WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross On Which Match He Enjoyed Calling The Most

Jim Ross has lent his voice to professional wrestling for nearly 50 years, calling action inside the ring all over the globe. But it's a match at WrestleMania 2000 that he enjoyed being at the broadcast desk the most for. Speaking on his "Grilling JR" podcast, Ross explained why the Triple Threat Ladder Match involving the Dudley Boyz, the Hardy Boyz, and Edge and Christian — for the WWE Tag Team Championships — specifically resonated with him.

"I had an emotional investment in all those guys," Ross said. "I hired the Dudleys. They were interesting to work with. Bubba's got a great booking mind, and so between he, Edge and Christian, especially Matt Hardy — and Jeff to a little lesser degree — all had ideas. They had seen this match that was booked in their heads for years, and in the last several months, it intensified amazingly. So now they find themselves in an environment where they can make or break their career," he continued, "because they're going to be taking some hellacious chances that are not layups to pull off. The last thing you want is a bunch of botched spots, and they didn't have any. That was the damnedest thing I think I'd ever seen. I don't think I've ever enjoyed calling a match any more than that one, because these guys are finally getting a chance."

While the Dudley Boyz entered the match as the titleholders, the ending moments produced new WWE Tag Team Champions. Edge and Christian pushed Matt Hardy off a ladder, sending him plummeting through a table. As the rest of the competitors stirred down below, Edge and Christian seized the opportunity to snag the title belts that were hung above them, beginning their first reign as WWE Tag Team Champions.

If you use quotes in this article, please credit "Grilling JR" and provide an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

