WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Night 2 Results (10/31) - NXT Championship Match, Breakout Tournament Finals, More

Night 2 of "WWE NXT"'s Halloween Havoc specials has arrived!

On tonight's "NXT," Ilja Dragunov is set to defend his WWE NXT Championship against Carmelo Hayes, also NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio will defend his title against Nathan Frazer. In the last bit of title action for the night, Piper Niven and Chelsea Green will defend the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship against Chase U's Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail.


The NXT Women's Breakout Tournament is set to come to a thrilling conclusion, as Lola Vice is set to take on Kelani Jordan in the finals. Another women's division match will see Tiffany Stratton face Fallon Henley. The show will also feature a match between Bron Breakker and Mr. Stone. Finally, the Halloween festivities will be featured in a Tables, Ladders & Scares match between The Creed Brothers and Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo.

"WWE NXT" is set to air at 8pm ET on the USA Network.

Halloween Havoc continues

The show kicks off with Shotzi and Scarlett arriving in the Ghostbuster's car. New Year's Day performs the theme song as a clip show of last week's show plays.

Tables, Ladders & Scares Match: The Creed Brothers vs. Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo


Creeds attack Humberto & Angel during their entrance. Everyone brawls on the outside. The Creeds set up a table. Julius Creed hits an Attitude Adjustment on Angel, sending him through Humberto and the table. Back in the ring for a nearfall. Angel grabs a chair and stops a double team against Humberto.

Humberto fights back and dominates Brutus in the corner. Humberto and Angel get ladders and chairs. Angel and Humberto set up a ladder across a number of chairs like a table. Back outside the ring and Angel and Humberto get smacked with a ladder. The Creeds continue the punishment with the ladders. The Creeds set up two tables on the outside. Angel takes out one of the Creeds and rearranges the tables. Garza and Carrillo double team Julius Creed and send him off the top rope and back-first onto a ladder. Angel and Humberto hit a huge outside the ring double team, putting Brutus through a table as we head to commercial.


Back from commercial and Angel is dueling Brutus Creed with chairs. Humberto helps fight off the Creeds and they clear the ring. Humberto punishes Brutus with a chair, seats Brutus on the chair and Angel hits a huge diving dropkick on Brutus. Humberto hits a running powerbomb on Julius into a ladder for a nearfall. All men are down. Brutus attacks Angel and Humberto with chairs. Brutus puts a Ladder on his head and windmills around. Brutus throws the ladder at his opponents and his a baseball slide. Brutus eats a con-chair-to. Angel and Humberto torture Brutus with a ladder but Julius comes out of nowhere and takes them both out. Another table is found. The Creeds ste up two tables in the ring. Julius sends Humberto back in the ring. A scuffle ensues. Angel gets thrown through a table at ringside. Creeds hit a Doomsday Brutus Ball on Humberto through the table for the pinfall.

WINNERS: The Creed Brothers

Backstage Shotzi (dressed as Pennywise) does a Ouija board with Scarlett. They are interrupted by Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn, who take over Ouija board duties for some reason. In the locker room, Tiffany Stratton is confronted by a picture of Fallon Henley dressed as Stratton.

Daddy's Princess In Action

Backstage, Joe Gacy talks about suffering and horror and rambles about being human. In the locker room, Ilja Dragunov jumps rope.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallon Henley

Stratton attacks during Henley's entrance. Henley shrieks like a banshee as Stratton attacks her knee. Henley appears to be injured and the match called off.


WINNER: No Contest

We head to a spooky forest, where The Meta-Four are dressed like Scooby Doo characters as they explore a haunted house to find the NXT UK Heritage Cup. The voice of Akira Tozawa is haunting them throughout the segment.

WWE NXT North American Championship Match: Dominik Mysterio (c) vs. Nathan Frazer

They circle each other to start. They jockey for position and Dominik has to keep things underhanded to keep Frazer at bay. Frazer uses his athleticism to get the advantage. Mysterio retreats to ringside and conferences with Rhea Ripley as we head to commercial. In picture-in-picture, Mysterio gets back in the ring and dominates Frazer.

Back from commercial, Frazer fights out of a headlock but ends up eating Three Amigos from Mysterio. Mysterio gets distracted on the third amigo and Frazer comes back with a Brainbuster. Frazer gets momentum and unleashes a flurry of strikes. Frazer botches a move by getting too speedy. Both men recover. Frazer dropkicks Dominik out of the ring. Dominik sends Frazer back in the ring. Frazer hits a tope to the outside. Back in the ring, Mysterio dodges a Phoenix Splash. Mysterio climbs the top rope but Frazer recovers with a Superplex/Final Cut combo for a nearfall. Rhea throws Dominik the title but he misses it and Frazer rolls him up for a nearfall. Frazer counters a 619 with a Superkick. Both men are down. 


Frazer comes back but Mysterio knocks Frazer off the top rope and sends him into the announce table. Back in the ring, Dominik hits a Frog Splash for the pinfall.


After the match, Wes Lee attacks Dominik and poses with the North American Title.

Backstage, Jacy Jayne and Andre Chase are at odds over Jacy trying to cheat last week. Duke Hudson and Thea Hail interrupt them. Hail and Jayne go get ready for their title match. Tony D'Angelo and Stacks make it clear they're coming for Chase U. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn, dressed as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, talk about how the Women's Tag Titles are cursed.

Breakker vs. Stone

Back from commercial and Jakara Jackson is wandering through the haunted house, getting scared by various monsters. She eventually faints. Oro Mensah runs into a terrifying zombie child. He hits a scare actor with a sandwich. He finds Akira Tozawa and the two brawl in the haunted house. Mensah is knocked out and dragged away by druids. Lash Legend beats up a scare actor in a bloody kitchen before being dragged off.


