashley and The Profits continue attacking Carlito as Escobar watches on debating what to do. Rey runs down with a chair in hand and forces Lashley and The Profits to retreat. He then questions why Escobar did nothing, and the two begin to argue. Rey checks on Carlito, but Escobar clocks him from behind. Rey lands a forearm on him that sends him to the ring apron and looks to help him up, but Escobar sends him crashing into the ring post spine first. Rey lands on the ring steps, and Escobar delivers a dropkick to them. Escobar tells Rey he was his hero, but he made him do this. He tells him that it was supposed to be the two of them.


Back from the break, Cathay Kelley is chasing after Santos Escobar as she looks for an answer as to why he attacked Rey. Escobar says Rey had it coming and storms out of the building.

Back at ringside, Bayley heads down.

We Hear From Bayley

Bayley says she's had a plan and a vision for IYO SKY and Dakota Kai since Damage CTRL first began, and everything she's wanted to happen for them has. She says SKY has defeated the best in the business as the Women's Champion, and it's SKY's era thanks to her plan. She says Crown Jewel should've been the group's proudest moment, but she was blindsided by the return of Kairi Sane. She says Damage CTRL doesn't do things that way and calls SKY down to the ring.


SKY's music hits and she appears alongside Kai and Sane. Bayley asks why Sane is there, and SKY says she had a plan too to retain her title. She asks Bayley if that's what wanted, and Bayley says it is. She throws it over to a video of her attacking Sane before she left WWE and explains that's the reason she's concerned about having Sane around. Kai says Sane wasn't brought into Damage CTRL to hurt Bayley. She says they wanted to take some of the weight off Bayley and says the group is stronger than ever. Sane says she respects Bayley as leader of Damage CTRL and she forgives her for the attack. She looks to hug her and Bayley says she doesn't do that anymore.

Bianca Belair's music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. She says while Sane might forgive Bayley, she certainly doesn't and says didn't have the confidence to face her one-on-one like she thought. She then reveals that Damage CTRL will be facing her and two partners: Charlotte Flair and Asuka.


Dragon Lee then makes his way down to the ring. Cedric Alexander follows.

Dragon Lee vs. Cedric Alexander

Back from the break, the bell has rung and Lee lands a dropkick on Alexander. Alexander sends Lee crashing out of the ring, then lands a tope suicida and gets him back inside the ring. He lands a chop before the two exchange right hands. Alexander whips Lee into the corner and Lee hits a hurricanrana, then levels him on the outside and gets him back in the ring. He delivers a sit-out powerbomb and charges at Alexander, but Alexander sends him crashing into the corner. The pair exchange right hands with one another before Lee delivers a German suplex and a superkick. Alexander responds with a standing Spanish Fly and a Michinoku Driver, but Lee manages to hit his finisher for the win.


Winner: Dragon Lee

Back from the break, LA Knight makes his way down to the ring. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory follow.

LA Knight Comes Face To Face With Grayson Waller

Knight wants to walk to fans, and says Crown Jewel didn't go as he hoped. He says he wished he could say he fell short or lived up to expectations, but he'd be a liar if he did. He says he would've been the new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion if it weren't for Jimmy Uso, then says he's not done with The Bloodline until he owns Roman Reigns and the WWE.


Grayson Waller then makes their way down to the ring. He tells Knight that he's embarrassing himself and blaming everyone but him. He says maybe Knight isn't the guy but he knows someone who is. He asks him if he really thinks he belongs in the ring with Reigns, and Knight reminds Waller of what happened to him at Crown Jewel. He takes a few shots at Waller and says he's about to take every bit of anger and frustration he has out on Waller. He clocks him and sends him crashing out of the ring.

Grayson Waller vs. LA Knight

The bell rings and Waller fires off forearms on Knight. Knight fires back with a clothesline and a suplex, then delivers an elbow to him on the apron and a flying shoulder tackle as he gets back inside the ring. He delivers a boot and a right hand, but Waller connects with a forearm. Knight fires back with a series of right hands and dumps Waller out of the ring, then delivers a dropkick through the bottom rope and sends his head repeatedly crashing off the announce desk. Waller slides back in the ring and delivers a clothesline under the bottom rope.


Back from the break, Waller cinches in a Single Leg Boston Crab using the top turnbuckle for leverage. The referee counts to five and forces him to release it. Waller then locks one in on the center of the ring before he lands an elbow drop and a back elbow. He sends him crashing into the mat spine first and ascends to the middle rope. He looks to fly, but Knight rolls out of the way and sends him crashing out of the ring. Waller looks for the rolling Stunner, but Knight catches him with a back suplex and several right hands. He hits a flying clothesline and a Side Russian Leg Sweep, then connects with a slam and an elbow drop. He follows it up with BFT for the win.

Winner: LA Knight

Back from the break, we head over to a video recapping the match between Solo Sikoa and John Cena.


Back at ringside, Grayson Waller and Austin Theory storm down to the announce desk, angered by the telestrations Kevin Owens has been doing all night. They shove him and pour water on top of his heads. He leaves the announce desk and clocks the two men from behind as they head to the back. He looks to hit a Stunner on Theory in the middle of the ring, but Theory manages to get out. Waller tries sneaking up behind him, but Owens hits him with a Stunner.

Damage CTRl then makes their way down to the ring. Bianca Belair, Asuka and Charlotte Flair follow. 

Bayley, IYO SKY, and Kairi Sane (w/ Dakota Kai) vs. Bianca Belair, Asuka and Charlotte Flair

Belair and Bayley begin the action. The bell rings and Belair dropkicks Bayley. She follows it up with a bodyslam and a springboard moonsault but Bayley rolls out of the ring for a breather. SKY checks on her, but Belair goes flying over the top to level her.


Back from the break, Flair delivers a Fallaway Slam to SKY. She looks for a Figure Four Leg Lock, but SKY escapes and tags in Sane. Belair tags in and levels Sane with a shoulder. She follows it up with a delayed vertical suplex before Sane fires off stomps on her in the corner and goes flying off the top. SKY tags in and quickly tags out to Bayley. The pair double team on Belair in the corner, but Belair clocks them both. Belair looks to tag out to Flair, but Sane pulls her off the apron. Bayley blindsides her and levels Belair. She looks to tag in Asuka, but Asuka pulls her hand away at the last second and sprays mist into Belair's face.

Asuka connects with a kick Belair's head and hugs Sane in the center of the ring. She invites SKY and Bayley to join her, and all four women hug. Flair then clocks everyone, but they overpower her with the numbers advantage. The referee calls for the bell as Damage CTRL and Asuka attack Flair. Shotzi runs down to even the odds, but Damage CTRL and Asuka take her out and SKY hits Flair with Over The Moonsault. Belair tries helping out, but Sane hits her with a spinning back fist and ascends to the top. She connects with the Insane Elbow, and Damage CTRL stands tall with their newest member as the show goes off the air.


Winner: N/A 

