More Details On WWE Prospect Gable Steveson Pulling Out Of Senior World Championships

It was announced this week that "WWE NXT's" Gable Steveson had decided against competing at the 2023 Senior World Championships later this month. During an appearance on the "Wrestling Observer Radio" show, longtime wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer spoke about Steveson's situation.

"This is a real weird one," Meltzer said. "So he's not doing the world championships, is the jist of the story. This whole thing is so strange because he not only competed — I mean, he competed in two events to get to where he was going to do the world championships, and then he doesn't compete in the world championships — and he dominated in the events. 

"Ultimately, it was so weird to me because last week he was still listed as doing it, but every time I asked people at WWE, 'Is he doing it?' I never got an answer ... They had to approve him doing it. So they approved him going back to the U.S. for the nationals this year. They approved him doing that. He blitzed everybody. Then Final X, where he would face Mason Parris for the shot, he beat him in two straight matches, dominated in both matches as well."

Meltzer said he didn't know if Steveson was going to wrestle again. He also wasn't sure if WWE would allow him to compete again. Meltzer found it "weird" because there was a big thing about Steveson never winning a world championship in amateur wrestling — Steveson previously won gold medals at the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships and at the Olympics.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit the "Wrestling Observer Radio" with an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

