Wrestling Legend Arn Anderson On One Thing Babyfaces Continue To Fail To Understand

The professional wrestling world is constantly changing and evolving in terms of style and how to get over with a crowd. However, some things remain the same, which is why Arn Anderson believes there is a simple formula that babyfaces should follow in order to get over.


"Babyfaces don't understand that you've got to put yourself behind the eight ball so that the fans are clamoring to shut these guys up," he said on his "ARN" podcast. 

The key to this idea is to make a babyface sympathetic, as falling behind the eight ball would lead to them finding themselves in a spot of trouble. Whether this is being attacked by their rival or having the heel talk trash to them on the microphone, this all helps to make fans want to see them get the upper hand by the conclusion of the storyline. 

Being a truly great babyface is something that can be difficult in the modern era due to the shades of grey that many wrestlers choose to operate in, such as MJF's current character. However, modern storylines such as Kofi Kingston's "KofiMania" showcase the benefit of a wrestler following this style of formula to great impact. 


With Anderson still being involved in the professional wrestling business from both an on-screen and behind-the-scenes perspective, he is able to help pass on these tips to the current stars. He has previously made it clear that he wants to see more storytelling in the modern industry, which links to this idea, as having more time for that over just wrestling would allow babyfaces to find themselves able to gain more sympathy.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "ARN" with a H/T to WrestlingInc. for the transcription.

