Paul Wight Compares AEW President Tony Khan To Previous Bosses In Pro Wrestling

Having been in the wrestling business for nearly thirty years, Paul Wight has worked for a lot of important figures in wrestling, from Eric Bischoff in WCW to Vince McMahon in WWE to now Tony Khan in AEW. As such, he knows the pros and cons of all three men, and what separates his current boss, Khan, from his old bosses. He revealed just what that is when asked by "DAZN."


"Tony is no stress, for me," Wight said. "I show up, I work hard, I give a full effort, my effort's appreciated, and Tony's grateful for my being a part of AEW. That's not just me, that's how he treats all talent. I think there's a definite ... more of a respect for personnel than you get when you work with Tony because Tony runs AEW like you would run a professional, American football team, or a soccer team. It's top-of-the-line, player-focused, and that's the way Tony runs AEW. He's really focused on the talent, not so much of what's best for AEW, what's best for the brand, what's best for the company."

"A lot of his motivations are 'Are my talent happy? Are my talent motivated? Are my talent engaged? Are they involved?' He's really good about that, he really is. It's a different atmosphere. Any time a professional athlete, you'll tend to feel like a piece of meat. You're only as good as the last thing that you've done, you're only good as far as what you can provide. I don't get that feeling here with AEW. I feel like I'm part of something, I'm helping build something. And that's a unique position for me to be in at this stage of my career."


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