TNT Champion Christian Cage Squeaks By In AEW Collision Match Against Bryan Danielson

In the opening segment of "AEW Collision," Adam Copeland came out and was quickly joined by Christian Cage. Cage addressed the crowd and stated that in the interest of having a fair match, Bryan Danielson's Blackpool Combat Club teammates wouldn't be present for the TNT Title match later in the evening. Danielson emerged from backstage and said that Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne were also banned from ringside. The three were later joined by Ricky Starks, Big Bill, and FTR and a tag team bout seemed like a possibility. However, that never materialized and Cage and Danielson's scheduled title match took place in the main event.


Both men seemed tentative to start the bout, which was their first-ever singles encounter. Danielson gained control and went for the LeBell Lock, but Cage escaped and left the ring to regroup. When Cage finally returned to the ring, he began working over Danielson's arm.

Danielson went for a top rope maneuver, but Cage moved. As a result, Danielson appeared to reinjure his right forearm when he landed on the mat. Cage recognized that Danielson was in considerable pain and again attacked the injured body part with a hammerlock slam on the ring apron. 

Danielson delivered a series of headbutts, even hitting one from the top rope and the champion was briefly bleeding from his forehead. With Danielson in control, he went for a running knee. Instead, Cage hit a spear and the Killswitch for a near fall. Cage tried going for another spear, but was unsuccessful. Danielson regained control and applied the LeBell Lock. This brought out Big Bill who distracted the referee long enough for Ricky Starks to hit Danielson with his title belt. Cage secured the victory and then Danielson was attacked by Big Bill, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne. FTR and Adam Copeland ran out to save Danielson.

