AEW Collision Results 10/14 - Christian Cage Vs. Bryan Danielson, ROH TV Title Match

Welcome to Wrestling Inc's live coverage of the October 14 episode of "AEW Collison." This week's episode comes from the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio.

Collision is back to its usual time. The episode includes several title matches, including Christian Cage defending the TNT Championship against Bryan Danielson. Also, Kris Statlander is defending the TBS Championship against Skye Blue and Samoa Joe is putting up the ROH Television Championship against former Impact star Willie Mack.


We'll hear from the new AEW Tag Team Champions Ricky Starks and Big Bill. The duo won the titles last Saturday from FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler). Adam Copeland is supposed to be on the show too, while Kommander will be in a match against Brian Cage.

The show opens up with Copeland coming to the ring. He now has a mic in his hand and the crowd is going wild. He tells the crowd that he's still not used to the "Adam" chant. Cage's music plays, and he comes out with his whole entourage. Cage is now on the mic and he tells the crowd to shut their mouths. They chant "You Suck." He tells, Copeland that he has a lot of nerve and "Collision" is his show. Cage tells Copeland that the security he has is for Copeland's sake. He tells him to leave the company. 


Cage talks about his match against Danielson and says he kicked the other BCC members out. He calls himself the best in the world, Danielson comes out, and the crowd chants yes. Danielson tells him that Nick Wayne and Lucharusus are banned from the ring.

ROH TV Title Match: Samoa Joe (c) Vs. Willie Mack

Ricky Starks and Big Bill come out with the AEW Tag Team Titles and Starks has a mic. He calls them in the ring a "Wild Hog" remake.

Copeland calls Starks a "midget" version of The Rock. After more trash-talking, FTR comes out and they say that they will climb back on the ladder for a match. Danielson wants to fight Cage soon. The security starts attacking them, but each man does their signature moves.


Video package airs of AEW World Champion MJF at the Stand Up To Jewish Hate event. He talks about meeting the owner of the New England Patriots, Robert Craft.

Next up Joe is defending his ROH title against Mack. The bell rings, and they lock up. Mack has Joe in a headlock, but he breaks out of it. Mack then goes for a shoulder block but Joe barely moves. Joe hits a shoulder block, Mack falls to the mat. Joe has Mack in the corner now, Lariat, but Mack ducks out. He drives onto Joe and it cuts to a commercial.

It's back, Joe is giving a few chops to Mack. Cannonball in the corner to Joe, he gets a two-count. More chops and a big boot to Joe. Joe gets back into the match with a Swanton splash. Mack is back, he gives some chops too. Stunner to Joe and gets a two-count. Joe is on the mat, but he gets up. Mack goes to the top rope, it doesn't work out for him, and Joe wins with the Muscle Buster. 


Juice Robinson Vs. Christopher Daniels, Kyle Fletcher In Action

Winner and still the ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe

Backstage, CJ Perry is being interviewed. Action Andretti comes out and wants her to be his manager. Next up is Christopher Daniels vs. Bullet Club Gold's Juice Robinson.


The match starts with Daniels getting the upper hand with arm drags, but Robinson sends Daniels into the ropes neck first, changing the match. The Gunns attack Daniels behind the Ref's back. A series of punches, but Daniels reverses a Left Hand of God to a suplex. Several STO's to Robinson and a Death Valley Driver, but Robinson is still not giving up on the match. Daniels tries for the Angel's Wings, but Robinson shoves him hard. Robinson hits the Left Hand of God and a senton for almost a three-count. Daniels goes for another Angel's wings, but gets shoved into the corner again, and the match changes drastically after another Left of God, then a cannonball. Robinson won the match with him and the Juice is Loose for the win.


Winner: Robinson

Post-match, Robinson says that he's going to win this year's  Dynamite Dozen Battle Royale. White is now on the mic, he goes on about MJF not having any friends. 

Back from the break, it's Lexy interviewing Nick Wayne. He's confused as to why he has to do a sit-down interview with Jim Ross. His mom is going to be there too. 

