ABC Captures The Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Titles Defeating The Rascalz

Upon capturing a briefcase in the Feast or Fired match at Impact 1000, Chris Bey secured himself and tag team partner Ace Austin a shot at the Impact World Tag Team Championships. ABC decided to cash in their tag title opportunity at Bound for Glory 2023, Impact Wrestling's biggest show of the year. After The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) successfully defended the Impact Tag Team Championships against Rich Swann and Sami Callihan, the stage was set for them to put the titles on the line against ABC next.


As this title match unfolded at Bound For Glory, The Rascalz appeared to be gaining the upper hand, taking down Austin with a Meteora and a senton. Before they could reach a three-count pinfall, though, Bey leaped off the top turnbuckle to break it up. This prompted Wentz to retrieve a can of spray paint from under the ring as Miguel dragged Austin to his feet. Unfortunately for The Rascalz, the referee immediately caught Wentz in the act, and after a brief argument, Wentz accidentally sprayed Miguel in the eyes with the spray paint. This allowed ABC to quickly dispose of Miguel and nail Wentz with the 123 for the victory, crowning them as the new Impact Tag Team Champions.

With this win, ABC now begins their second reign with the Impact Tag Team Championships, ending The Rascalz's run of 55 days with the gold. The Rascalz originally won the titles at Impact Emergence in late August by defeating Subculture (Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews).

