AEW Rampage Results 8/18 - The Outcasts Vs. Hikaru Shida & Skye Blue, Rey Fenix Vs. Komander

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on August 18, 2023, coming to you from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee!

AEW Women's World Champion Hikaru Shida will be joining forces with Skye Blue to take on Ruby Soho and Toni Storm during Night Two of Fight For The Fallen. Blue will surely be looking for some retribution tonight after Soho and Storm not only aided their fellow Outcasts teammate Saraya in defeating her on last Friday's "Rampage", but helped her punch her ticket to the All In Four-Way Women's Championship bout.


Before they put their ROH World Tag Team Championship on the line against MJF and Adam Cole on the All In Zero Hour Pre-Show, Aussie Open looks to gain some momentum heading into the match as they defend their title against Brother Zay and Ethan Page. Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis have been titleholders since dethroning The Lucha Brothers in a Four-Way match at ROH Death Before Dishonor 2023.

Speaking of The Lucha Brothers, Rey Fenix will be colliding with Komander in a first time ever singles matchup. Elsewhere, Sammy Guevara will be in action against an unnamed opponent. Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. also has something to share tonight after she secured the final spot in the AEW Women's World Championship match in London, England during this past Wednesday's episode of "AEW Dynamite".


We are live! Excalibur and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as Komander and Rey Fenix are already waiting in the ring.

Rey Fenix (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Komander

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth with submission holds before the action spills out of the ring. Komander goes flying over the top rope and levels Fenix on the outside. The two get back inside the ring, and Fenix delivers a double stomp off the top rope. He follows it up with a kick to Komander's head.


Back from the break, Komander delivers a springboard crossbody to Fenix. He follows it up with a tijeras, but Fenix fires back with a superkick and sets up for a powerbomb. Komander counters into a reverse hurricanrana, then gets him up on his shoulders and plants him with the double knees. We see Blackpool Combat Club watching on from backstage as Fenix delivers a kick to Komander's spine and a second running one off the top rope. Komander fires back with a Crucifix Bomb, but Fenix lands a roundhouse kick and the two slug it out with elbows.

Komander delivers a Canadian Destroyer off the top rope, then walks it and delivers a Shooting Star Press. He goes for a pin, but Fenix somehow manages to kick out. Komander ascends to the top and looks for a 450 Splash, but Fenix fires back with a ripcord knee and a roundhouse kick before planting him. He then delivers several chops and a Muscle Buster for the win.


Winner: Rey Fenix

We then head backstage to Renee Paquette and Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.. Paquette asks Baker what it would mean for her to win back the AEW Women's World Championship, and Baker says it would be a full circle moment for her to win back the title after she helped lay down the foundations of the women's division.

Back from the break, Brother Zay and Ethan Page head down. Aussie Open follows.

Aussie Open vs. Brother Zay and Ethan Page for the Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Championship

The bell rings and Aussie Open wastes no time going after Zay and Page. Fletcher delivers a stomp to Zay before Davis tags in and Aussie Open delivers a double chop. Davis then plants Zay and tags Fletcher back in. Fletcher lands a stomp, but Zay catches him with an arm drag. Davis tries interfering, but Zay hits him with an enziguri and Page clotheslines him out of the ring. Zay then goes flying off the top rope and levels Aussie Open on the outside. Page (now the legal man) pins Fletcher, but Davis breaks the fall. Zayn delivers a shoulder to Fletcher's midsection as Page wears down Davis. Aussie Open eventually overpower Zay and Page before sending them crashing into one another.


Back from the break, Page delivers a Fisherman's Buster to Fletcher. Zay tags in and delivers a pair of back elbows to Fletcher, then follows it up with a springboard crossbody. He ascends to the top and looks for a Swanton Bomb, but Fletcher gets his knees up and follows up with a superkick. He delivers a cutter off the ropes with some help from Davis, then goes for a pin. Page breaks the fall, and Aussie Open catches him with a double thrust kick. Davis then tags in and Aussie Open lands a double lariats before hitting the Coriolis for the win.

Winners (and still): Aussie Open

After the match, Davis says Aussie Open will prove they're the best in London. Fletcher then takes a few shots at MJF and Adam Cole.


We then head over to a video from The Hardys challenging Aussie Open for the ROH World Tag Team Championships.

Back at ringside, Sammy Guevara heads down. Jon Cruz is already waiting in the ring.

Sammy Guevara vs. Jon Cruz

The bell rings and the two lock up. Guevara delivers a shoulder tackle and a dropkick, then levels Cruz on the outside. He tosses him back in and delivers a kick to his head, then follows it up with a jumping knee strike and GTH for the win.


Winner: Sammy Guevara

The Outcasts head down to the ring. Skye Blue and Hikaru Shida follow.

Hikaru Shida and Skye Blue vs. The Outcasts (w/ Saraya)

The Outcasts blindside Shida and Blue as they get in the ring. The bell rings and Storm jams her boot into Shida's neck as Soho tosses Blue inside the ring. Blue fires off forearms on Soho, then delivers a tijeras and looks for a jumping knee. Soho avoids the maneuver and sends her into the top turnbuckle face first. Storm tags in and Soho fires off stomps. She continues wearing down Blue before Soho tags back in and fires off more stomps. Storm attacks Blue while the referee is distracted. The Outcasts then double team on Blue and send her crashing into the corner before the now legal Storm sends her crashing to the outside and Soho plants her on the floor.


Back from the break, Blue delivers a kick to Storm's face and tags in Shida. Soho tags in, and Shida knocks Storm off the apron. She sends Soho crashing to the mat off her shoulders, then follows it up with a kick to her head. An interfering Storm levels her with a German suplex, but Blue takes her down with an enziguri. Soho then levels Blue with a Saito suplex before Shida rocks her with a knee to her jaw. Blue tags in and Soho sprays her with the green spray paint. She sends her into the middle turnbuckle, then tags in Storm. Storm delivers a Hip Attack and goes for a pin, but Shida breaks the fall and becomes legal.

Shida and Storm go back and forth with forearms. Shida gains the upper hand and unloads on Storm, then runs the ropes. Saraya grabs her ankle, allowing for Storm to deliver a high kick. Soho tags in and The Outcasts look for a double power bomb, but Blue saves Shida and plants Soho for the win.


Winners: Hikaru Shida and Skye Blue

After the match, Shida and Blue continue to brawl with The Outcasts, but Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. runs down to even the odds. Security guards run down to separate all six women as the show goes off the air.