Back in the ring, Mr. Stone awaits his opponent.

Bron Breakker vs. Mr. Stone

Breakker corners Stone. Stone does his best to avoid Breakker. Stone throws a punch that doesn't faze Bron. Stone runs around the ring and back into it but eats a shoulder tackle from Breakker. Breakker mangles Stone's tanktop. Breakker tosses Stone around the ring. Breakker maintains dominance but gets rolled up by Stone for a nearfall. Breakker goes back to battering Stone. Breakker hits a Spear for the pinfall.

WINNER: Bron Breakker

After the bell, Breakker takes Stone out of the ring and tosses him around. Breakker goes to deliver the same stair crush that he performed on Von Wagner, but Von shows up with the biggest bandage on his head that I've ever seen. Wagner chokeslams Breakker onto the stairs. Breakker avoids the stair crush and retreats as security restrains Von Wagner.


A video plays, detailing Lyra Valkyria's road to the NXT Women's Title.

Women's Tag Title Action

Scrypts cuts a promo in front of graffiti. Scrypts says that no one understands the hardship that the three men grew up with. They're mad at the Brawling Brutes for costing them a shot at the tag titles.


WWE Women's Tag Team Championship Match: Chelsea Green & Piper Niven (c) vs. Jacy Jayne & Thea Hail

Challengers charge the champions during their entrance. Jayne attacks Green in the ring but immediately runs out of the ring to help Hail escape from Niven. Back in the ring, Chelsea gets a nearfall but is immediately eaten up by Hail and Jayne. Hail tags in and tosses Green around the ring. Green tries to out maneuver Hail but ends up outside the ring, hit with a Tope from Hail. Hail and Jayne hit a huge double senton on Green on the outside as we head to commercial. 

During commercial, Niven and Green take the upperhand, double-teaming Thea in the corner. Niven locks in a Cobra Clutch as we come back from commercial. Niven hits a huge Shoulder Breaker. Hail comes back with a DDT and crawls for Jayne. Green tags in and stops the tag from happening. Hail dodges under and tags in Jacy. Jacy runs over Green. Jayne hits a huge Cannonball in the corner for a nearfall. Green fights back and goes for an Unprettier but Jayne counters with a Spinebuster. Niven breaks up the pinfall. Niven hits Hail with an Electric Chair Slam. Green and Jayne trade blows. All four women are down. Jayne recovers and fights back but Green hits an Unprettier for the pinfall.



Backstage Lexis King is sitting on his throne and says he's pleased with his debut match and that his name is everywhere. He's used to everyone having an opinion about him. He says he's done some bad things and we will learn more of those things.

NXT Women's Breakout Tournament Finals

WWE NXT Women's Breakout Tournament Final: Lola Vice vs. Kelani Jordan

Vice dominates from the jump. Jordan does her best to fight back but Vice commands the match as we head to commercial. Back from commercial and Vice continues torturing Jordan's leg. Jordan rolls up Vice for a nearfall. Jordan continues to try and mount offense but gets thrown off by Vice. Jordan hits a big kick, both women are down. Jordan gets another nearfall from a flurry of offense. Vice comes back with a big kick to the gut for a nearfall.


Jordan comes back with a Handspring Complete Shot. Jordan knocks Elektra Lopez off the apron but misses a Split Legged Moonsault. Vice hits a huge kick to the head for the pinfall.


In the haunted house, Dar reunites with his WWE NXT UK Heritage Cup, but the emotional moment is interrupted by an army of scare actors. Tozawa appears and challenges Dar to a Heritage Cup match. Dar gives Tozawa the match in exchange for calling off the scare actors. Tozawa gives Dar back the cup and leaves, the scare actors swarm Dar.

Main Event Time

Backstage, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn do their witchy narration before being interrupted by Von Wagner demanding a match against Bron Breakker but Mr. Stone refuses, saying Wagner is not recovered enough from his head injury.


WWE NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes charges Dragunov to start but Dragunov catches him. They trade blows. Dragunov hits a big German Suplex. Hayes comes back with a suplex of his own. They trade more blows. Double kick and both men are down as we head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Dragunov is in control of the match. Both men trade forearms. Dragunov pummels Hayes and hits a series of rolling chops, an enzuigiri and a German Suplex. Dragunov keeps the suplex train running. Dragunov hits a huge powerbomb for a nearfall. Hayes comes back with a series of kicks but Dragunov hits a huge lariat for a nearfall.

Hayes comes back with La Mistica for a nearfall. Hayes climbs to the top rope. Dragunov pulls him down. They fight to the outside. Hayes hits a huge DDT onto the apron. Hayes gets Dragunov back in the ring and hits a Frog Splash for a nearfall. The two men fight to their feet, Dragunov is reenergized and pummels Hayes. Dragunov takes him down and hits a huge senton. Dragunov hits a huge slam for a nearfall. Dragunov counters a suplex and hits a big chop to the back of the head. Hayes comes back with a huge kick. Dragunov fights back with a Death Valley Driver on the outside.


Dragunov clears off the announce table. Dragunov hits an H-Bomb off the barricade and through the announce table. Back in to the ring and Dragunov tries for a Coast To Coast, they trade counters. Hayes hits a Codebreaker. Dragunov hits an H-Bomb for a nearfall. Hayes counters a top rope H-Bomb with a Codebreaker. Hayes climbs to the top rope. Trick Williams's music plays. Williams comes to ringside, distracting Hayes. Dragunov recovers and hits a Superplex. Dragunov hits Torpedo Moscow for the pinfall.


Dragunov celebrates as Hayes looks stunned by the loss. Trick Williams gets in the ring and approaches Hayes. Williams pulls Hayes to his feet. Both men staredown but backstage, Baron Corbin is attacking Ilja Dragunov as the show goes off the air.

