Chad Gable Defeats GUNTHER By Count-Out In WWE Raw Intercontinental Title Match

Chad Gable handed the WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER his first singles loss since arriving on the WWE main roster, but "The Ring General" still holds the gold thanks to the "champion's advantage" following Gable's count-out victory, hanging on to the belt even in defeat. GUNTHER, who is just 18 days away from beating The Honky Tonk Man's record-setting reign, was counted out after Gable sent him over the barricade, into the timekeeper's area and made it back into the ring himself at the count of nine.

The champion, who did not have the help of his Imperium stablemates at ringside during the match, attempted to get Gable counted out multiple times throughout the bout. At one point, Gable even looked to have the match won, pinning GUNTHER off a German suplex. The champion was able to kick out and regain control of the match for a while before the match spilled out of the ring.

After the bell rang and Gable was announced as the winner, Imperium appeared and made ring announcer Samantha Irvin announce that GUNTHER was still the Intercontinental Champion. Gable made his way up the ramp, announcing the title would soon be going home with him. As of this writing, no official Intercontinental Championship match has been announced for Payback, WWE's next premium live event from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania coming up on September 2.