Kyle Fletcher's music starts.  His opponent, Boulder is already in the ring. The bell rings and they lock up. Fletcher has Boullder in a headlock and then several close fists. A long drive drive to Boulder. Fletcher has Boulder by the knee. Fletcher does the red and wins.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher

Backstage with the Acclaimed. Daddy*** says that if he has a thing for MJF, they will help him work on his relationship skills.

TBS Title Match: Kris Statlander (c) Vs. Skye Blue

Up next is the TBS Title match.

They lock up and a headlock takeover. Statlander Blue hits a back elbow to Statlander, Statlander is upset and back to a sidehead lock takeover. Scoop slam. A kick to Statlander's head.Neck breaker across the ropes. It goes to commercial.


Back from the break, a leg sweep, and now kicks to Blue. Blue Thunder Bomb and Statlander gets only a two-count. Blue does an impressive DTE to Statlander and gets a two-count. Blue was going to the top rope, and Statlander follows her. A powerbomb to Statlander, she is back on the top rope, but Statlander grabs her. Thrust kicks, but Statlander finally counters and hits the Saturday Night Fever for the win.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Kris Statlander

Post-match, Statlander tries to shake Blue's hand, but Willow Nightingale is in the ring. She tells her that she'll help Blue.

Fletcher says that he misses and loves his partner Mark Davis. Says that while he is gone, he can show that he's a singles wrestler. He calls out Kenny Omega and wants a match against him.  Back from a commercial break and Keith Lee's music plays. His opponent is already in the ring, his name is Turbo Floyd. Back body drop to Floyd and a gigantic powerbomb for the win. It's a quick one.


Miro promo, he reveals that he will knock out anyone who is around his wife.

TNT Championship Match: Christian Cage (c) Vs. Bryan Danielson

Main event time. The bell rings, staredown each other until they lock up. Cage flips Danielson. Danielson wants to do the test of strength he goes for it, but Cage goes for the Unprettier. They take the match to the mat, Cage has Danielson in headlocks and tries to get the pin, and again, both only two counts. 


Headscissors. Inside headlock to Danielson. Danielson jumps over Cage and counters, going for a submission hold.

Back from the break, a standing switch. Each man keeps going back and forth with submission holds. "Bow and Arrow" action to Cage. He gets out of it and goes out of the ring. Danielson throws him in the barricade and

Back in the ring, thumbs to the eyes Danielson. Cage has his arm in a hold, Danielson gets out of it, and he throws Cage into the turnbuckle. Danielson goes for the top, but he misses Cage, and hits his forearm. Cage sees that he's hurt and hurts it more with a submission hold. Danielson gets out of it and headbutts the TNT Champion.

Danielson goes for a dive, but Cage knocks him down. Waistlock to Cage, who is holding onto the ropes so he doesn't fall. Some sort of pele kick with the help of the ropes. Cage slams Danielson into the edge of the ring.


Cage Retains, Brawl At The End

Back now, Cage throws Danielson out of the ring and hits his arm on the announce table. He does it a second time and tells Danielson that he is the best wrestler in the world. In the ring, Danielson is on the top rope with the help of Cage. Danielson tries to fight back and hooks his legs, he headbutts Cage. Cage falls over.  On the turnbuckle now and a frog splash, Cage is bleeding.


A back kick and Danielson moves out of the way. Cage counters his and gets a two-count. He's now on the top rope and does a frog splash. He's looking for the killswitch. Tries it, but Danielson steps on his back. Kicks to Cage.

Cage goes for the spear, but Danielson counters it, and gets a two-count. Kicks to Cage's head and is looking for the spear, but Cage spears him and does the killswitch for almost a win! The crowd is going wild with "These is Awesome" chants. Spear again, but instead Cage meets the turnbuckle. LeBell Lock to Cage, it's looking like he's going to tap out, but  Big Bill comes out and has the referee distracted for Starks to hit Danielson with the belt. Cage gets the pin with help from Starks and Bill. 


Winner and still TNT champion: Cage

Post-match, Danielson is getting attacked by Starks, Bill, Wayne, and Luchasurus. FTR come out to save Danielson, but they are outnumbered. Copeland now comes out, he kicks, and hits everyone in his way. He has Luchasaurus in the corner. A big boot to Luchasaurus's face. Wayne is the only one in the ring now, and Copeland spears him. The show ends on that note.

